
Members of the Council


Acland, Captain John Edwardb. 1848
d. 1932
Salisbury DG1906-1907
Acres, John Ab. 1921
d. 1981
Leicester DG1962-1963
Adams, Christopherb. 1951North Staffs A2010-2013
Adcock, Peter MNorwich DA1966-1973
Agg, A RexHertford CA1972-1981
Agg, Philip JCambridge Univ. G1990-1996
Ainsley, Frankb. 1905
d. 1989
Durham & Newcastle DA1948-1960
Ainsworth, Elva Rb. 1962Additional2011-2015
Yorkshire A2021-2023
Univ. Bristol Society2023-
Ainsworth, J Alanb. 1935St Martin’s G1966-1969
Ainsworth, Mark HAdditional2014-2016
Aked, ColinEast Derbys & West Notts A2011-2014
Albon, Patrick J SBedfordshire A1986-
Aldridge, Revd G de Yb. 1875
d. 1945
Bath & Wells DA1903-1906
Alldrick, Andrew Fb. 1953Hertford CA1986-2009
Allen, Patrick Hb. 1927
d. 2002
Gloucester & Bristol DA1984-1990
Allison, JohnHertford CA2024-
Allman, Walterb. 1910
d. 1989
Chester DG1957-1960
Allton, Richard Ib. 1968Honorary2000-2008
Ancient Society of College Youths2008-
Anderson, John ASt Martin’s G1986-2005
Anderson, Robert Sb. 1907
d. 1995
North Staffs A1948-1975
Andrew, Richard JLiverpool Univ. Society2011-2017
St Martin’s G2017-
Andrews, Harry Jb. 1987Devonshire G2024-
Andrews, Paul SBeverley & District Society1993-1996
Andrews, Mrs Sarah
(née Miss Sarah Thorp)
b. 1979Lincoln DG2002-2008
Andrews, Wilfredb. 1872
d. 1949
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1943-45
Angold, Fr Paulinusb. 1913
d. 2010
Devonshire G1969-1975
Anstice, Esme MNorth Wales A2024-
Anthony, Anne Mb. 1955Guildford DG2011-2017
Argyle, Douglas Haroldb. 1896
d. 1946
Warwickshire G1936-1939
Argyle, Henryb. 1864
d. 1931
Warwickshire G1912-1931
Armitage, P Quentinb. 1959Oxford Univ. Society1987-1996
Armstrong, James Kennethd. 1964Gloucester & Bristol DA1936-1945
Armstrong, Dr Johnb. 1930
d. 2015
Essex A1966-2015
Armstrong, Stanley Ernestb. 1903
d. 1987
Sussex CA1937-1939
Arnold, Frank Charles Johnb. 1926
d. 2010
Norwich DA1978-1990
Arthur, Kennethb. 1916
d. 2012
Durham & Newcastle DA1960-1978
Ashford, Bernard Charlesb. 1897
d. 1985
Worcestershire & Districts A1945-1972
Ashmole, Josephb. 1863
d. 1955
Chester DG1903-1906
Askew, Stephen GLichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2020-
Aslett, Mrs Hilaryb. 1941Ladies’ G2005-2008
Peterborough DG2008-2015
Aspinwall, Johnb. 1836
d. 1911
Lancashire A1906-1909
Aspland, Andrew Rb. 1966Yorkshire A2002-2011
Atkins, Edward Mauriceb. 1890
d. 1964
Central Northants A1921-1924
Cambridge Univ. G1927-1954
Atkinson, Anthony JohnBeverley & District Society2008-2021
Atkinson, John Hewitsonb. 1950
d. 2014
Durham & Newcastle DA1982-1987
Attree, George Frederickb. 1852
d. 1918
Sussex CA1891-1909
Austin, Brianb. 1929Peterborough DG1960-1965
Austin, Johnb. 1863
d. 1944
Gloucester & Bristol DA1908-1920
Austin, Samuel Mb. 1985Birmingham Univ. Society2005-2007
Avesani, PaoloVeronese A1989-2013
Ayre, Walterb. 1891
d. 1978
Hertford CA1927-1973
Ayris, Miss Patricia Jsee Mrs J G Steeples
Backhurst, Roland Charlesb. 1947
d. 2020
Bath & Wells DA2006-2019
Bagley, David PWorcestershire & Districts A1993-1994
Bagworth, Alan E Mb. 1940Honorary1982-2006
Bagworth, Norman Sidneyb. 1907
d. 1984
Surrey A1963-1966
National Police G1966-1977
Bailey, Frederick Wb. 1894
d. 1979
Midland Counties A1927-1928
Bailey, Leslie FNorwich DA1978-1981
Bailey, Philip Db. 1975Ely DA2011-
Bailey, Roger Db. 1946
d. 2013
Middlesex CA & London DG1989-2013
Bailey, Trevor N Jb. 1941
d. 2005
Suffolk G1967-1972
Baines, Mrs Betty Mb. 1946Ladies’ G2002-2005
Norwich DA2005-2011
Baker, Antony Sb. 1943
d. 1995
London CA1987-1990
Baker, Henry Ob. 1908
d. 1969
Chester DG1960-1969
