R LeMarechal 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 23654 - - - S - 32456 - - - S S 43256 - - - - 24356 - - - - 4235678E90 - S - - 34256 - - - - 23456 - - - - 42356E9780 - - - 34256 - - - - 23456 - - - - 3245679E80 - - - - 43256 - - - - 24356 - - - - 324567809E - S S - 43256 - - - - 24356 - - - - 3245678E90 - S - - 43256 - - - - 24356 - - - - 32456E9780 - - - 43256 - - - - 24356 - - - - 4235679E80 - - - - 34256 - - - - 23456 - - - - 423567809E - S S - 34256 - - - - 23456 - - - - 834265709E - S 623548709E - - S 45263 - - - 34562 - - - S 2346587E90 - S - S 42365 - - - - 34265 - - - - 234658709E - S - - 42365 - - - - (34265) - - - - Winchester Cathedral, 1.1.2015
D F Morrison (No.3560a) 23456 B M W 54632 - - 43526 - 25634 - - 53246 - 473625 - (S3rds 236457 S4ths) 34256 2 2 3-part Omit bracketed calls in parts 2 and 3 Meonside Campanile, West Meon, 5.1.2015
A G Reading 23456 M B W H 36452 - 2 R.(P)L.B. | 43562 5ths/S5ths - C.B.(S)SRN. | 43625 - - YY.YY. | A 36425 S3rds/S4ths 2 NRSS.B.C.B. | 42365 - - LP.R. | 34256 A* 34265 3A 45263 - 2 R.PL.B. 24653 5ths/S5ths - C.B.SSRN. 537246 - S3rds - YY.Y.SP. 753246 - NLR. 375246 - PLNPN. 245367 S4ths - CPL.Y. 45236 S3rds/S4ths 2 NRSS.B.C.B. 23456 - - LP.R. A* = A, calling the two bracketed leads as C 800 Rutland; 768 each Bristol, Superlative, Yorkshire; 480 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey; 123 com 82 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s) 13 2468s (inc Queens), 6 each 8765s, 8756 at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 14 8765s (inc back rounds), 12 8756s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.1.2015 Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 30.7.2015
A G Reading 23456 B W In 5ths M 4ths H 34256 2 45362 - 56342 2 64523 - 54326 - 34625 X - 357624 3 - - (563427) - 473526 - - 3 237465 2 3 - 234567 3 - - X = B/4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 7568s 110 little bell runs at the back 12 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 6578s, 8756s 55 little bell runs off the front Chichester Cathedral, 10.1.2015
L J Woodward 213547698 5 8 15 16 415293876 1S.2.5S. (16 sixes) 413562879 2S.16 312564 - 3 | 214563 - 3 | A 412365 - - | 314265978 415263 - | | 412365 S S - | B | 215364 - | | 213465 S S - | | C 315462 - | 312654 4.11S.16 | 314256 - | 213456 B | 413297568 3.6S.8S.10S.13.14.17 412397 S - 214397 - S 213497 S - 312497 - S 413256978 3.6S.8S.10S.12S.13.14.17 214365 C 215463879 2.9S.16 213564 - 214365 A Start from the first row of a quick six Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 14.1.2015
O M Austin 23456 M W H 42356 SS - 43526 - 2 45236 SS - 2 2-part Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 14.1.2015
R R Horton 23456 M W H 42356 - SCNPCNYCN. 35426 - - NYCNY.R. 64523 - - L.CL. 26543 - BBBBBBBBB.R 35642 - - R.NL. 63542 - PPPPPPPPP. 46532 - LB.SSSS 26534 S SSSS.PPNCP 35462 S - S NCYB.S.L. 34562 S YYYYYYSYY. 54263 - R.SL 32465 - - CPCB.NR. 52463 S R.LLLLLLLL 43265 S - L.RRRLRRRR. 64235 - LB.L 53246 - - - R.N.L. 25346 - RRRRRRRLR. 34256 - - LC.CNYC. 23456 - SNYCNSCNB. 880 Rutland, 840 London No.3, 560 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire(N), Pudsey, Superlative No.2, Yorkshire; 73 com, atw St Mary, Southampton, 17.1.2015
J W Washbrook 231456 2 S H L Q 14 346125 S 516342 X X 236514 X X 456231 X X 126453 X X (231456) X X S 356412 X X | 512463 X X | 613452 X | 152436 X X | 536421 X X | 321465 X X | A 243615 X X X | 462135 X X X | 365142 X | 642153 X X | 453126 X X | 231456 4A St Agatha, Portsmouth, 19.1.2015
R B Smith (arr.) 23456 W M H 42356 - 62354 S 32456 6 - 62453 S 34256 6 - - 53246 - 6 43256 S 54236 - 6 23456 S - 6 = BBSBBS First course rung PLP 5080 Plain Bob, 8 Little Bob, 2 com Micheldever (handbells), 19.1.2015 New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 11.1.2016
D F Morrison (No.6477) 23456 5ths B M 4ths H 42635 X 24653 S S - - 24536 - - 34652 S S S X 34265 X X 6-part X = 16 21 each 56s, 65s at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s 18 each 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s off the front Kings, no 87s at back St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.2.2015 Bradford-on-Avon, 29.7.2017
A R Peake 23456 M 3rds B 5ths W H 34256 2 24536 - - - 32465 - S S 63254 - S S 25346 S S - 46532 S S 56342 - - - 23645 - - 3-part 144 cru at the back 36 cru at the front Tittums St Agatha Portsmouth, 6.2.2015
D F Morrison (No.3231) 23456 M W H 42356 3 - 32546 2 - 46253 S3rds/S5ths 472536 3 S5ths 532467 3 S4ths 3 - 62345 S S 23465 S 2 42365 SS - 63245 S S 25346 S - 23456 - 2 18 each 56s, 8765s; 12 65s at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 9.2.2015 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 22.2.2016
