


The second session of the eleventh Council (thirtieth meeting) was held in the historic Chapter House at Lincoln Cathedral, on Tuesday, June 6th, at 11 a.m.

The chair was taken by the President, Canon Coleridge, who opened the meeting with prayer.

The Dean of Lincoln then extended a welcome to the Council, and referred briefly to the dangerous condition of the towers in the Cathedral. He gave also a short description of the Ringers' Chapel and the old Ringing Guilds. The President expressed the Council's thanks for the welcome given to them, and for the kindness of the Dean and Chapter in placing the Chapter House at their disposal.

The minutes of the last meeting having been published, were taken as read, and duly confirmed and signed.

Apologies for absence were received from the Rev. A. H. Boughey, the Rev. Maitland Kelly, the Rev. C. E. Matthews, the Rev. E. S. Powell, Major J. H. B. Hesse, Messrs. G. Bolland, J. Carter, W. T. Cockerill, R. A. Daniell, C. Edwards, P. J. Johnson, E. H. Lewis, W. Lawrence, T. Law, W. J. Nevard, A. Roberts, J. R. Sharman, W. Shepherd, W. Story, W. R. Small, A. Paddon Smith and J. A. Trollope.

The President explained that owing to an important engagement in London he would have to leave early (much to his regret, as he had not missed a meeting since the Council was formed). It was resolved, on the motion of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, that on the president retiring, Alderman J. S. Pritchett should take the chair.

The President, then referred to the serious loss the Council had sustained by the death of Mr. A. T. King, and made special reference to his arduous work on the Peals Analysis Committee. As a token of respect, and to express sympathy with Mr. King's family, those present rose in silence.

The Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. E. Alexr. Young, presented the financial statement, which showed that the year began with £37 10s. 6d. in hand, and that affiliation fees amounted to £12 2s. 6d., interest on stock to £4 5s. 8d., and sale of publications to £2 13s. 8d. The expenditure was £17 6s. 8d., leaving 15s. in hand, and a balance at the bank of £47 10s. 8d. (apart from the sum of £100 previously invested by the Council). The statement of accounts having been audited in detail by the Standing Committee, was, on the proposal of Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, duly accepted as correct.

The Honorary Librarian, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn reported that during the twelve months 469 copies of publications had been sold, against 419 in the previous year. The profits of the sales were £2 13s. 8d., against £3 17s. 3d., the reduced profit being due to the increased cost of advertising. With regard to the library, it grew slowly, and he now had the record of ringing news from 1871 to the present date, with the exception of five years - 1901, 1902, 1906 to 1909.- On the motion of the Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, seconded by the Rev. A. T. Beeston, the librarian's report was adopted.

Mr. H. Chapman said that Mr. Samuel Wood, of Ashton-under-Lyne, had all the "Bell News" from the beginning, which he would be willing to give to the library, and the offer of the copies to complete the collection was accepted with thanks.- On the motion of Mr. G. P. Burton, seconded by Mr. J. Griffin, it was agreed to have the volumes bound at 5s. each.

Election of Honorary Members.- The President having pointed out the desirability of maintaining one vacancy, it was proposed by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, seconded by Mr. J. George, and carried, that the retiring members be re-elected. These were the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, Mr. H. Chapman, Mr. J. W. Parker and the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson (the late Mr. A. T. King's place thus not being filled).

The Peals Collection Committee.- Mr. H. W. Wilde presented a statement on behalf of this committee, and it was resolved, on the motion of the President, that the same be received, and also that the librarian be authorised to send one of the typed copies of the collection of Treble Bob peals to the chairman of the committee.

The Literature and Press Committee.- Mr. W. Willson presented a report for this committee stating that they were on the alert for any Bill inimical to the interests of ringers, which might be introduced into Parliament, and that the committee were prepared to give their assistance to any company where local attempt was made to suppress change ringing; in which case the facts concisely stated, should be sent in the first instance to the secretary of the Council.- On the motion of Mr. A. L. Coleman, seconded by Mr. W. A. Cave, the report was adopted.

The President here relinquished the chair, which was then taken by Alderman J. S. Pritchett, who expressed his appreciation of the compliment paid to him, and referred to the honour which was about to be conferred upon the president, and which was the cause of his now leaving for London, viz., to receive at the hand of the Duke of Connaught the appointment of Provincial Grand Chaplain of the Mark Masons of England. Alderman J. S. Pritchett, as Recorder of Lincoln, in the absence of the Mayor, and on behalf of the city, also extended to the Council a most cordial welcome.

