1. Opening Prayer and Master's Welcome

    The Master, Rev Barry Fry, supported by the Honorary General Secretary, Robert Cater, the Honorary General Treasurer, Michael Bubb, and the Minute Secretary, Andrew Case, opened the meeting at 10.15 with a prayer, and welcomed the 18 other members present. The following members attended:- Kim Matthews, Rita Carton, Gail Cater, Gilian Davis, Faith Webster, and Wendy Ling; Barry Fry, Bob Cater, Michael Bubb, Ian McCallion, Andrew Case, Tony Smith, John Colliss, Roy LeMarechal, Brian Oakes, Peter Hill, Julian Atkins, Barry Downer, Francis Mitchell, David Whiting, Keith Williamson, David Savill, Colin Belsey, and Phil Watts.

  2. Apologies for Absence

    Apologies were received from:-
    Barbara Townsend, Ruth & Derek Jackson, Andrew Craddock, Alan Hoar, and Mark Esbester.

  3. Loss of Members through death

    The meeting stood in silence to remember Life Members Charlie Pound of Hawkley and Bill Fallaize of Vale, Guernsey.

  4. Minutes of the last meeting (13 March 1993)

    Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by the Minute Secretary in April. The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed.

  5. Matters Arising (not elsewhere on the Agenda)

    1. Silver Badges. The Secretary had obtained quotations which had been circulated with the agenda. The Master proposed that Members should be asked if they wished to order these badges which would cost in the region of £15 provided at least 25 are ordered. This was agreed nem con.

  6. Secretary's Communications

    1. Guild Insurance. The insurance policy now included the simulator, and all insured items are covered in transit between the mainland and off-shore islands. The Secretary advised that the Guild would not be covered for loss or damage from the next renewal if the items were are left in an unattended vehicle. Peter Hill suggested that the Guild handbells and the simulator carrying cases should carry a warning to this effect.

      There was a discussion regarding the insurance of the Guild handbells and it was agreed that the Secretary would investigate the cost of insuring these with specialist companies, the Principal Officers being authorized to finalize arrangements for continued insurance cover for the handbells.

    2. The Ringing World would shortly be publishing a report of a meeting between members of the Central Council Administrative Committee and the Ecclesiastical Insurance Company regarding bells left "up" and belfry safety.

    3. The Central Council Towers and Belfries Committee was organizing a seminar for bell advisers and this would be publicized in the Ringing World. It was agreed later in the meeting that the Principal Officers would try to send a delegate to this event with expenses being met by the Guild.

    4. The Council for the Care of Churches would be launching its Code of Practice for the Conservation of Bells and Bellframes in late November. It was agreed that the Secretary should purchase a copy of the Code for the library at a cost of £3.50.

    5. The new Dean of Jersey had accepted the Secretary's invitation to become a Vice President of the Guild.

    6. The Secretary of the Dorset County Association had written to advise that the Association would be seeking affiliation to the Central Council at the meeting in May 1994. This Association includes some towers which are within the Winchester Diocese.

    7. Canon Felstead, who was Guild Master from 1962-1968 now living in Goring on Thames, had written sending his greetings to the Guild.

    8. The Revd Jennifer Mole from Cardiff had written asking for the Guild's permission to use 3 slightly modified hymns from the Guild Order of Service. It was agreed that no objection be raised, but it was pointed out that the Guild did not hold the copyright to all the hymns within the Order of Service.

    9. The Secretary had written to the Portsmouth Diocesan Advisory Committee asking who was to be their bells adviser now that George Elphick of Sussex had sadly died. The Secretary to the DAC had replied that they were approaching the Council for the Care of Churches regarding a suitable appointee.

    10. Derek Jackson had written to express his delight at being elected a Life Member of the Guild. He felt it a considerable honour to be listed alongside other Life Members of the Guild.

    11. Derek Jackson had also written to express some concern over what he had thought was a suggestion that the 1995 AGM be held in Guernsey since many members would be unable to attend and vote. He suggested that the Guild might wish to consider a system of postal votes. The Secretary advised that it was not the intention to hold the AGM in Guernsey and expressed his doubts about postal voting since those voting need to be aware of any debate and this would be very difficult to achieve. It was resolved that the matter be noted, but that no further action be taken.

  7. Life Membership Notifications

    There were none reported and no nominations were received.

  8. Report and Accounts of the Striking Competitions Committee

    John Colliss presented the report and accounts. The Master proposed adoption of the report and this was carried nem con.

    Julian Atkins asked that the committee consider holding the 1994 6 & 8 bell competitions on the Isle of Wight, but reservations were expressed as to the practicality of this since the competitions were to be held on a Friday evening and the consecutive Saturday.

    Phil Watts suggested the committee consider using district striking competitions as eliminators for the Guild competitions.

  9. Report and Accounts of the Social Committee

    Rita Carton was welcomed to the Executive Committee in her role as convenor of the Social Committee. The Social Committee's report and accounts had been circulated with the agenda papers. Tony Smith suggested that the report should contain more detail of the 1993 dinner including a note of the speakers. Rita agreed that the Master and Secretary could appropriately revise the report.

  10. Report and Accounts of the Education Committee

    Gail Cater had prepared the report and accounts of the Committee and these had been circulated with the agenda papers for the meeting. It was resolved that the report and accounts be accepted.