R D S Brown 23456 5ths B M W H 64352 - - 45623 - 26354 - - 52364 SS - 65324 SS - 42356 - - - 3-part 64 cru (inc 21 56s, 18 65s) 21 8765s, Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 10.2.2015
arr. B D Constant 23456 B W 5ths M 4ths/In H 52364 - 2 26543 - 54326 - X 42563 - 56342 - X 64523 - 35264 - X - 42356 X - 25463 - 34256 X - 45362 - 473526 - 3 234567 2 X - 18 each 5678s, 7568s, 8765s 60 little bell runs (inc. 18 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s) at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s (inc. back rounds) 60 little bell runs off the front Queens, Tittums All Saints, Basingstoke, 14.2.2015 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 23.2.2015
A G Reading (No.2) 23456 M W H 45236 - - YL.L. 24536 - BCBBCC. 43526 2 YL.LYYLCYLYB.L 53624 - YCLCYLC.B 56324 S YBBCBB. 24365 S - L.C.YLYYLCY 53462 - - L.BBL. 64352 2 2 BCBBCBC.YLCBCBB.L.BL. 45362 2 CCLCBCY.LCYLCYLCB.L 35264 - YBCCLB.B 32564 S YBBCBB. 64523 S - L.B.YLYYLCY 35426 - - L.CBBBYBC. 23456 - YBYCLCY.YYLYYLC 1360 Bristol; 1240 each Cambridge, Yorkshire; 200 London No.3; 103 com, atw 11 56s, 7 65s 147 little bell runs at the back 119 little bell runs off the front Bishopstoke, 17.2.2015
M B Davies 23456 M W H 54326 S S 64523 6ths/Out/7ths - 26543 - 43652 - S S 65432 - - 2-part 8 each 56s, 65s 160 little bell runs Hursley, 21.2.2015
R D S Brown 23456 5ths B M W H 36452 - 2 65324 SS - 32654 - - 25346 - 3 42356 - 3-part 63 cru (inc 24 56s), 24 8765s 52 little bell runs at the back 12 each 5678s, 8765s 38 little bell runs at the front For 5024 omit 3H in one part St Agatha, Portsmouth, 21.2.2015
A G Reading 234567890 Jacobian 907856342 Bristol 089674523 Fermanagh 795038264 Partial Differential 860492735 Sgurr A’Chaorachain 573920486 Sgurr A’Chaorachain 648203957 Partial Differential 352749608 Fermanagh 426385079 Bristol - 235749608 Jacobs Creek - 452367890 Hessian 089672345 Jacobs Creek - 790836524 Bristol S 896274053 Jacobs Creek S 678902345 9-part 1080 each Bristol, Jacobs Creek; 720 each Fermanagh, Partial Differential, Sgurr A’Chaorachain; 360 each Hessian, Jacobian; 116 com, atw 49 each forward 4-bell run, 20 each reverse 4-bell run at the back 29 each forward 4-bell run, 33 each reverse 4-bell run off the front St Mary, Southampton, 28.2.2015
J S Warboys (SU0309) 23456 Cl - 23564 Wo Wh Nw - 36452 Cl Ch Cl - 52436 Nb - 23645 Mo Sa 34256 3-part Call Ct for Mo in parts 2 and 3 23456 Ch - 23564 Nb Mu Nw Sa - 52364 Nb - 26435 Nb - 63542 Mu Cl 42356 3-part Call Ak for Nw in parts 2 and 3 23456 Lo Ke Lo - 23564 Li Li - 45236 Lo Ke Lo - 45362 Co - 56234 Cu Co 42356 3-part Call We for all 4 leads of Lo in part 2 Contains all Carlisle-over and London-over methods from the standard 41 with no backstroke 65s
J S Warboys (SU0403) 23456 Ip Bo Ip Cm - 56423 Yo Cm Du Du - 45623 Hu Pr Nf Nf - 64523 Du - 64235 Bv Bk Bk - 26435 He Su Su - 42635 Yo - 42356 3-part 23456 No Ne Ws Ws - 64235 Ad - 64352 Ad - 64523 Wk - 56423 Wm Lf Bm Wm - 45623 Ab Wk Ab Ro Ro - 45236 St Bc St - 45362 Wk 34256 3-part Call Ad for the plain lead of Ws in 1 or 2 parts
Allendale (Ad), Alnwick (Ak), Annable’s London (Ab), Bacup (Bc), Bamborough (Bm), Berwick (Bk), Beverley (Bv), Bourne (Bo), Cambridge (Cm), Canterbury (Ct), Carlisle (Cl), Chester (Ch), Coldstream (Co), Cunecastre (Cu), Durham (Du), Hexham (He), Hull (Hu), Ipswich (Ip), Kelso (Ke), Lightfoot (Lf), Lincoln (Li), London (Lo), Morpeth (Mo), Munden (Mu), Netherseale (Ne), Newcastle (Nw), Norfolk (Nf), Northumberland (Nb), Norwich (No), Primrose (Pr), Rossendale (Ro), Sandiacre (Sa), Stamford (St), Surfleet (Su), Warkworth (Wk), Wearmouth (Wm), Wells (We), Westminster (Ws), Whitley (Wh), Wooler (Wo), York (Yo)
Swanmore, 1.3.2015
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 28.4.2015
Bramford, 19.12.2016
St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.8.2024
M Foulds (No.67) 23456 S 46235 1 - 24635 5 S 26435 5 - 54263 1 - 32546 1 - 24653 3 - 45362 3 PL 34256 1 3-part Whiteparish (handbells), 5.3.2015
gen. BYROC 23456 M W H 52436 3 - 36425 S - 42365 - - 6-part Omit 3M in last part Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 7.3.2015
A J Pitman 23456 M B W H 23564 2 2 - L.B.N.B.L. 52364 - PWW. 65324 - NSDD.OO 35264 2 - WP.B.L. 63254 - 3 LP.NNN.B.B. 45236 - - - NNN.P.L. 24536 3 - LD.SLL.B.L. 32546 - LD.L 24365 2 2 L.B.OOO.B.L 53462 - - L.DL. 45362 3 - L.B.LLS.DL. 64352 - 3 LC.OO.B.B. 34562 2 - LS.B.W. 65243 - - CPP.D.PWOP 25463 2 - WC.B.L. 42563 - PDCCL. 32465 - - SD.BBB.W 56423 - - - CNC.C.W. 45623 - DCLSS. 64523 - SSLCD. 25346 - - W.C.CNC 54326 - - W.BBB.DS 54263 2 2 - L.B.WWWWW.B.L. 62345 - - W.C.W 43526 - - W.C.W 63425 2 L.B.CW 52436 - - - POWP.D.PPC. 62534 2 3 W.B.SL.B.B. 35426 - - OO.C.CDP 42356 - - LC.L. 62453 2 L.B.PW 34256 - - OO.DDSN. 23456 - WWP. 1024 London; 832 Bristol; 800 Watford; 640 Cambridge; 512 each Dorchester, Pudsey; 416 Cassiobury (O); 384 Superlative; 352 Lincoln (N); 125 com, atw 58 cru, Tittums Bishopstoke, 7.3.2015
