W & P Action Plan A.G.M. 2019 - A.G.M. 2022


The following frame work sets out what Guild Officers will work towards over the next few years. Having an Action Plan in place will enable ideas to develop, provide continuity and ensure the Guild is striving to be a relevant entity for its members.

The vision is of a central administration which can provide resources, educational initiatives and public relations representation advice and support, using resources to best advantage whilst encouraging Districts to be more independent and flexible in what they offer in terms of local day to day ringing.

The Action Plan can be developed in detail as appropriate and will significantly take into account members’ feedback including matters of budget. It will be reviewed annually to monitor progress.

  1. Ongoing work:

  2. Key need areas identified:

    1. Communications:
      Leader Steve Lamb: working with Principal officers, Communications team and the GDPR representative.

      Budget: £700

      • Seek out and encourage more ‘relevant experience’ volunteer assistance for the website Timescale: ongoing

      • {discuss at the AGM} It is suggested to replace the existing W&P website with something more modern? We propose to investigate the options and present alternatives with budgets at the November 2021 Executive meeting Timescale: November 2021

      • To hold a series of forums with district secretaries and treasurers to discuss the Guild membership database and the Guild communications database, how it will be used at various levels and how data is securely stored including the implications of GDPR.

      • Seek out and establish a small group of ‘News Ambassadors’ in local areas to work alongside the Communications Team. Timescale: ongoing

      • Review GDPR policy and provide relevant training and guidance to key district and guild officers. Timescale: June 2020

    2. Young Ringers:
      Leader Helen Woolford: working with Principal Officers, W&P Young Ringers Group and the Safeguarding Officer.

      Budget: £0

      • Support the Safeguarding Officer to review the Safeguarding policy and seek its approval by the Executive Committee. Once approved, push out the policy to all towers. Timescale: Completed- Policy approved at March 2021 Executive Committee. Guild Secretary disseminated the Policy to Districts for onwards distribution to all towers.

      • Work with the safeguarding officer to provide available training for protection of young and vulnerable people. Timescale: March 2022

      • Gain knowledge of young ringers groups and work with these to maintain and increase easy access to the Young Ringers’ groups training and events, and available financial support. Timescale: June 2022

      • Assist districts with strategies for recruitment of young ringers at a local level and creation of local young ringers groups. Timescale: June 2022

      • Work with young ringers to develop a programme of Guild events specifically designed for them (outings, competitions etc.) Timescale: Dependant on situation when returning to ringing after covid pandemic.

    3. Recruitment and Retention:
      Leader TBD: working with Principal officers, Education Committee, communications team and Local districts.

      Budget: £40

      • Garner available and appropriate resources, including financial, to ensure there is a continuous supply of new ringers and that they are well-trained and motivated for the long term benefit of all. Timescale: June 2022

      • Consider new opportunities for recruitment initiatives at local level. Timescale: Sept 2021 - Action - Districts

      • Learn to ring events. Timescale: March 2022

      • Investigate opportunities to assist with funding of recruitment and retention. Timescale: March 2022

      • Identify and publish towers able to train new ringers on behalf of struggling towers, as well as for their own benefit. Timescale: March 2022

      • Develop ‘new ringer welcome pack’ and ‘Welcome Back to Ringing pack’. Timescale: September 2021 - Viv Nobbs & Pete Jordan

    4. Education:
      Leader Pete Jordan: working with Principal officers, Education Committee and Local Districts

      Budget: £0

      • Following covid-19 Lockdown, provide a support raft of resources to equip districts and towers to ensure that bells and fittings are in a safe condition to restart ringing activities and to provide support and retraining where required to returning ringers. Timescale: June 2021

      • Each district to plan how they can support recruitment and training new ringers once in a legal and safe position to resume one to one training. This to be based on local resources available to give a secure path for retaining new recruits. Timescale: June 2021

      • Across the Guild area, support educational initiatives, especially those improving the quality and sustainability of ringing and ringing teaching. Timescale: June 2022

      • Encourage ‘relevant experience’ volunteer assistance at local training events. Timescale: June 2021

      • Develop strategies to provide key support for training at district level. Timescale: June 2021

    5. Heritage:
      Leader Allan Yalden: working with Principal officers, Local Districts and the Education committee.

      Budget: £150

      • Consider further action to protect our heritage, including undertaking and archiving audio recordings of bells for future generations, and photographing peal boards and other significant historic artefacts. Timescale: To seek a volunteer or more to gather firstly the audio by end of 2021 and then the peal board pictures using lessons learned from the initial action by end 2022. Help may also be needed from the Comms team.

      • Develop local training for Steeple keepers to help maintain bells for the future. There is support for this from the S&M workgroup of the Central Council. A spanner’s group is thought to be possible as each towers requirement has a different engineering challenge. Timescale: end 2022

      • Investigate ways to support local tower maintenance through the BRF, maintenance groups or centralised resources. Timescale: see above

      • Continue with update and completion of the bell stock survey. A trial is in place to link this to the Dove website Timescale: June 2022

    6. Guild Operations:
      Leader Pete Jordan: working with Principal officers, to act as a top level focal point between the Belfry Stewardship Committee, BRF Trustees & Guild membership.

      Budget: £0

      Mission statement

      To consult with the membership with regarding to reviewing the operation of the Guild and make recommendations for the years ahead.

      Scope of work

      • BRF focus

        • Investment of surplus BRF funds to maintain capital value

        • BRF grant levels

        • Likely implications of Covid-19 and reduction in parish income

      • Belfry Stewardship focus

        • Updating and completion of bell stock survey to inform future decision making. Data consistency.

        • How maintenance inspection scheme should work in practice. Professional / internal inspection? Training?

        • Review rule 23 (Redundant bells), especially in light of possible future redundancies and the activities of the Keltek Trust

      • Guild membership focus

        • Consultation (survey) membership to establish what benefits they value from their membership - how would they like to see their subs used? What benefits would they like?

        • Encouraging Districts to use their surplus funds (Rule 16)

        • Use of the Training & Development Fund

        • Fund-raising ideas from other Guilds & Associations - existing - district practices / 200 club. What do we need this for? Fund raising at local level for local projects. Do the members want this?

        • Subscription levels in the light of the above

        • Would charitable status of whole Guild (not just BRF) be of benefit - gift aid & more flexibility etc.

      To report back to the Executive committee and AGM 2022.

  3. Future events:

Rev 1.4 07/06/2021