  11. Administration of the Ringleader Simulator

    A proposal of the Education Committee had been prepared and circulated with the agenda papers. The Treasurer suggested that the proposal should include a statement that the simulator should not be left unattended in a vehicle or tower. Julian Atkins suggested that it should be made clear that District Secretaries are able to delegate responsibility for the simulator to local towers. This was agreed and the proposal adopted.

  12. Guild Report for 1993

    Ruth Jackson had prepared a paper for the Secretary. It was intended that camera ready copy would be sent to John Longridge, as in previous years, and that the Principal Officers be authorized to accept a quotation. It was pointed out that many printers would be able to produce the reports from camera ready copy and accordingly it was resolved that other quotes would be sought, and that the Principal Officers be authorized to accept a quotation.

    It was agreed that the rules should be included in the Report and that its availability should again be advertised in the Ringing World.

  13. Public Relations Officer - Finances

    Ian McCallion advised that the cost of the newsletter had risen to around 47p per copy and that 190 copies were produced. Ian was currently £100.08 out of pocket. It was resolved that the PRO receive £100 immediately with a further £100 to fund the January 1994 issue and the PRO should present a further review of the budget and costs of production at the March Executive.

  14. Guild Library

    Kim Matthews proposed that the Guild should contribute £10 annually to the Friends of the Central Council Library and it was agreed that the Library fund should contribute this amount.

    Kim advised that there was now a fan heater switched on permanently in the room containing the Guild Library at Christchurch Priory so that the conditions have improved considerably. However there was now no space left in the library cabinet, much of which is taken up with Ringing Worlds. Kim suggested that the Hampshire Records office be approached to establish whether they would be prepared to store some of the Guild's records. It was agreed that Kim should approach the Records Office to see what material they would be prepared to take and then report back to the March Executive with an inventory of this material. It was also agreed that Gilian Davis would investigate the acquisition of a further lockable heavy duty metal cabinet.

  15. Guild Garments - proposals for purchase and sale

    The Secretary circulated samples of sweatshirts for comparison. It was agreed that Members be approached for orders for various garments to be obtained from Welbeck Embroidery and to be sold at approximately £2 above cost price.

  16. BRF Fund Raising

    The Master suggested that we should be thinking more about maintenance as well as restoration, particularly as there are increasing financial problems in parishes. It was suggested that there might be a need for advisers and/or maintenance teams in each district. There was a lengthy discussion and it was agreed that the Master be authorized to elect small sub committee to consider the matter and report back to the next meeting. There was then a discussion regarding fund raising for the BRF. A letter from the Treasurer had been circulated with the agenda papers pointing out that only 8 Guild members have covenants with the BRF out of a total membership of 820. This was a very efficient method of giving for taxpayers because the Inland Revenue gives the Guild tax paid on the amount donated. It was suggested that if the members of the Executive committee completed covenants for £25 pa then an example might be set for other members. It was agreed that another sub committee be appointed by the Master to consider fund raising for the BRF generally and report back to the next meeting.

  17. Guild Order of Service

    A small ad hoc committee consisting of the Master, the Secretary, Gilian Davis, Alan Hoar, and Revd Canon Keith Walker (a Guild Member at Winchester Cathedral) had been convened to consider a revised Service booklet to be used as an alternative to the existing Guild Order of Service or as a helpful supplement to that book. The Secretary had circulated with the agenda papers a draft version of the booklet which was still being considered by the committee, although comments were welcomed from interested parties.

  18. Information Items

    1. The 1994 AGM was to be held in Basingstoke on 2 July. It was hoped that there would be 2 ringing routes into Basingstoke, with the Service to be held at St Michael's at 4pm, followed by tea and the meeting and further ringing at All Saints. It was felt by the meeting that it would be helpful to those travelling long distances (including members from the Isle of Wight) if the timings could be earlier than those mentioned at the meeting.

    2. Colin Belsey advised the meeting that the Channel Islands ringers were very keen to host some form of Guild event following installation of the new eight at the Town Church in St Peter Port, Guernsey in 1995. It was agreed that it would probably be best if this gathering took the form primarily of a social occasion rather than a business meeting of the Guild, possibly something along the lines of the last Guild Festival held on the Channel Islands. The cost would be in the region of £300 per person for the whole weekend.

    3. The Secretary had received a letter from Robin Milford suggesting that the Guild should consider making arrangements for bells to be rung in Guild towers for bellringing publicity when the Tour de France takes place in Hampshire from 5 - 7 July 1994. It was agreed that the letter be passed to District Secretaries for them to raise at district level and act on as they see fit.

  19. Date and Place of Next Meeting

    It was agreed that the next Executive Committee meeting be held on Saturday 5 March 1994 at 10.15 am at St Barnabas Church Hall, Southampton.

  20. Any Other Business

    1. The Secretary asked if District Secretaries would please notify him of the dates and venues for their meetings etc in 1994.

    2. Gilian Davis advised that 1994 was the 900th anniversary for Christchurch Priory. There would be an all day ringers workshop as part of the celebrations, to be held on 16 April 1994.

    3. Phil Watts advised that the bells at St Nicolas, North Stoneham would be rededicated at Evensong on 5 December 1993. There would be open ringing from 4.30 until 6 pm, with silence then until the Service at 6.30.

    4. Bob Cater, in his capacity as tower secretary, advised that Winchester Cathedral bells were available for districts to ring quarter peals on Sunday afternoons in August.

    There being no further business, the Master closed the meeting with prayers at 13.41 pm.