R B Smith (arr.) 23456 W M H 42356 - 62354 S 32456 6 - 62453 S 34256 6 - - 53246 - 6 43256 S 54236 - 6 23456 S - 6 = BBSBBS First course rung PPGPP 5120 Plain Bob, 12 Gainsborough Little Bob, 2 com Micheldever (handbells), 9.3.2015
R W Lee 2345678 S - 3578264 RRR - 6427835 CC - 3582764 BC - 3526847 BY - 3564278 YRL - 6354278 LPPNN - 5634278 P - 6478523 YSSN - 6482735 7-part 896 Rutland; 672 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey, Superlative, Yorkshire; 448 London, Bristol; 104 com, atw Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 13.3.2015
D F Morrison (No.210) 23456 W B 5ths H 36452 - 5ths/4ths - 43652 SS - (35426) - 35264 - - 42356 4ths/In - 3-part 18 each 56s, 8765s, 7568s at the back 15 5678s; 12 each 8765s, 6578s; 9 8756s off the front True to all B,a,c,f,Y,Z Holybourne, 22.3.2015
A G Reading 23456 W 5ths 4ths B In M H 36452 - - - - 23465 - Y S 3 53462 S 65432 - X 374526 - S 3 436527 S - 35426 - 35264 - - 372645 S 3 427365 S - 234567 - 3 Y = 4ths/In/B X = B/4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s 90 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s 90 little bell runs off the front Petersfield, 22.3.2015
A G Reading 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H 36452 - Y 2 374625 - 273645 2 324657 - - 24365 2 32546 x 53624 - - 467523 - (643527) - - x 64523 - - 735462 x - - 357462 3 x (425637) - - 357624 - - 573624 - - 234567 Z - 3 x = 16, all other bobs are 14 Y = B/4ths/In Z = In/B/4ths 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s 96 little bell runs (inc 24 3456s, 14 4567s, 12 each 6543s, 2345s, 4321s, 10 1234s, 8 5432s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s 96 little bell runs (inc 24 6543s, 14 7654s, 12 each 3456s, 2345s, 10 each 5432s, 1234s, 4321s) off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 23.3.2015
P G C Ellis (arr.) 23456 Oxford - 23564 Surfleet - 52364 London - 35264 Norwich - 35642 Kent - 35426 Norwich - 35264 Wells - 23564 Oxford - 23645 Beverley - 62345 Wells - 36245 Cambridge - 23645 Kent - 23456 London - 42356 Cambridge - 34256 3-part, rung in whole courses 720 each Cambridge, Kent, London, Norwich, Oxford, Wells; 360 each Beverley, Surfleet; 41 com, atw Binsted, 27.3.2015 Swanmore, 20.9.2015 Winchester College, 8.8.2016 Swanmore, 24.12.2016 Peasmore, 28.3.2017
A G Reading 23456 B W In 5ths M 4ths H 36452 - - - - 43652 3 - 43526 - - 273546 3 S3rds 543267 3 S - 42563 - 64523 - X 26543 - X 357462 - - 354267 - - 23456 - 3 X = 4ths/In/B 18 each 5678s, 8765s, 7586s, 6857s; 6 each 6578s, 8756s, 7568s 72 little bell runs (inc 18 each 3456s, 2345s; 12 5432s) at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 7586s, 6857s; 6 each 6578s, 8756s, 7568s 52 little bell runs (inc 10 each 2345s, 5432s; 6 each 3456s, 6543s) off the front Queens, Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 28.3.2015
D G Hull 23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H 34256 2 45362 - 473526 - 3 463725 - Y 352647 - - 3 64352 2 - Y 56342 - 237465 X - - 234567 3 - - X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.4.2015
A G Reading (No.3) 23456 M In/5ths W H 43652 - 34526 X S 64523 S 54326 - (24365) S S (64352) S S 53462 2 2 (65432) - 45236 - 24536 - (32546) - (42536) S 10 56s, 148 little bell runs at the back 173 0987s (inc 13 098765s), 106 little bell runs off the front North Stoneham, 8.4.2015
A P Smith 23456789 W M H 23456978 Out/4ths 42356 1 32546 2 1 52436 2 1 43526 1 1 (63425789) 2 Out 24365 2 2 53462 1 1 52364 2 1 25463 2 2 62453 1 34256 1 1 32546 1 2 52436 2 1 23456 2 24 56s, 20 65s All Saints, Basingstoke, 18.4.2015
A G Reading 23456 In M 4ths 5ths H Out W 43652 q X 64352 q 574263 - (563427) q q 357624 - 573624 q q 753426 - - (573624) - - 243567 q 5* 64523 S q q 54326 - - 32645 S - 472536 - 372546 5* 234567 - - Bob = 16, Single = 1678, q = 14 X = W/M/H 5* = BBSBB Ring Landport Surprise except Victora Little Bob the lead following the first call 12 Victoria Little Bob, 5088 Landport Surprise, 2 com 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 74 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 70 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 20.4.2015
D R Finch 23456 5ths 6ths H 42635 - - 52634 S 3 32654 S 63425 - - 53426 S 3 42356 S - 6-part S for bob halfway and end All 67s, 746s, 756s, 765s occur at backstroke All Saints, Basingstoke, 2.5.2015