Baker, Herbertb. 1863
d. 1925
Hertford CA1903-1906
Baker, Peter Edgarb. 1925
d. 2011
Gloucester & Bristol DA1951-1954
Baker, Canon William Wing Carewb. 1860
d. 1930
Bedfordshire A1891-1930
Baldock, Alan Robertb. 1943
d. 2021
Sussex CA1978-2014
Baldock, Mrs Christine MSussex CA2004-2011
Baldwin, Revd Dr John Charlesb. 1939
d. 2022
Oxford DG1972-1975
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1975-1995
Baldwin, Rogerb. 1938Hertford CA1981-1990
Bale, Miss Jacqueline Lsee Mrs Jacqueline L Brown
Bale, Michael Jb. 1957Guildford DG2017-2020
Ball, Thomas FreemanChester DG1891-1893
Ball, TimothyDerby DA1978-1981
Ballard, Alfredb. 1908
d. 1992
Midland Counties A1945-1946
Leicester DG1946-1954
Ballard, Raymond Jb. 1946North Staffs A2014-2017
Banks, John Henryb. 1868
d. 1941
Lancashire A1909-1923
Banks, Michael DDerby DA2008-2014
Barber, Alan Michaelb. 1947
d. 2021
Ely DA1971-1978
Barber, Mrs Rachael AWinchester & Portsmouth DG2023-
Barber, William Henryb. 1876
d. 1950
Durham & Newcastle DA1924-1950
Barker, Arthur Davidb. 1890
d. 1986
London CA1924-1936
Oxford DG1936-1966
London CA1966-1969
Barker, Brian Milesd. 2010Hertford CA1966-1975
Barker, Mrs Gladys Elsie Wilhelminab. 1900
d. 1998
Oxford DG1948-1960
Barnes, John Spencerb. 1933
d. 2019
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1969-2016
Barnes, Dr Phillip R Jb. 1961St Martin’s G1992-1996
Kent CA1999-2014
Barnes, Timothy JAdditional2017-2018
Barnett, Edwinb. 1862
d. 1932
Kent CA1903-1932
Barnett, Edwin Ab. 1918
d. 2004
Kent CA1945-1948
Barnett, G Hb. 1850
d. 1895
Winchester DG1892-1895
Barnett, Mrs Olive Deliab. 1919
d. 2010
Barnsdale, Andrew Db. 1949
d. 2016
Sussex CA2012-2016
Baron, Williamb. 1843
d. 1904
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1891-1894
Barr, Garry Stephenb. 1961
d. 2024
Univ. London Society1993-1999
London CA1999-2007
Barrett, H Williamb. 1905
d. 1995
Norwich DA1955-1978
Barrett, Joseph Thomasb. 1907
d. 1980
Salisbury DG1960-1972
Barry, Albert Leslieb. 1904
d. 1984
Gloucester & Bristol DA1954-1972
Barry, Mrs EIrish A1999-2002
Bartlett, Beric Easterbrookb. 1912
d. 1979
Devon A1961-1978
Bartlett, Tom Georgeb. 1880
d. 1957
Devonshire G1922-3
Barton, Harryb. 1874
d. 1940
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1900-1903
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1924-1940
Basden, Johnb. 1858
d. 1911
Middlesex CA1896-1909
Bass, Barry CEly DA1981-1987
Bassett, Charles Alfredb. 1910
d. 1977
East Grinstead & District G1951-1960
Bassett, Mrs J Susanb. 1958Kent CA2024-
Bassford, David Ib. 1969Univ. Bristol Society1996-1999
Bastable, Henryb. 1848
d. 1899
St Martin’s G1891-1899
Bate, Miss Vanessa LNorwich DA2005-2008
Bateman, Mrs Susan P Esee Miss Susan P E Legge
Battin, Alfred Jamesb. 1876
d. 1957
Romney Marsh & District G1930-1933
Baxter, Harryb. 1901
d. 1961
Peterborough DG1933-1948
Baxter, Mrs Rosina MBeverley & District Society2021-
Bayles, Denis Ab. 1922
d. 1993
Durham & Newcastle DA1960-1978
Beacham, Davidb. 1932
d. 2016
Worcestershire & Districts A1957-1975
Beamish, Mrs D Evab. 1899
d. 1990
Warwickshire G1939-1946
Coventry DG1946-1972
Beamish, Miss Margaret E L
(latterly Mrs Margaret E L Chapman)
b. 1935
d. 2022
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1960-1961
Beams, Thomas Herveyb. 1866
d. 1930
Salisbury DG1915-1930
Beard, Dr David Wb. 1932
d. 2004
Yorkshire A1981-1987
Beardsall, KennethScottish A1951-1953
Beckingham, Stephen Jb. 1983Sussex CA2014-2017
Bedding, Mrs Carol Annesee Mrs Carol Anne Hardwick
Bedwell, Williamb. 1867
d. 1901
Kent CA1894-1897
Beech, Frankb. 1935
d. 2015
North Staffs A2002-2014