The Methods Committee.- The Rev. H. Law James gave a general report on behalf of this committee, and said that he thought the time had now come when some of the work done by this committee should be put into print, for which he had an estimate for £20 5s. 6d.- It was proposed by Mr. J. Griffin, and seconded by the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, that the tender of the "Ringing World" to print 500 copies each of Plain Major Methods and the collection of Little Methods be accepted, and this was carried.- On the suggestion the Chairman, it was also decided to leave to the committee the responsibility of naming the methods or otherwise.

The Peals Analysis Committee.- The Rev. E. W. Carpenter, in moving the adoption of this report, referred to the great loss the committee had sustained by the death of Mr. A. T. King.- On the proposal of Mr. T. H. Beams, seconded by Mr. E. Alexr. Young, the report was carried.- The Rev. E. W. Carpenter then referred to the whole question of the Nomenclature of Minor Methods, having regard especially to the principle of priority of use, and on the motion of the Rev. C. C. Marshall, seconded by Mr. G. P. Burton, the committee were empowered to take this question up, and on the proposal of Mr. J. George, seconded by Mr. J. Griffin, Mr. J. W. Parker's name was added to the committee.

The Towers and Belfries Committee.- On the motion of Mr. E. Alexr. Young, seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn was added to this committee. The latter then, in the absence of Mr. E. H. Lewis, read the report, the adoption of which was moved by the Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee, and seconded by the Rev. F. J. O. Helmore. After reference to the committee's work, especially with regard to the joint conference with the S.P.A.B. (the papers of which were on the table), the report was adopted, and the chairman congratulated the committee upon the useful work which had been done.

The Records Committee.- The Rev. A. T. Beeston presented the report of this committee (which is compiling an official list of the "first peals" and "longest lengths" in the various methods). He said that further work remained to be done, and suggested that the printing of the schedule should stand over for another year. The report and suggestion were, on the motion of Mr. H. Chapman, seconded by Mr. H. Argyle, adopted, and thanks extended to the committee for their work.

Alderman Chambers moved a resolution that it is desirable to establish in the area of each ringing association a bell restoration fund, from which grants may be made for the restoration of any rings of bells within the area when local funds are insufficient to meet the cost.- This was seconded by Mr. W. Willson.- During debate, a suggestion as an amendment, was made by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and seconded by Mr. F. Hopgood, that "the county and diocesan associations be asked to consider the possibility of establishing in their respective areas a bell restoration fund, etc." After some further debate the amendment was accepted by the proposers, and the resolution in that form carried.

Before rising for lunch, the Chairman referred to the fund being raised to restore the Western towers at Lincoln Cathedral, and it was agreed to take a collection with the result that nine guineas was received and subsequently sent to the Dean.

After the interval, the Rev. C. D. P. Davies called attention to a feature of Holt's peals of Grandsire Triples in connection with a statement on page 12 of the 2nd edition (1905) of "Grandsire" in the Snowdon series; wherein the Editor states that the calling of the two halves of the ten-part, starts in opposite directions from the same point, and those of the six-part from two points a lead apart from each other. But that the reverse was in reality the case. He exhibited a diagram, with a few leads pricked out in full, to prove the correctness of his argument. No resolution, however, was made, and the subject dropped.

The Rev. H. Drake moved, "That the Council draw up a card of instructions, on the care and use of bells, suitable for hanging in a tower." This being seconded by the Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee, was, after general debate, carried with two dissentients; the bell founders present kindly offering to assist in the drawing up of the proposed card.

The Rev. H. Drake then moved his further resolution, "That every tower should be officially affiliated to some one society and only one." - This was seconded by Mr. C. Mee.- It was, however, generally held to be unwise to carry such a resolution, and it was defeated by a large majority.

Mr. A. E. Parsons moved, "That the Council consider the advisability and practicability of proving and recording all new compositions before they are rung or published."- This was seconded by Mr. W. Short, and after some debate "Standing Committee" was substituted in the place of "Council." But on being put to the meeting the motion was defeated.