D F Morrison (No.4353) 23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H 36452 - 2 24536 S S 374526 S3rds 263547 S 2 752436 S - 325467 - S 43526 - 53624 - 472536 - S3rds 273546 - 247563 S - - - 452367 - 53462 - 23465 S 3 43652 S 2 - 35426 - 23456 - 3 24 56s, 22 8765s, 19 2345s, 18 65s, 12 7654s 11 5432s, 10 each 3456s and 6543s, 8 4321s at the back 13 8765s, 12 5678s off the front True to all B,c St Agatha, Portsmouth, 2.5.2015
D F Morrison (No.4559) 23456 M B W H 23564 - - 24365 - - - 472536 - S5ths 532467 S4ths - 36452 - S3rds/S5ths - - 25463 - - - 25634 - - 25346 - - 42356 - 3-part 4ths place calls 24 56s, 21 8765s, 18 65s at the back 24 5678s, 18 each 6578s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 12 8756s off the front Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 5.5.2015
A G Reading (No.2) 23456 M W H 45236 1 1 34562 2 2 2 43265 2 2 (53462) 2 34625 S S 2 45623 1 2 54326 2 2 23456 2 2 53 little bell runs at the back 72 little bell runs off the front Portsmouth Cathedral, 16.5.2015
D F Morrison (No.6219) 23456 B W M H 24356 S 63452 - - 42635 - - S 243756 S In 472536 - (326457) SS 4ths 62543 - 42356 2 S 3-part 24 each 56s, 65s, 8765s, 8756s 12 each 7568s, 7658s at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 18.5.2015
D F Morrison (No.987) 23456 5ths B M W H 35264 - 26354 - - 65243 SS - 24653 - - 34256 - 2 4ths/In 3-part 21 each 56s, 8765s; 18 7568s True to all B,a,c,Y,Z St Agatha, Portsmouth, 20.5.2015
A G Reading 23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H 35264 - 427365 - 452367 - - - 45362 - - 473526 - 3 436725 - X S 574263 S - 643527 - 56342 - 34562 Y - - 53462 Y - 247563 - 234567 - - - 3 X = In/B/4ths Y = B/4ths/In 18 each 5678s, 8765s, 108 little bell runs at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s, 112 little bell runs off front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 24.5.2015
arr. E P D Colliss 23456 In 4ths W M B 5ths H 34256 2 (45362) - 64352 - 56342 X - Y 473526 - - 463725 3 - 345627 X - - 53462 Y - 45362 Z - 237465 - 234567 - - X = In/B/4ths Y = B/4ths/In Z = 4ths/In/B St Agatha, Portsmouth, 2.6.2015
R B Smith (arr.) 23456 W M H 42356 - 62354 S 32456 6 - 62453 S 34256 3 - - 53246 - 3 43256 S 54236 - 3 23456 S - 6 = BBSBBS First course rung PPGPP 5112 Plain Bob, 12 Gainsborough Little Bob, 2 com Micheldever (handbells), 8.6.2015
A G Reading 23456 M 3rds 4ths B 5ths W H (35462) S- - W.B.BE. 25463 S SES.SE 472536 - -S S.EW.B. 236457 S 2 3 WWBBWW.B.BE.S.B.SEW. (43625) S ES. 54236 - S S SES.EW.E. 34256 SS S W.B.S.WWBBW (45263) S- - W.WS.BE. 35264 S SES.SE 275346 - S -S S.E.E.B. 357246 S S SE.BB. 273546 - S BS.W. 346257 S 2 WWBBWW.B.BE.S (64523) - X E.SS.B.SSSSE. (24635) 2 S ESS.B.S. 52346 - S S SES.EW.E. 42356 S ES.WWBBW (25364) S- - W.B.BE. 34562 S - SES.SE. 43265 - - 2 WE.EE.BB.B. 23564 - SS BB.EWW.B.W 45362 - - E.WWWB. 374526 - -S S.EW.B. 426357 S 2 WWBBWW.B.BE.S (32645) S ES. 53426 - S S SES.EW.E. 23456 S ES.WWBBW X = 4ths/In/B 1280 each Bristol, Cornwall (W); 1248 each Lessness (E), Superlative; 107 com, atw 82 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s) 24 8765s, 12 8756s, 40 468s (inc Queens, Whittingtons) 46 little bell runs (inc 12 3456s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 47 little bell runs off the front Tittums Bishopstoke, 8.6.2015
A G Reading 23456 5ths 4ths B In M W H 43652 - 46352 X S 473625 - 3 (425367) - - 23465 - 3 (56342) - 2 S 56342 X 573624 - Y 423567 - - 456723 - - 725364 - - (347265) 3 - 2 234567 - 2 X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s 22 4567s; 21 each 3456s, 6543s; 16 5432s 15 each 7568s, 6857s; 9 7586s, 8 8657s, 5 7654s at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s 20 7654s; 18 each 3456s, 6543s; 14 8657s, 13 2345s 12 7586s, 10 7568s, 8 6857s, 4 4567s off the front Sherfield English, 13.6.2015
P G C Ellis (arr.) 23456 Kent - 23564 Ipswich - 52364 London - 35264 Norwich - 35642 Berwick - 35426 Norwich - 35264 Bourne - 23564 Kent - 23645 Ipswich - 62345 Bourne - 36245 Cambridge - 23645 Berwick - 23456 London - 42356 Cambridge - 34256 3-part, rung in whole courses 720 each Berwick, Bourne, Cambridge, Ipswich, Kent, London, Norwich; 41 com, atw Lockerley, 13.6.2015
R LeMarechal 23456 M 7ths In/5ths W H 64523 3 32546 - - - 24365 X 3* 53462 - - 65432 - 63254 2 - - 25634 - - 64352 - 3* - 2 23456 - - Omit either block of 3* Bishopstoke, 14.6.2015
A G Reading (No.1) 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H 64352 - X - (56342) Y - X 573624 - 352647 Y - - 745263 - - - (427653) 3 - 642537 S S- S 574362 - - 264537 - - 372546 S 2 452367 S S 357246 S3rds S (573264) - - S 723564 - - (237564) - - 537264 S 243657 - - 53462 - X - (53462) Z (65432) - X (674523) - X 432657 - 2 42365 S - - 2 53426 - S X S (25364) - 2 23456 - S 3 (SBS) X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths Z = 4ths/In/B 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s 27 468 (inc Kings, Queens, Whittingtons) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8756s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s off the front Tittums St Agatha, Portsmouth, 15.6.2015