Beech, Mrs Jennifer Mb. 1944North Staffs A2002-2014
Beeston, Revd Arthur Thomasb. 1861
d. 1933
Chester DG1911-1927
Belfontali, ElesVeronese A2013-2020
Belgeonne, Philip PSouth African G1989-1995
Bell, Claireb. 1981Oxford Society2008-2014
Bell, Mark AOxford Univ. Society2008-2017
Bell, Richard Guyb. 1904
d. 1977
Hertford CA1948-1972
Belsten, JoNorwich DA2023-
Benfield, Gordonb. 1929
d. 2004
Yorkshire A1957-1965
Benner, James Eb. 1956Guild of Railway Ringers2022-2024
Bennett, Arthur Burgessb. 1863
d. 1939
Sussex CA1903-1906
Bennett, Aubrey Lyddonb. 1895
d. 1979
Devonshire G1946-1954
Bennett, David Hardmanb. 1902
d. 1966
Swansea & Brecon DG1939-1951
Bennett, Frederick Hectorb. 1907
d. 1982
Shropshire A1957-1960
Bennett, Frankb. 1869
d. 1957
Sussex CA1906-1909
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1909-1915
Sussex CA1951-1954
Bennett, Peter Sb. 1941Llandaff & Monmouth DA1981-2014
Bennett, Mark Cb. 1972Univ. London Society1999-2005
Bennett, Neilb. 1938Lancashire A1969-1974
Bennett, Stanley Edwardb. 1902
d. 1964
Lincoln DG1947-1948
Bennett, Zoe AScottish A2024-
Benson, Revd Edward Gb. 1901
d. 1961
Hereford DG1945-1947
Bentham, Williamb. 1857
d. 1924
Liverpool DG1895-1918
Bentley, Alan Robertb. 1947
d. 2024
Oxford DG2012-2015
Beresford, Dennisb. 1934
d. 2011
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1960-1978
Beresford, Miss Joansee Mrs Joan Summerhayes
Berry, Alan Paul Standleyb. 1936
d. 2023
Berry, Arthur Cd. 2013Worcestershire & Districts A1972-1984
Betjeman, Sir Johnb. 1906
d. 1984
Bevis, Trevor Ab. 1930Ely DA1963-1965
Bianco, Mrs Stellab. 1947Honorary1989-2010
Sussex CA2017-2018
Bibby, John Edwardb. 1901
d. 1974
Chester DG1948-1951
Bibby, Williamb. 1870
d. 1941
Chester DG1912-1915
Biffin, Edward Williamb. 1887
d. 1960
Devonshire G1948-1957
Bill, Peter Lb. 1948Devonshire G1993-1999
Billings, Ericd. 2006Peterborough DG1962-1990
Binns, Robertd. 1919Leeds & District Amalgamated Society1897-1900
Binyon, Charles Arthurb. 1874
d. 1963
Worcestershire & Districts A1927-1929
Bird, Alan D HLincoln DG1990-1996
Bird, Hector GWorcester & Districts A1931-1936
Birkby, ChristopherSouthwell & Nottingham DG2017-2019
Suffolk G2019-2024
Birkett, Edwin Cardusb. 1896
d. 1976
National Police G1957-1966
Bishop, Ernestb. 1863
d. 1935
Gloucester & Bristol DA1923-1927
Black, George Airthb. 1877
d. 1951
Essex A1915-1918
Black, Robert Georgeb. 1889
d. 1976
Peterborough DG1927-1939
Blackbourn, Thomasb. 1860
d. 1933
Salisbury DG1891-1903
Blackburn, James Eb. 1981Beverley & District Society2008-
Blackman, Richard Georgeb. 1898
d. 1969
Sussex CA1945-1963
Bladon, Brianb. 1934Gloucester & Bristol DA1978-1993
Blagrove, Frank Thomasb. 1934
d. 2022
Middlesex CA & London DG1957-2016
Blanchard, Robert Boydb. 1849
d. 1910
Surrey A1895-1897
Bland, Miss Louise Mb. 1969Yorkshire A1998-2002
Blanden, Robert Gb. 1950Gloucester & Bristol DA2023-
Bleby, Hon. Justice David Jb. 1941Australian & New Zealand A1987-2002
Bluff, John Henry Jamesb. 1905
d. 1979
Peterborough DG1966-1972
Blundell, Giles RobertLancashire A2003-2011
Blythe, John William Charlesd. 2006Suffolk G1958-1964
Boden, Miss Jane E
(formerly Mrs Jane E Orchard)
b. 1956Derby DA1986-2002
Bogan, Amos Fredd. 2006Irish A1966-1968
Bolingbroke, Sam PLlandaff & Monmouth DA2017-2019
Bolland, George Beanb. 1852
d. 1925
Yorkshire A1897-1925
Bolton, Wb. 1872
d. 1940
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1924-1930
Bond, Revd Peter Nevilleb. 1922
d. 1981
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1950-1963
Bone, Fred J Pb. 1950Essex A1990-
Bone, MaryEx-officio2009-2022
Essex A2023-