Mr. E. Alexr. Young, referring to the proposed exhibit in respect to Campanology at the Science Museum, proposed "That a committee be appointed to deal with the case generally," and suggested as members the names of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, the Rev. E. Bankes James, Mr. C. Johnston, and himself.- This was seconded by Mr. A. E. Parsons.- By general agreement the names of Mr. E. H. Lewis, Mr. Pryce Taylor and Mr. A. A. Hughes were added, and the formation of the committee, as augmented, was carried.

A resolution, of which Mr. J. H. Banks had sent late notice, was formally moved by Canon H. J. Elsee. It was to the effect "That in future no method be named after a county or county town, without the consent of the principal ringing association within the area."- The motion, however, did not find favour, and was defeated.

The Standing Committee having suggested that next year's meeting be held at Cardiff. That place was proposed by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and seconded by Mr. J. H. Griffin, but was subsequently withdrawn in favour of Plymouth; Mr. J. Hunt proposed Bath; Mr. T. H. Beams, Salisbury; and Mr. Bibby, Chester. All were duly seconded. The latter, however, was withdrawn, and Plymouth, Bath and Salisbury receiving 2, 15 and 28 votes respectively, it was accordingly decided to hold the meeting at Salisbury.

On the motion of Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by Mr. G. Williams, it was resolved to communicate officially a report of the proceedings of the Council to the affiliated associations, by sending a leaflet, being the summary appearing in "The Ringing World."

It was proposed by the Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee, and seconded by Mr. J. H. Griffin, that the librarian be asked to ascertain the cost of engrossing on parchment, the names of ringers who fell in the war and that he report the same to the Council.- This was carried.

The Chairman moved a vote of thanks to the Dean and Chapter for kindly allowing the Council to meet in the Chapter House.- This was carried with acclamation, as was also a vote of thanks to the chairman, proposed by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies.- The Chairman briefly replied, and the meeting closed about 4.30.

E. ALEX. YOUNG, Hon. Sec.

The Ringing World, March 30th, 1923, pages 198 to 199

56 members were present as follows:-

Ancient Society of College Youths.- Mr. A. A. Hughes.
Bath and Wells Diocesan.- Mr. J. Hunt.
Bedfordshire.- Mr. A. E. Sharman.
Chester Diocesan.- Rev. A. T. Beeston and Mr. W. Bibby.
Central Northants.- Messrs. E. M. Atkins, D. J. Nichols and F. Wilford.
Ely Diocesan.- Mr. T. R. Dennis.
Gloucester and Bristol.- Mr. W. A. Cave.
Kent County.- Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, Messrs. E. Barnett, senr., and T. Groombridge.
Ladies' Guild.- Miss. E. K. Parker.
Lancashire.- Rev. Canon H. J. Elsee and Mr. W. E. Wilson.
Lincoln Diocesan.- Rev. H. Law James, Messrs. G. Chester and R. Richardson, and J. W. Seamer.
Llandaff and Monmouth Diocesan.- Mr. J. W. Jones.
London County.- Mr. E. A. Young.
Middlesex County.- Mr. C. T. Coles.
Midland Counties.- Alderman R. B. Chambers, Messrs. J. Griffin, Pryce Taylor and W. Willson.
North Notts.- Mr. H. Haigh.
Norwich, St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich.- Messrs. G. P. Burton, A. L. Coleman and A. E. Reeves.
Oxford Diocesan.- Canon Coleridge, Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Messrs. F. Hopgood and J. Evans.
Peterborough and districts.- Mr. R. Narborough.
Royal Cumberland Youths.- Mr. J. Parker.
St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich.- Rev. H. Drake and Mr. C. Mee.
Salisbury Diocesan.- Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Major Hughes D'Aeth, Mr. T. H. Beams.
Surrey.- Messrs. C. F. Johnston and C. Dean.
Warwickshire.- Mr. H. Argyle.
Winchester.- Mr. G. Williams.
Worcestershire.- Messrs. A. E. Parsons and W. Short.
Yorkshire.- Rev. C. C. Marshall.
Honorary Members.- Revs. E. W. Carpenter and C. D. P. Davies, Alderman J. S. Pritchett, Messrs. H. Chapman, J. George, J. W. Parker and H. W. Wilde.

The Ringing World, June 9th, 1922, page 361

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