C K Lewis and J R Mayne 23456 M W H 42356 - 43526 - 2 56234 - - 2 23564 - - 3-part St Agatha, Portsmouth, 23.6.2015
D F Morrison (No.6494) 23456 B W M H 43652 - 64235 - - 24536 SS - 54632 S3rds/S4ths - 63542 - - 42356 2 3-part 24 each 56s, 65s; 18 8765s at the back 15 each 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s 9 each 5678s, 6578s off the front all the near-misses St Agatha, Portsmouth, 29.6.2015
A N Tyler 23456 5ths M B W H 45236 - - RY.L. 52436 2 CSNRN.B. 42635 - 3 L.N.B.B.L 42356 2 2 - R.LRP.C.B.R. 63254 - - YNN.PL. 32654 2 PYSSPNY.B. 32546 - - SY.PS. 43265 - 2 NS.CP.B. 52364 - - R.PL. 35264 - - - - R.PCRC.BBB.R. 23564 - - - - L.BBB.NLSC.R. 532746 - - - P.L.YYS. 423756 - - CSC.NL. 234756 2 CYNYYPP.B. 372546 - NN.CS 274536 - YPN.RS 473526 3 - Y.CLR.B.SC.CSPN 325746 - - 2 R.Y.L.B. 573246 - - SCNN.YSC. 357246 - NPNYYSC. 735246 - CSYNNCP. 275346 - RP.L 243657 2 2 - P.YRL.PN.B.SL. 36245 - - SR.R. 62345 2 NLL.B. 25346 - 2 R.SL.B. 34256 - - SR.CYP. 23456 - RSR. 704 each Superlative, Lincolnshire (N); 672 Rutland; 608 each Cambridge, Pudsey, Yorkshire; 576 each Bristol, London; 139 com, atw 85 cru, 18 2468s (inc Queens) 16 8765s, 13 7468s, 11 7568s Whittingtons, Tittums Bishopstoke, 30.6.2015
P G C Ellis (arr.) 23456 Norfolk - 23564 Carlisle - 52364 Surfleet - 35264 Annable’s London - 35642 Norfolk - 35426 Norwich - 35264 Carlisle - 23564 Annable’s London - 23645 Beverley - 62345 London - 36245 Cambridge - 23645 Norwich - 23456 Cambridge - 42356 London - 34256 3-part, rung in whole courses 720 each Annable’s London, Cambridge, Carlisle, London, Norfolk, Norwich; 360 each Beverley, Surfleet; 41 com, atw Wickham, 1.7.2015
A G Reading (No.2) 23456 5ths M W 3rds 4ths H 52436 - 64352 - - 56342 - 42365 S - 3 52364 S 43526 - S S 273546 3 S 263547 S 3 357246 S 3 S - 275346 S S 645237 - - 35426 - - 23456 - 3 64 cru (inc 24 56s, 18 65s); 24 8765s 32 468s (inc Queens, Whittingtons) 50 little bell runs at the back 12 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 45 little bell runs off the front Tittums All Saints, Basingstoke, 4.7.2015
A G Reading (No.3) 23456 B M W H 64352 - - 56342 - 64523 X 35426 - - 42356 - - 53624 - - 32546 X 24365 X 53462 - - 65432 - 23456 - - - X = 18 13 56s, 4 65s 128 little bell runs Portsmouth Cathedral, 11.7.2015
A G Reading 23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H 35264 - 372645 S 3 563427 S - 273546 X - S 237546 3 S (352647) SS - 427365 - 342567 - 2 45236 2 53462 - 23465 S 3 247563 S - (452367) - 23456 - - X = B/4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 80 little bell runs (inc 20 5432s; 18 each 3456s, 2345s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 80 little bell runs (inc 20 2345s; 18 each 6543s, 5432s) off the front Queens St Agatha, Portsmouth, 13.7.2015
R B Smith 23456 W M H 42356 - 62354 S 32456 6 - 62453 S 34256 SS - - 53246 - 3 43256 S 54236 - 3 23456 S - 6 = BBSBBS Micheldever (handbells), 20.7.2015
R I Allton (No.1933) 23456 M W H 42356 - YYYYYYYYYYY. 34256 - NNNNNNNNNNN. 64253 S CCCCC.CCCPPP 53246 S - G.C.YYYYY 24365 S S - YYYYY.Y.NNNNN. 32465 - PPPPPPPPPPP. 42563 - NNNNN.CCCCCC 35264 - - CCCCC.CG. 23564 - GGGGGGGGGGG. 65432 - - G.N.NNNPP 23456 - - - PPPYY.Y.G. 1200 each Lincolnshire (N), Yorkshire; 1008 Cambridge; 912 Pudsey; 720 Newgate (G); 15 com, atw Green Lane, Bosham (handbells), 27.7.2015
D F Morrison (No.2940) 23456 M B W H 54632 - - 54326 - - 63425 S S 32465 - - 32654 - - 674235 - 5ths 356427 S4ths - S - 34256 S - S 3-part 24 each 56s, 65s at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 9 each 6578s, 8756s off the front all the near-misses Meonside Campanile, West Meon, 3.8.2015
D F Morrison (No.7047) 23456 M S3rds/S5ths B W H 64235 - 2 BF.L.L.GG.L.BB 46532 - 2 2 - L.BL.BG.BFF.F.L. 63254 - 2 L.G.F.F (42563) X - FFB.L.G. 35264 - - GG.BG. 5-part 1280 each Belfast (F), Bristol, Glasgow, London 104 com, atw for bells 2 to 6 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 4.8.2015
A G Reading 23456 B W In 5ths M 4ths H 34256 2 45362 - 56342 2 64523 - 34625 2 357624 3 - - (563427) - 473526 - - 3 463725 - 237465 X - 3 - 234567 3 - - X = In/B/4ths 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 7568s, 5867s, 7685s, 4567s, 3456s, 5432s 8 each 8657s, 7654s, 2345s at the back 15 each 5678s, 8765s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 11.8.2015
R D S Brown 23456 B W 4ths In H 34256 3 2 45623 2 - 367254 - - 236457 - - - 3-part 69 cru Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 19.8.2015