Bonham, George EEly DA1974-2017
Booth, Nigel EScottish A1978-2001
Booth, Roger Gb. 1955London CA1981-1984
Border, Peterb. 1932
d. 2000
Ely DA1954-1960
Coventry DG1972-1999
Boreham, Frank Donaldb. 1908
d. 1978
Oxford DG1948-1957
Boreham, Thomas Robertb. 1900
d. 1978
Gloucester & Bristol DA1954-1960
Borrett, Charles Edwardb. 1874
d. 1956
Norwich DA1903-1918
Bottomley, Mrs Jeanne Elizabethb. 1937
d. 2023
Bottomley, Vernonb. 1918
d. 1998
Yorkshire A1960-1966
Life Member1966-1971
Boucher, Wilfred Cb. 1916
d. 1994
Truro DG1957-1993
Boughey, Revd Anchitel Harry Fletcherb. 1849
d. 1936
Bould, D RoyDevonshire G1967-1972
Boutflower, Charles Edward Douglasb. 1854
d. 1917
Bath & Wells DA1896-1901
Bowers, F Malcolmb. 1944Truro DG1968-1977
Bowling, Miss Lucy Kathleensee Mrs L K Marshall
Boyce, Charlotte Ab. 1973Devonshire G2023-
Boyce, Leslie Eb. 1952Devonshire G1999-2017
Boyle, Miss Beatrice Maryb. 1909
d. 1982
Devonshire G1960-1969
Boyle, Miss Lesley H Mb. 1959Ely DA1984-1990
Bradley, H Jd. 1925Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1920
Bradney, Johnb. 1849
d. 1925
Salop Archidiaconal Guild1906-1918
Brady, Adam Ab. 1992Birmingham Univ. Society2011-2013
Bramley, John Wb. 1931
d. 1989
Salisbury DG1987-1989
Branson, Miss Kate M Hb. 1912
d. 2001
Scottish A1972-1975
Brant, Stuart Ab. 1954Hertford CA2019-
Bratton, Thomas Jamesb. 1863
d. 1930
Hereford DG1892-1893
Bray, Mrs Anne RGuild of St Agatha2014-2024
Bray, Jackb. 1900
d. 1990
Lincoln DG1936-1972
Bray, Paul A JEssex A2020-2023
Brazier, Anthony Jb. 1928
d. 1996
Worcestershire & Districts A1967-1972
Breed, Georgeb. 1849
d. 1917
Yorkshire A1897-1900
Brett, Leslie GSuffolk G1957-1965
Bridgman, Helenb. 1948Essex A2020-2023
Briggs, Gordon Charlesb. 1923
d. 2008
Derbyshire A1948-1951
Bristow, MartynLiverpool Univ. Society2017-
Brittliff, Miss Alison JLancashire A2011-2019
Broadley, Jamesb. 1859
d. 1953
Leeds & District Society1909-1912
Brock, Andrew NEast Grinstead & District G1975-1996
Brock, NormanMiddlesex CA & London DG1984-1989
Brocklebank, Henry Sb. 1870
d. 1946
Chester DG1918-1921
Brook, Samb. 1965Lancashire A2020-2024
Brooke, Imogen G Kb. 1991Univ. Bristol Society2018-2023
Brooke, Patrick L HCambridge Univ. G1984-1990
Brookes, Revd David CLlandaff & Monmouth DA1984-1990
Yorkshire A1993-1994
Brooks, LianneLeicester DG2017-2023
Brown, David Cb. 1952Oxford Univ. Society1981-1987
Brown, Henry Williamb. 1862
d. 1958
Bath & Wells DA1928-1945
Brown, Mrs Jacqueline L
(née Miss Jacqueline L Bale)
b. 1987Univ. London Society2014-2020
Brown, Kenneth Georged. 2016Suffolk G1957-1958
Brown, Peter WIrish A1969-1974
Brown, Robert D Sb. 1959Devon A2011-2020
Brown, RobinYorkshire A1972-1975
Brown, Sally Ab. 1962Leicester DG2023-
Brundle, Robert Henryb. 1851
d. 1948
Norwich DA1894-1897
Brunger, Eric Jamesb. 1938
d. 2012
Norwich DA2011-2012
Brunger, Mrs Jennyb. 1940Norwich DA2012-2017
Buchanan, John Gb. 1856
d. 1927
Hereford DG1891-1893
Buckingham, Keith Nicholasb. 1958
d. 2007
Lincoln DG2003-2006
Shropshire A2007
Buckingham, SueShropshire A2012-2015
Buckingham, Walter Harry Leeb. 1866
d. 1955
St James’ Society1894-1897
Middlesex CA1897-1900
Buckley, David Jb. 1946
d. 2005
Bath & Wells DA1981-2005
Bucknell, Ian Db. 1965Gloucester & Bristol DA2024-
Bugler, Dr Deryk Rogerb. 1948
d. 2007
Dorset CA1994-2007
Bull, Brian Jb. 1940Southwell DG1993-2002
Bulwer, Revd Henry Earleb. 1841
d. 1902
Norwich DA1891-1902
Bunyan, Miss Jennifer Margaretb. 1945
d. 2021
Bath & Wells DA2005-2021
Burgess, Davidb. 1941Lancashire A2008-2014
Burgess, Edgar Ernestb. 1871
d. 1933
Bath & Wells DA1907-1918
Burgess, Peter Cb. 1981North Staffs A2008-2009
