Despite the very unfavourable weather conditions on Saturday last, a successful meeting was held at Netley Abbey, when ringers and friends numbering 37 were present from Fareham, Hambledon, Havant, North Stoneham, Netley, Portsmouth (St. Mary’s and St. Thomas’), Ringwood, Southampton, Swanmore, together with the Master (Mr. G. Williams). Owing to illness, the Vicar could not attend and conduct the service, but wished the meeting every success.

The members made good use of the bells until 5 p.m., when they adjourned to the Alexandra Cafe for the tea and business meeting.

At the outset the Chairman referred to the lamented death of the vice-president, the Rev. C. E. Matthews, who was formerly Vicar of Titchfield, and a keen member of the district, and the members stood in silence for a few moments.

Apologies for absence were read from the Vicar, the general secretary and also Bramshott and Wickham.- Two full members and ten probationers (including nine ladies from Hambledon) were elected. It was very gratifying to see no less than six of the Hambledon ladies present at the meeting, and they rang their first rounds on eight bells very creditably.

The Central Committee representatives gave a resume of the committee meeting held at Winchester on the previous Saturday, when several important matters affecting the division of the Guild were discussed and recommendations made, including the formation of a Winchester and Portsmouth Diocesan Association.

It was decided to hold the next meeting at Hambledon on May 21st next, due notice of which will appear in ‘The Ringing World.’

Votes of thanks were accorded the Vicar for the use of the bells, the members wishing him a speedy recovery.

A further visit was then made to the tower until about 8 p.m. During the afternoon and evening, various touches were rung in methods which included Superlative and Cambridge Surprise Major.

The Ringing World No. 832, March 4th, 1927, page 139