J S Warboys 23456 B M W H 64352 - - 52436 2 36245 - 2 2 26543 - 64235 - 23645 - - 3-part St Agatha, Portsmouth, 24.8.2015
A G Reading 23456 M W H 34256 2 25346 - - 64352 - - - 53462 2 2 32465 - 2 64523 - - 53246 - - 2 23456 2 - Bishopstoke, 25.8.2015
arr. B J Woodruffe and A G Craddock 23456 W M H 42635 - - LLL.PPPPP.DDDD 52634 S DDD.GGGGG 62435 - GG.P 36425 - P.LLLL 42365 - - LLL.LLLL. 12-part S for bob halfway and end 1344 each Plain Bob, Little Bob, Double Bob; 1008 Gainsborough Little Bob; 60 com, atw New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 26.8.2015
G A C John 23456 Out M W In 4ths H 34256 2 B.B. 24653 - SSG.OGSC (56342) - - L.C. 23645 - - GCS.WWBW. 423756 3 - 2 LS.B.B.OLS.O.CGGGS. 735246 - - 3 OO.S.E.EWBEEW.B. 275346 - LOW.E 325746 - CE.E 524736 - OCEC.EELWB 342756 - - L.CW. 362457 - 3 - 2 SC.LOCL.ELG.COS.CC.G.B. (45362) 2 - W.OSG.G. 23564 - - OG.SL. 53624 2 - WO.OWW.OECS. 26354 2 2 WBWL.B.L.B. 36452 - W.G (54263) - - L.G. 24365 - 3 SO.OEW.LSW.GW. 65243 2 - W.B.S.E 25346 - 3 W.CE.WS.B. 46253 2 - E.B.LWBE.L 32654 - - W.SW. 36524 - 2 CL.E.B. 35264 - 2 EG.L.ESCSC. (64352) 2 - OO.B.S. 23456 - - GCG.SE. 768 Cornwall (W); 704 Superlative; 672 Lessness (E); 608 Cambridge; 576 each Bristol, Cassiobury (O), London; 544 Glasgow; 138 com, atw 114 crus, 13 2468s (inc Kings, Queens), 9 8765s, 7 7568s Whittingtons, Tittums Holybourne, 29.8.2015 Bishopstoke, 22.9.2015 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 27.10.2015
I R Fielding 23456 W 5ths 4ths B In M H 45362 1 2 54326 2 1 - 42563 1 64523 - - 2 56342 - - 473526 - - 3 523647 2 - 2 26543 1 35264 - - - 23456 - - 3 Selborne, 30.8.2015
J Clatworthy 23456 M W H 52436 - 34625 - - 56423 - - 62345 - 2 43526 - - 25634 - - 43652 - - - 65432 - - 25346 - 2 - 35426 2 - 23456 - 20 56s, 6 65s 120 little bell runs Farnham, 31.8.2015
A G Reading (No.6) 23456 In M 4ths 5ths H Out W (23456) 3 234576 S 357624 S - 645237 - 35426 S S3rds 43652 - (64352) - - 32645 S - (32546) - - 2 S 53624 - (53624) X 536274 S 243756 - 537264 S 243657 - 3 32546 - 24356 S - - - 2 54326 S2nds Y 64352 S2nds S 463725 - - 473526 Z - 3 534627 - SS - 23465 S 3 34562 S X - Y 45362 - 23456 - 2 X = H/W/M Y = W/M/H Z = M/H/W 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s; 12 5867s 127 little bell runs (inc 24 each 3456s, 2345s, 5432s; 18 6543s, 12 4567s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 8756s 127 little bell runs (inc 24 each 6543s, 2345s, 5432s; 18 3456s; 12 7654) off the front Tittums Moreton in Marsh, 5.9.2015
A G Reading 23456 B M 5ths 4ths W In H 34256 2 52346 - S 243756 - - 462537 - S 36452 2 SS 472536 - S 436257 - - 324756 - 273546 - 246357 - - 432756 - 342657 - - 3 63245 - 45236 S - 375246 S3rds 3 234567 S - - 72 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s) 18 each 8765s, 2468s (inc Queens); 16 7568s, 14 5432s at the back 18 5678s; 17 each 8765s, 8756s; 16 8657, 11 2345 off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 9.9.2015
I Butters (No.619) 23456 B W H 35264 - | (34625) 5ths/4ths - | A 42356 - | 25463 - 34625 5ths/4ths 342756 In - 326457 5ths S 24356 - 32456 A 2-part 84 cru (inc 24 each 56s, 65s) 24 each 8765s, 8756s; 20 each 7658s, 5432s; 12 7568s at the back 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s; 18 each 8756s, 2345s off the front Tittums Holybourne, 12.9.2015
W J Couperthwaite (arr. T Arkless, No.1) 23456 M W H 45236 - - 25346 2 - 42356 - 25364 S 2 3 62354 - SS 54326 S - 32546 - - (472536) S3rds 532467 S4ths - 24536 - - (374526) S3rds 524367 S4ths - 23465 S 2 3 62435 - (32456) S S St Agatha, Portsmouth, 15.9.2015
A G Reading (23465) 5ths 4ths B M W H 36254 - 472635 - 3* 325467 - 34562 - - 53462 X - (65432) Y - 65432 X 674523 - SS 243657 - 3 46253 - 372645 - 3* 425367 - 23465 - 3 Snap start and finish X = B/4ths/In Y = 4ths/In/B 3* = BSB 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 74 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s, 8756s 84 little bell runs off the front St Mary, Portsmouth, 26.9.2015
A G Reading 23456 B W 3rds 5ths M 4ths H 36452 - - - - 23465 - S 3 53462 S X 65432 - 24536 Y - S 3 S 374526 3 S 436527 S 3 - 35426 - 23456 - 3 X = 4ths/In/B Y = B/4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 6578s; 18 8765s 78 little bell runs at the back 21 each 5678s, 8765s; 9 6578s 57 little bell runs off the front Alverstoke, 27.9.2015
D F Morrison (No.584) 23456 B M W H 35642 - 2 26543 - - 64235 - 43265 2 SS 23564 - 3-part 96 cru True to all B,a,e,X,Y,Z Meonside Campanile, West Meon, 12.10.2015
R D S Brown 23456 5ths B In H 35426 3 - | 52436 3 - | A 24536 - | 23645 - - - | 23564 A 36524 3 - 65432 2 - 23456 2 - - 72 cru 17 56s, 9 65s, 3 7568s, 6 8765s at the back 4 56s, 2 65s, 4 8765s at the front Sherfield English, 17.10.2015