Burkin, Williamb. 1861
d. 1904
Ancient Society of College Youths1897-1900
Burles, James Edwardb. 1889
d. 1979
Lancashire A1963-1966
Burley, Arthur Fb. 1922
d. 1995
Truro DG1987-1995
Burnett, Revd Douglasb. 1926
d. 1988
Truro DG1954-1968
Burrows, Brian LLeicester DG1975-1987
Burton, George Pestellb. 1875
d. 1948
Norwich DA1909-1930
Burton, J GeoffreyNorth Staffs A1983-1984
Burton, Shirleyb. 1887
d. 1974
Leicester DG1954-1972
Buston, Revd Charlesd. 1920Winchester DG1891-1892
Buswell, Brian Mauriceb. 1930
d. 2017
Southwell DG1956-1966
Butcher, AidenSt David’s DG2011-2014
Butcher, Henry Robertb. 1871
d. 1954
Sussex CA1919-1920
Butler, Bruce Nb. 1949
d. 2022
North American G2005-2022
Butler, Mrs Eileen JNorth American G2017-
Butler, Ernest Jamesb. 1878
d. 1958
Essex A1918-1948
Butler, Thomas Rb. 1904
d. 1979
National Police G1950-1957
Butler, William Frederick Johnb. 1930
d. 2021
Oxford DG1957-1960
Butter, Keith CLincoln DG2024-
Byrne, Reuben Lb. 1915
d. 2002
Truro DG1977-1982
Byrne, Mrs Margaret PTruro DG1977-1987
Cairns, Mrs Yvonneb. 1947Durham & Newcastle DA2008-2014
Caligari, Miss Julie A VHereford DG1966-1967
Calvert, Miss Naomi Hb. 1999Leeds Univ. Society2019-2021
Cambareri, Michele GiovanniVeronese A2020-
Cameron, Mrs Kate ASurrey A1999-2002
Cammiade, Paul Ab. 1955Essex A2015-2021
Camp, John Edwardb. 1944
d. 2016
Oxford Univ. Society1969-1978
Campbell, Ian Gb. 1944Beverley & District Society1972-1982
Cannon, A Patrickb. 1913
d. 1982
Surrey A1951-1954
Cannon, Miss Fredab. 1928
d. 2017
Ladies’ G1984-2008
Capstick, Alanb. 1912
d. 1998
Lancashire A1966-1969
Card, Thomasb. 1868
d. 1932
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1906-1909
Cardell, SamuelChester DG1921-1922
Care, Barry RPeterborough DG1972-1978
Carlisle, Denis Rb. 1917
d. 1990
Derbyshire A1951-1954
Derby DA1966-1972
Carpenter, Dr Arthur Bb. 1854
d. 1913
Surrey A1891-1913
Carpenter, Mrs Anne MEly DA2004-2009
Carpenter, Revd Edward Westallb. 1855
d. 1937
Kent CA1891-1902
Carr, Derek Jb. 1948Kent CA1982-1987
South African G2011-2014
Carter, David RHereford DG1996-2002
Carter, Jason Lb. 1976Gloucester & Bristol DA2024-
Carter, Johnb. 1854
d. 1927
Birmingham & District Society1891-1892
Cartwright, Rowlandb. 1860
d. 1915
St Peter’s G, Wolverhampton1892-1894
Stafford Archd. Society1895-1915
Cartwright, William Bb. 1900
d. 1995
Worcestershire & Districts A1951-1984
Carveth, Alanb. 1929
d. 2008
Truro DG1956-1957
Cashmore, Harold Gb. 1904
d. 1997
Hertford CA1939-1954
Castle, Bryan Derekb. 1937
d. 2021
Salisbury DG1981-1983
Catchpole, William Lanceterb. 1848
d. 1918
Norwich DA1891-1918
Cater, Mrs Gailb. 1943Winchester & Portsmouth DG1996-2003
Cater, John ADerby DA1999-2011
Cater, Robertb. 1940Winchester & Portsmouth DG1978-1996
Yorkshire A2007-2008
Cathrall, Williamb. 1903
d. 1997
North Wales A1953-1957
Caton, Mrs Alison Rsee Mrs Alison R Williams
Cattell, Mr Alanb. 1931
d. 1997
Leicester DG1984-1997
Cave, William Albertb. 1877
d. 1940
Gloucester & Bristol DA1909-1912
Cawley, Revd David Lewisb. 1944
d. 2024
Gloucester & Bristol DA1993-1996
Cecil, George Williamb. 1914
d. 1986
Ancient Society of College Youths1948-1957
Chaddock, Normanb. 1914
d. 1999
Sheffield & District Society1951-1969
Yorkshire A1969-1975
Chalk, Philip Alexander Forbesb. 1930
d. 2015
Cambridge Univ. G1954-1960
Chamberlain, VyvyenneIrish A2017-2020
Chambers, HPeterborough DG1939-1945
Chambers, KeithCoventry DG1977-1984
Chambers, Alderman Robert Bakerb. 1850
d. 1929
Midland Counties A1921-1929
Champion, Colin Jb. 1931
d. 1991
Sussex CA1973-1981
Champion, James Mb. 1960South African G2014-
