Andover District

The Andover District members had beautiful sunny weather for their summer meeting when ringing took place in seven towers in North Hampshire.

East Woodhay's pleasant six were available for an hour from 1 to 2 p.m., then the noisy six at Woolton Hill before going on to the eight at Highclere.

The service was conducted at Highclere by the Rector (the Rev. T. W. Lewis), who welcomed the visitors. Tea was served by the Highclere lady ringers, and there was more than enough for everyone present.

Six new members were elected from the Burghclere tower, making seven in all from here, others elected being from Andover and a life member from Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Mr. Alliston, the District's chairman, announced that Mr. J. Wimlett, a ringing member of Whitchurch, had been awarded the M.B.E. in the recent honours list and, being present, he was congratulated by the meeting.

Ringing afterwards followed at Burghclere, Newton, Sydmonton and Kingsclere. Methods rung ranged from Grandsire Doubles to Bristol Surprise Major.

G. K. D.

The Ringing World No. 2673, July 13, 1962, page 458