A G Reading (No.3) 23456 4ths Out M W In 5ths H 234576 3 S 357624 S - 324657 - - - 32546 - - 374526 S - 245367 S 472536 S 2 462537 S 3 65432 S S 2 467523 - 536274 - S 243657 S 43526 2 - 64523 2 - 23456 3 24 each 56s, 65s; 12 each 8765s, 8756s, 66 little bell runs (inc 22 3456s, 16 5432s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 68 little bell rollups off the front. Farnborough, 17.10.2015
A G Reading (No.2) 23456 M W H 54263 - S4ths/S2nds - - 43265 - In/5ths 32465 In/5ths 24365 In/5ths 53462 - - 65432 - 24536 - - 36452 S3rds/S5ths 374526 3 S5ths 273546 2 S4ths/S3rds 325467 - S4ths - 56342 a 2 23456 b 3 a = S2nds/4ths/S4ths/5ths b = B/4ths/In/S4ths/S2nds 24 each 56s, 65s; 18 8765s 84 little bell runs (inc 18 3456s) at the back 18 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 55 little bell runs off the front Hawley, 17.10.2015
A G Reading 23456 M In B 4ths 5ths W H 64352 - X - 56342 Y - 64523 - 274536 S S3rds (325467) 3* S 24365 - 53462 - X - 65432 Z - 674523 X - 537264 X 2 325467 - 472536 S3rds 357624 3* S 2+ 573624 - - (234567) Y - 24356 X 3+ 54326 S 34256 X S 2* 64253 S Y 23456 S - 3* = BBS, 2* = BS 3+ = BSB, 2+ = SB X = B/4ths/In Y = In/B/4ths Z = 4ths/In/B 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 4567s, 7654s, 3456s, 6543s, 2345s, 5432s at the back and off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 19.10.2015
A G Reading (No.3) 23456 3 4 5 8 9 543269078 3* S - - 543267890 2* 2+ - - 24356 S 53462 S S S 34562 - 64352 2* S 23456 S 3* 3* = BSB, 2* = BS, 2+ = SB 117 7890s (inc 24 567890s), 29 0987s 104 little bell runs at the back 121 0987s (inc 24 098765s), 33 7890s 110 little bell runs off the front Guildford Cathedral, 24.10.2015
A G Reading 23456 W M B H 34256 2 (45362) x 64523 2 x 54326 - 43526 2 43265 - x 24365 - 65432 3x 53462 - x 45362 - (35264) - 23456 - - x = 16, all other bobs are 14 196 7890s (inc 21 56s, 11 65s), 127 little bell runs at the back 156 0987s (inc 21 098765s), 119 little bell runs off the front St Nicolas, Guildford, 24.10.2015
R D S Brown 23456 B In M W 4ths H 34256 2 45362 - 3 237465 - 563427 - 2 - 56423 - - 56234 2 2 - 35264 - 45623 - 2 - 62534 S S - 23645 2 2 3 23456 2 2 - 61 crus (inc 18 56s), 6 7568s 44 little bell runs at the back 30 cru at the front Longthorpe (handbells), 25.10.2015
R B Smith 23456 W M H 42356 - 62354 S 32456 6 - 62453 S 34256 6 - - 23456 4 - 6 = BBSBBS 4 = BSBS Micheldever (handbells), 26.10.2015 Micheldever (handbells), 1.8.2016
T Chapman 23456 M B W H 56342 - S S 53642 (SS) S 34526 - 42365 - 12-part Call (SS) in part 3 only S halfway and end Wallington Drive, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 28.10.2015
L J Woodward 2314567890E 1 7 9 10 16 18 42315678E90 - S S S - 2143 S - 1324 S - 51379E24680 (16 sixes) 7864523E190 3.5.9S. 567890E1234 (16 sixes) | 56423E19078 (16 sixes) | A 34567890E12 (16 sixes) | 3152E476980 1324658709E 1.2S.6.7.9S.13.18 341265 3.4.12S.16.17.18 235164 3.4.9S.12S.16.17.19 314265 5.6.14S.16S.18S E1089674523 2.4.7S.9S.14.17 (18 sixes) 7890E123456 A 1342568709E 1.5S.6.9S. (26 sixes) 123456789E0 10S.13S.15S.18.22 41325678E90 - - S 1243 S - 2314 S - 1543E276980 1S. (20 sixes) 67534120E89 234567890E1 A 4352618709E 1.3S.5S.6.11S. (20 sixes) 432165 6S.9S.18 423165 3.4.12S.17 214365 3.4.12S.16.17.18 425163E7089 1S.3S.5S.6.9S.14S.17S.18.20 (20 sixes) 1234567980E 12E90785634 5S.7S.12.14S (18 sixes) 890E1234567 A 1234658709E 2S. (16 sixes) 2413658709E 3.4.12S.16.17.18 3241758609E 3.4.7S.9S. 3251648709E 3.4.9S.12.17S.18.19 3124568790E 5S.6.10S.14S.18 (31245678) 1S. Hursley, 31.10.2015
A G Reading 23465 M B W H 42365 - 24536 4ths/In S 374625 In/B 243657 3 4ths/B - 32546 4ths/In SS 32465 - - 2-part Omit SS in part 2 Snap start and finish 24 each 5678s, 6578s, 8765s, 8756s; 20 7568s, 16 8567s, 8 7658s 72 little bell runs (inc 24 5432s, 20 each 1234s, 4321s) at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds); 12 each 6578s, 8756s 10 each 7568s, 7658s, 8567s, 8657s, 66 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 4.11.2015
J Morgan 23456 M W H 42356 - 725346 SS S3rds 2 753246 - 2 273546 - 3 523746 3 - 324756 - 3 375246 2 - - 572346 2 - 342567 S4ths - 23456 3 - 32 cru, 21 2468s (inc Queens) 18 each 7568s, 8765s; 16 7468s Whittingtons St Agatha, Portsmouth, 10.11.2015
S Jenner and D F Morrison 23456 5ths B M W 4ths In H 35264 - 3 427365 - (234567) - 56234 2 - 56342 - - 357624 - - (563427) - 36245 - 64352 - 35642 - - 64523 S S - 54326 - 42563 - 56423 - - 62534 - 647253 - 2 - 426357 - 3 23456 - 3 18 56s, 80 little bell runs at the back 8 5678s off the front Tittums Privett, 17.11.2015
