Christchurch District

The annual District meeting of the Christchurch District was held at Christchurch on December 6th. Forty ringers attended and there were visitors from Kingston-on-Thames, Wimborne and Southampton District.

The annual Guild service was conducted by Canon R. P. Price (Vicar of Christchurch). An inspiring sermon was preached by Canon C. Dudley Kirkham (rural dean), based on the text "Fellow-workers with Christ."

Tea was served in the Priory Restaurant, and this was followed by the meeting. As the chairman of the District, Rear-Admiral D. H. Everett, was unable to be present, Canon R. P. Price acceded to the request of the members to preside. The hon. secretary's report for 1958 recorded an increase of nine members. He also reported that there had been an increase in the number of ringers attending the four quarterly and the four practice meetings held during the year. Reports on the activities of all towers in the District were given, and these showed an overall picture of steady progress in seven out of the 11 affiliated towers. The remaining four towers were reported to be lacking in recruits and interest in the Guild activities.

District officers elected for 1959 were: Chairman, Rear-Admiral Everett; secretary and treasurer, Mr. W. T. Godfrey; vice-chairman, Mr. M. J. E. Best; joint Ringing Masters, Mr. W. E. Cheater and Mr. R. Marlow; representatives to the executive committee, Mrs. F. J. Marshallsay and Mr. A. V. Davis; auditor, Mr. R. Hurst.

The meeting was informed by Mr. H. A. Mitchell (captain of Bournemouth, St. John's, tower) of an appeal which had been made for £1,000 for an immediate repair of the bells and a projected repair of the tower and spire. A donation of one guinea was voted to the fund and a collection was also made at. the meeting. Any donations from friends of the tower or visitors who have enjoyed the pleasure of ringing on the bells during their summer holidays should be sent to Major C. F. Ball, 20, Branksome Wood Road, Bournemouth.

After some discussion, the meeting agreed to take no further action at present in reorganising the George Williams commemoration dinner, which was not held during the past year owing to the lack of support, and financial difficulties.

Good use of the Priory bells was made both before and after the annual meeting by all those who attended.

W. T. G.

The Ringing World No. 2490, December 19, 1958, page 829