Chandler, Henryb. 1864
d. 1928
Sussex CA1891-1894
Chandler, Henry Charlesb. 1869
d. 1950
Middlesex CA1909-1912
Chandler, Paul Jb. 1987Birmingham Univ. Society2007-2011
Chandler, Richard Jb. 1984Hertford CA2009-2011
Chant, Haroldb. 1910
d. 1988
Barnsley & District G1945-1951
Chantler, Alan EPeterborough DG2000-2016
Chapman, Harryb. 1863
d. 1948
Lancashire A1906-1918
Lancashire A1924-1930
Chapman, Mrs Margaret E Lsee Miss Margaret E L Beamish
Chapman, Patrick Ib. 1931
d. 2004
Peterborough DG1954-1969
Chapman, Mrs Vicki Lb. 1971Essex A2016-
Charles, Hayden JNorwich DA1981-1993
Chase, Miss Kira Rb. 1995Ex-officio2024-
Cheales, Revd H JLincoln DG1900-1903
Cheesman, Jeremy DSurrey A1981-2020
Cheesman, John Herbertb. 1872
d. 1939
Kent CA1903-1912
Cherry, Lord Justice Richard Rb. 1859
d. 1923
Irish A1903-1913
Chester, Georgeb. 1865
d. 1947
North Lincs A1897-1900
Lincoln DG1900-1945
Chester, Michaelb. 1961Coventry DG1999-2017
Chichester, Robert Edwardb. 1872
d. 1958
Devonshire G1896-1897
Chilcott, John Esmondb. 1931
d. 2016
Ancient Society of College Youths1960-1963
Church, Michael Jb. 1946Guildford DG1972-1984
Winchester & Portsmouth DG2004-
Church, PeterBeverley & District Society1982-1990
Clark, Harold Jefferyb. 1891
d. 1981
Truro DG1932-1933
Clark, Johnb. 1860
d. 1946
Hereford DG1907-1936
Clark, Revd Leonard Seymourb. 1881
d. 1956
Peterborough DG1924-1927
Clarke, James MDevonshire G1972-1981
Clarke, Joseph Williamb. 1898
d. 1972
Chester DG1947-1965
Clarke, J Davidb. 1929
d. 1994
Southwell DG1957-1972
Clarke, TEast Derbys & Notts A1933-1945
Clarkson, George Jamesb. 1854
d. 1915
Cleveland & North Yorks A1902-1912
Clarkson, Revd John Mayhewb. 1852
d. 1912
Ely DA1909-1912
Clay, Richard TSussex CA1996-2002
Claydon, Walterb. 1885
d. 1951
Surrey A1937-1945
Clements, Revd Charles Albertb. 1868
d. 1935
Lancashire A1895-1903
Chester DG1927-1933
Clements, Michael Gb. 1959Norwich DA2011-2018
Clements, Richard JWorcestershire & Districts A1987-1990
Clift, Donald Gb. 1911
d. 2000
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1933-1936
Clifton, Charles William Peachb. 1864
d. 1926
Lincoln DG1900-1909
Clifton, GrahamOxford DG2010-2012
Clive, Dennis Bb. 1930Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society1999-2005
Cockerill, William Thomasb. 1859
d. 1938
Ancient Society of College Youths1893-1938
Cockey, Revd Herbert Adolphusb. 1857
d. 1916
Gloucester & Bristol DA1891-1912
Cockey, James Edward Lewisb. 1886
d. 1971
Middlesex CA1939-1949
Cocks, Alfred Heneageb. 1851
d. 1928
Oxford DG1891-1900
Cocks, Mrs Kathryn Pb. 1959Worcestershire & Districts A2019-2023
Coggill, Henry DAncient Society of College Youths2011-2014
Colborne, Graham J NSalisbury DG1987-1990
Colclough, Fb. 1882
d. 1961
Dudley & District G1934-1953
Coleman, Arthur Lb. 1861
d. 1944
Warwickshire G1908-1912
Norwich DA1920-1944
Coleman, Steven JSurrey A1982-1989
Gloucester & Bristol DA2002-2004
Coleridge, Canon George Frederickb. 1857
d. 1949
Oxford DG1891-1948
Coles, A Eb. 1863
d. 1946
Bath & Wells DA1906-1907
Coles, Albert Wb. 1888
d. 1968
Middlesex CA & London DG1948-1949
Coles, Charles Thomasb. 1882
d. 1946
Middlesex CA1921-1946
Coles, Sidney Georgeb. 1891
d. 1967
Bath & Wells DA1946-1960
Coles, William Hb. 1905
d. 1984
Middlesex CA1950-1951
Colgate, Miss Doris Eileenb. 1915
d. 2012
Ladies’ G1953-1983
Collett, William George Edwinb. 1889
d. 1972
Oxford Society1930-1946
Collins, Arthur Terenceb. 1941
d. 2021
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1987-1993
Collins, DIrish A1993-1994
Collins, Frederick Eb. 1901
d. 1994
Surrey A1946-1965
Collins, John ESouth Derbys & North Leics A1963-1981