D F Morrison (No.1471) 23456 5ths B M W H 23564 - - 36245 - SS 46253 S S 25463 SS - - 42356 4ths/In 3-part 18 each 56s, 8765s, 7568s, 5432s 12 each 1234s, 4321s at the back 21 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 9 each 6578s, 8756s off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 18.11.2015
T W Griffiths 23456 M In 4ths B 5ths W H 64352 - - 56342 X - 573624 - 274365 X - Y - 645237 X - 35426 - Y - 42356 - - 735462 S2nds S 3 234567 S S3rds 2 X = In/B/4ths Y = B/4ths/In St Agatha, Portsmouth, 18.11.2015
A G Reading 23456 In W 4ths 5ths M B H (352764) - 572364 2 357462 - 3 q 735462 X - (347265) - 427365 2 643527 - - Y - (56342) X - Y 573624 - 423567 X - qq 25463 - 35264 2 23456 q Bob = 14, q = 16 X = In/B/4ths Y = B/4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 7568s, 2468s (inc Queens, Kings), 20 5867s, 160 little bell runs (inc 24 each 2345s, 5432s, 3456s, 6543s, 4567s, 7654s) at the back 15 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 107 little bell runs off the front Eling, 21.11.2015
J Nicholl 23456 M B 26435 2 4 42356 2 3 3-part Rosemoor Grove, Chandler’s Ford (handbells), 25.11.2015
R I Allton 23456 M W H 45236 - - WWLE.L. 24536 - OGO. 53246 - - BEWEW.W. 25346 - CSLSG. (46253) [2 (-) E[.B.S. 32654 -] - CGS.]CL. 6-part Omit (-) in alternate parts For 5024 omit the [bracketed] calls and leads from one part without (-) 960 Cornwall (W); 768 each Lessness (E), London; 704 Superlative; 544 each Cambridge, Glasgow; 384 Cassiobury (O); 352 Bristol; 144 com St Agatha, Portsmouth, 25.11.2015
A J Cox 23456 3 5 6 8 11 34256 2 2345678T09E - - 24356789ET0 - - S 563427890ET - S - 43265 - - 3 62435 - S (32456) S S 42 cru (inc 19 56s, 18 65s) 8 each TE09s, 890Es; 6 E90Ts 60 little bell runs (inc 42 5432s, 14 3456s) at the back 20 little bell runs off the front Hursley, 28.11.2015
A G Reading (42536) W 3rds 5ths M 4ths H 42536 3 34526 - 3 473526 - S 362547 S - 3 64253 - 2 24356 - 3 26453 2 - 46352 - 23546 S 3 S 3 (42536) - Snap start and finish 24 5678s, 12 8765s 42 little bell runs at the back 21 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds) 40 little bell runs off the front St Agatha Portsmouth, 1.12.2015
R B Smith (arr.) 23456 W M H 42356 - 62354 S 32456 6 - 62453 S 34256 6 - - 53246 - 6 43256 S 54236 - 6 23456 S - 6 = BBSBBS First course rung PPPBPPP 5160 Plain Bob, 16 Burford Differential Little Bob, 2 com New Farm Road, New Alresford (handbells), 14.12.2015
R Bailey 23456 4ths Out In H 35246 - 6 (BBSBBS) 65342 - 3 (BBS) 42365 - - 6-part Alderney, 15.12.2015
A G Reading 23456 B W In 5ths M 4ths H 34256 2 45362 - 56342 2 64523 - 54326 - 34625 X - 357624 3 - - (563427) - 473526 - - 3 237465 2 3 - 234567 3 - - X = B/4ths/In 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 7568s 110 little bell runs at the back 12 each 5678s, 8765s (inc back rounds), 6578s, 8756s 55 little bell runs off the front St Agatha, Portsmouth, 15.12.2015
A G Reading (No.18) 23456 M 4ths B 5ths W H 26354 - 1 1 472536 2 S 432657 S - 2 374526 - S 543267 S 2 1 42563 - 273546 2 - S 346257 S - 1 2 25463 2 23645 2 3 2 53462 2 2 52436 - In 2 23456 1 - 24 each 5678s, 8765s, 6578s; 12 8756s 72 little bell runs at the back 24 each 5678s, 8765s; 20 8756s, 12 6578s 64 little bell runs off the front All Saints, Basingstoke, 19.12.2015 St Thomas, Salisbury, 26.5.2024
N Smith 2345678 Yorkshire - 3578264 Uxbridge 7325486 Cornwall 4267835 Bristol 6482573 Bristol 8654327 Uxbridge - 3586742 Lincolnshire 6452378 Ashtead 8375264 Yorkshire 5634827 Ipswich 7823456 London 2748635 Cassiobury - 8356742 Rutland 5873264 Superlative 3684527 Lindum - 5836742 Rutland - 7358264 Cambridge 8634725 Cambridge 4265873 Ipswich 3876542 Cray 5723486 Ashtead 6482357 Lincolnshire 2547638 Pudsey - 5738264 7-part 448 each Ashtead, Bristol, Cambridge, Ipswich, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Uxbridge, Yorkshire; 224 each Cassiobury, Cornwall, Cray, Lindum, London, Pudsey, Superlative; 146 com, atw St Agatha, Portsmouth, 22.12.2015 St Agatha, Portsmouth, 15.3.2016
D F Morrison (No.3734) 23456 M W H 43652 - 23654 S SS 64352 - S 56342 - 46325 S S 24365 - 2-part 70 little bell runs (inc 24 each 3456s, 6543s) Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 23.12.2015
R I Allton (No.1999) 23456 S 46235 2 24635 5 S 42356 3 25634 1 62534 5 56234 5 56342 3 35642 5 63542 5 S 43256 1 S 26435 2 42635 5 23564 1 S 63452 1 S 64352 5 45236 1 45362 3 S 32456 2 25643 1 62543 5 56243 5 S 34256 4 3-part Clock House Bells, Awbridge, 28.12.2015
R I Allton (No.2063) 234567890 M In 4ths B 5ths 7ths W H 54326 2 2 645239078 2 - 1 (645237890) - 1 26543 1 45362 1 1 52364 1 2 54263 2 1 243659078 1 - 1 243657890 - 1 43265 2 (365748290) 2 - 246593870 - 1 1 234567890 - 1 1 10 65s, 151 little bell runs at the back 68 little bell runs at the front Bishopstoke, 29.12.2015