The annual meeting of the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Guild was held at Southampton on July 5th. Mr. F. W. Rogers (Master) presided and some 60 members were present from a wide area of the Guild. Visitors from London were Messrs. W. Theobald and W. Williams.

The recorder reported a big drop in the number of peals rung - from 113 in 1956 to 39 in 1957. This was largely because the handbell bands at Portsmouth and Bournemouth had been depleted.

The librarian reported a great year for the library; two gifts of books had been received: (1) from Southampton University Ringers; (2) from an anonymous donor. The Guild handbells had been in constant use, chiefly by the Southampton University Guild.

Officers elected were: Master, Mr. F. W. Rogers; treasurer, Mr. R. Reed; general secretary, Mr. J. King; auditor, Mr. L. Bailey; librarian, Rev. K. W. H. Felstead.

The recorder of peals, Mr. M. Lakin, announced that he was not seeking re-election, as probably he would be leaving the area shortly. He was thanked for his services. Mr. D. Matkin (Bournemouth) was elected recorder.

It was decided to hold the next annual general meeting at Portsmouth on July 4th, 1959.

Mrs. Kippin said that in recent years a great deal of time had been taken up at their meetings over alterations to rules, and she felt that an overhaul was needed. It was decided to set up a sub-committee comprising: Admiral Everett, Mr. C. Kippin and Mr. R. Reed to go into the matter, and report back.

The service was held in St. Mary's Church, the preacher being Rev. R. O. Stephenson (Bitterne Park). Tea was afterwards taken in the Chantry Hall.

The rings of ten at St. Mary's, St. Michael's and North Stoneham and the ring of eight at Bitterne Park were available to members during the afternoon and evening.

The Ringing World No. 2468, July 18, 1958, page 467