Collins, Miss Shelagh Rosemary
(latterly Mrs Shelagh Rosemary Melville)
b. 1929
d. 2013
Peterborough DG1963-1966
Collins, Timothy Fb. 1951Salisbury DG1983-1987
Dorset CA2011-2017
Collinson, Td. 1916Birmingham & Dist. Amal. Society1898-1899
Colman, Mrs Catherine ASuffolk G2021-
Consolaro, AndreaVerona A1989-1995
Cook, Charles Wb. 1891
d. 1969
Ely DA1936-1951
Cook, Roland Harryb. 1942
d. 2019
Leicester DG1972-1975
Cook, William Tb. 1933
d. 1992
Ancient Society of College Youths1963-1992
Cooke, Johnb. 1886
d. 1958
Chester DG1939-1948
Cooles, Robert JSurrey A1975-1978
Cooper, Daniel Doultonb. 1902
d. 1954
Surrey A1933-1954
Cooper, John Rb. 1927
d. 1996
Kent CA1957-1966
Cooper, Stephenb. 1837
d. 1905
Midland Counties’ A1893-1897
Cooper, Thomasb. 1914
d. 1981
Hereford DG1972-1981
Copley, Benjamin Taylorb. 1850
d. 1912
Yorkshire A1891-1897
Coppock, Alfredd. 1937Midland Counties A1924-1926
Sherwood Youths1927-1935
Corby, Miss Judith Msee Mrs Judith M Rogers
Corby, Philip Ab. 1917
d. 1992
London CA1939-1946
Kent CA1951-1954
Leicester DG1954-1960
Kent CA1960-1981
Corby, R Gordonb. 1929Chester DG1954-1957
Cordingley, Walter Prattb. 1896
d. 1945
Leeds & District A1906-1909
Cornford, John Williamb. 1887
d. 1962
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1932-1933
Costello, Lynette MDevonshire G2019-2023
Cotterell, Jamesb. 1868
d. 1935
Yorkshire A1920-1935
Cotton, Joseph Williamb. 1902
d. 1985
Midland Counties G1946-1978
Couch, Miss Debbie JTruro DG1996-2004
Couperthwaite, W Johnb. 1942Guildford DG1984-
Courtney, Revd Henry Cb. 1837
d. 1929
Bath & Wells DA1898-1903
Cousins, George Tb. 1920
d. 1987
Hereford DG1962-1968
Cousins, Johnb. 1947National Police G2017-2022
Covey-Crump, Revd Walter Williamb. 1865
d. 1949
Ely DA1899-1900
Cox, Anthony Jb. 1949Univ. of Bristol Society1987-1990
Cox, Canon Charles Carewb. 1882
d. 1965
Salisbury DG1924-1927
Cox, Revd Ernest Vb. 1882
d. 1961
Stafford Archidiaconal1915-1918
Devonshire G1936-1939
Cox, Roy MSussex CA1987-1993
Crabtree, R JamesSouthwell & Nottingham DG2017-
Cracknell, Matthew JDurham & Newcastle DA2014-2017
Craddock, Andrew Gb. 1948Durham & Newcastle DA1978-1982
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1993-2005
Crampion, John Hb. 1911
d. 2000
Essex A1954-1963
Craven, Arthurb. 1869
d. 1930
North Lincs A1898-1900
Crawley, Albertb. 1878
d. 1957
Chester DG1936-1939
Creasey, J Wb. 1867
d. 1909
South Lincs A1891-1893
Crighton, Robert DSalisbury DG2022-
Critchley, George Williamb. 1924
d. 2006
Hertford CA1957-1966
Middlesex CA1966-1972
Critchley, W Ericb. 1923
d. 2003
Yorkshire A1951-1976
Crocker, Adam Rb. 1990Leeds Univ. Society2011-2017
Croft, Kenneth Stuart Bayneb. 1922
d. 1984
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1975-1981
Croft, William SWinchester & Portsmouth DG1977-1978
Crook, Peterb. 1885
d. 1966
Lancashire A1927-1930
Cross, George Herbertb. 1893
d. 1965
St Clement’s Youths1930-1935
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1935-1960
Cross, William GEastern Counties’ G1891-1892
Cross, Miss Marie Rb. 1909
d. 2001
Universities’ A1945-1969
Crossthwaite, Cyrilb. 1920
d. 2002
Lancashire A1963-1987
Crowder, Miss Theodora Fairfaxb. 1936
d. 2024
Ladies’ G1993-1999
Norwich DA2005-2011
Crowther, Anthony JHertford CA2015-
Croxton, John HHereford DG2004-2019
Cubitt, Martinb. 1937
d. 2007
Norwich DA1969-1978
Cullingworth, Thomasb. 1913
d. 2003
Kent CA1954-1969
Cullum, Frederick Johnb. 1899
d. 1981
Kent CA1939-1945
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1959-1963
Cummins, Peter Ab. 1917
d. 1997
Truro DG1982-1984
Curteis, Revd Thomas Samuelb. 1848
