1. Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome

    The Master, Rev Barry Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, Derek Jackson, the Honorary General Treasurer, Michael Bubb, and the Minute Secretary, Andrew Case, opened the meeting at 10.01 with a prayer, and welcomed the 18 other members present. The Master especially welcomed John Colliss as convenor of the Striking Competitions Committee, returning to the Executive after an absence of 5½ years, and Gail Cater, convenor of the Education Committee, returning after nine years.

  2. Apologies for Absence

    Apologies were received from:-
    Elizabeth Johnson, Hugh Routh, Barbara Townsend, Bob Cater, Roy LeMarechal, David Holmes, Martin Hough, Steven Donovan, Jane Le Conte, Jacqui Dunster and Martin Waldron.

  3. Loss of Members through death

    The meeting stood in silence to remember Maurice Butler (Southampton - former Guild Librarian and Southampton District Secretary 1949-1967), Alistair Neal (Christchurch Priory), and Lt Cdr Geoffrey Wardle (formerly of Crawley - one time Winchester District Chairman).

  4. Minutes of the last meeting (2 March 1991)

    Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in April. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.

  5. Matters Arising

    1. 200 Club. Mark Esbester had circulated a list of prize winners at the meeting and advised that there would be a donation to the BRF of £347.

    2. Books for Districts. The Secretary had obtained copies of the "Right Way to Conduct Meetings" book and it was agreed that these should be passed to districts with District Officers being approached by the Master as necessary. It was not felt that a letter was necessary to accompany each book.

    3. Insurance. The Secretary had copies of the insurance policy for the Library and public liability available for districts.

    4. The Master reported that the Guild had been well represented at the Central Council Centenary Service at St Paul's Cathedral in May.

  6. Report of the Striking Competitions Committee

    John Colliss presented the report. Its adoption was proposed by John Colliss, seconded by the Master and carried nem con.

    The Committee proposed the following dates for 1992 (towers to be arranged)

    Inter District & Junior/Novice9 May
    6 & 8 Bell20 June

  7. Report of the Social Committee

    Robin Milford read the report on the social events held during 1991. Adoption of the report was proposed by Robin Milford, seconded by Joyce Croft and carried nem con.

    The Committee were proposing to arrange the 1992 dinner on 4 April 1992 at The Vine, Ower and hoping to have Christopher Groome, President of the Central Council as guest speaker.

  8. Report of the Education Committee

    Gail Cater read the report mentioning that the final version would contain a report of the ringing school to be held shortly. Subject to this addition, the report was adopted on the proposition of Gail Cater, seconded by Mark Esbester.

    The Committee were arranging a Ringing School to be held at Romsey on 2 May 1992.

  9. Report on Bell Restoration Work

    The Secretary read his report to the meeting. Subject to minor amendments, adoption of the report was proposed by the Secretary, seconded by Ruth Jackson, and carried nem con.

  10. Other Correspondence

    1. The Council for the Care of Churches draft Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes. The Central Council's response to this document appeared in the Ringing World for 22 November (No.4204 page 1105). Tony Smith did not think the code in its present form would gain general acceptance, and although some Guild members had already responded to the draft, Tony advised that he would be very happy to discuss it with anyone else.

    2. Central Council Administrative Committee report on the Representation of Societies. Tony Smith advised that although there was a feeling that some change was needed, the present proposals were not generally accepted. The Secretary asked whether members wished to put forward views on the questions at the end of the paper. The Master felt that Districts and individual members could put forward their own views if they so wished. Tony Smith again offered to discuss the proposals with interested parties.

    3. The Secretary sought advice regarding inter- and intra- District communication. Several fairly long documents including those referred to at a and b above had been received from the Central Council and comments on them requested. The Secretary had copied these papers and sent them on to Guild members at some expense. There was some discussion during which it was suggested that the Secretary should not need to distribute what might be classified as junk mail, but that if papers needed to be discussed at meetings then it was helpful to be able to consider them in advance of the meeting. It was decided that the Secretary should use discretion as to the documents to be circulated and, if in doubt, consult the Master.

      The Secretary advised that he appeared to be the only person to receive all district newsletters. Joyce Croft suggested that these should also be forwarded by Districts to the Guild Public Relations Officer.

    4. The Secretary had some copies available of the Central Council publicity leaflet aimed at non ringers for tower open days etc.

    5. Thanks had been received from Frank & Phyllis Rich for a Golden Wedding anniversary card and the following for BRF grants received or promised:- Southampton City Centre Parish, New Alresford, Mottisfont, Compton, Rotherwick, and Upton Grey. Nether Wallop had submitted a late request for a BRF grant, but had now written to advise that fund raising was going well and a BRF grant may no longer be required. The Secretary had written to Hinton Admiral, Wootton (Isle of Wight), and Hurstbourne Priors regarding grants allocated but not taken up. All three had replied to say that work is unlikely to proceed and the monies should be re-allocated.

    6. The Oxford Diocesan Guild had asked if the Guild could suggest judges for a striking competition for the May Day bank holiday in 1992. It was left for interested members to contact the Secretary.

    7. Patrick Matthews had written to advise that he had been involved in the production of a recruitment video. Kim Matthews agreed to enquire whether the video could be copied and purchased by the Guild.

    8. Further to item 13/3/91 and item 8 at the 1991 AGM, the Secretary not been able to take up Andrew Craddock's offer because of insurance difficulties. The Secretary was in touch with the Central Council computer co-ordination committee and was awaiting a written reply.

    9. The Secretary had been having considerable correspondence with John Hunt who had been invited to attend the AGM and the Autumn Executive meeting in 1991 to speak on the matters he had raised. John Hunt had not attended either meeting and the correspondence had now been concluded.

    10. The Social Committee had written seeking guidance regarding complimentary tickets for the Guild Dinner. It was proposed by Gilian Davis and seconded by Mark Esbester that all Guild members and their guests should purchase their own tickets. This was carried nem con. There followed a discussion as to Guild Officers expenses, there being general agreement that the Officers should be able to claim expenses for Guild duties. It was left for the Principal Officers to formulate a proposal to be discussed at the March Executive.

  11. Date of Next Meeting

    It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Saturday 14 March 1992 in Winchester if possible.