d. 1912
Kent CA1891-1894
Curtis, William Reginaldb. 1920
d. 2009
Truro DG1975-1977
Dains, Henryb. 1837
d. 1916
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1891-1916
Dale, Peter Tb. 1944Kent CA2008-2014
Dallaway, Frederick Herbertb. 1900
d. 1971
Sussex CA1938-1960
Daniell, Robert Arthurb. 1836
d. 1935
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1900-1912
Dann, James R ACambridge Univ. G2017-2020
Darch, Thomas Georgeb. 1902
d. 1964
Devon A1961-1964
Darley, Revd Bd. 1926North Notts A1902-1903
Darling, Andrew Jb. 1974Chester DG2024-
Darmon, Mrs Jean Asee Miss Jean A Southerst
Darmon, Stanley Eb. 1924
d. 2014
Cambridge Univ. G1951-1954
Darvill, Christopher PUniv. Bristol Society2008-2014
Darvill, Kenneth Jb. 1944Oxford DG1975-1981
Dash, Miss J HilaryTruro DG1975-1981
Daubuz, John Claudeb. 1842
d. 1915
Truro DG1908-1915
Davenport, Kenneth ROxford DG1996-2021
Davey, Frank Jamesb. 1867
d. 1932
Devonshire G1926-1930
Davidson, Anthony Johnb. 1940
d. 2012
Truro DG1963-1975
Davidson, William Jamesb. 1910
d. 1983
Durham & Newcastle DA1933-1948
Davies, Mrs Annb. 1954Transvaal Society1989-1996
Davies, Mrs BrendaKent CA2002-2005
Davies, Revd Charles Douglas Percivalb. 1856
d. 1931
Sussex CA1891-1903
Davies, GarethUniv. London Society1981-1984
Davies, Mark Bb. 1968Gloucester & Bristol DA2016-2024
Davies, Prof Michael Baileyb. 1940
d. 2024
Ely DA1987-2011
Davies, Nicholas Johnd. 2006Kent CA1996-2002
Davis, Arthur Vb. 1900
d. 1988
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1960-1975
Davis, Arthur Williamb. 1892
d. 1986
Hereford DG1930-1947
Davis, Douglas GKent CA2014-2023
Davis, Mrs Gilian Wb. 1933Winchester & Portsmouth DG1981-1987
Davis, James Ivan Pearceb. 1902
d. 1978
Salisbury DG1957-1959
Daw, Raymond Hb. 1938North Staffs A1999-2002
Daw, Mrs Wendyb. 1943North Staffs A1993-2002
Dawe, Francis Edwardb. 1862
d. 1942
Ancient Society of College Youths1891-1897
London CA1930-1939
Dawe, Robert Jamesb. 1868
d. 1937
Sussex CA1909-1912
Dawson, Mrs Carolyn Ab. 1943Ladies’ G2011-2017
Dawson, George Ab. 1942Society of Sherwood Youths1968-1981
Southwell DG1981-2008
Southwell & Nottingham DG2008-2020
Day, Mrs Diana FSussex CA2011-2014
Day, H Jb. 1889Suffolk G1926-1927
Dean, Charlesb. 1871
d. 1951
Surrey A1898-1912
Deas, George Stedmanb. 1933
d. 2021
Durham & Newcastle DA1981-1984
Debenham, Edward Percyb. 1858
d. 1934
Hertford CA1894-1903
Debenham, Gilbert Edwardb. 1908
d. 1981
de Cordova, Mrs Christine B Jb. 1952Carlisle DG2014-2023
de Legh-Runciman, Ernest W
(formerly Ernest W Runciman)
b. 1956Lancashire A2002-2020
Dempster, Revd AdrianEast Derbys & West Notts A1975-2011
Dench, Frederickb. 1875
d. 1958
Ancient Society of College Youths1909-1912
Denman, Haroldb. 1903
d. 1995
North Notts A1945-1947
Southwell DG1947-1951
Dennis, Thorpe Reginaldb. 1883
d. 1966
Ely DA1913-1933
Dent, Georgeb. 1864
d. 1940
Essex A1915-1918
Denyer, Charles Williamb. 1911
d. 1984
Guildford DG1960-1963
Desbottes, Ms Katherine Jsee Mrs Katherine J Wills
Devine, Mrs AllisonLadies’ G2022-
Dew, Henryb. 1874
d. 1958
Chester DG1903-1906
Dew, Michael Jb. 1954Coventry DG1996-2014
Dillon, Jamesb. 1852
d. 1936
Chester DG1897-1900
Dirksen, Richard Sb. 1943Honorary1969-1972
Diserens, Antony PNorth Wales A2011-2023
Diserens, Brian PAncient Society of College Youths1999-2002
Central European A2024-
Diserens, Noel Jamesb. 1931
d. 2011
Oxford DG1966-1978
Dixon, B Cb. 1884Durham & Newcastle DA1922-23
Dixon, Simon Jb. 1965Peterborough DG2016-
Dobbie, Walter Hb. 1919
d. 2003
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1963-1975
Dodd, Geoffrey Kennethb. 1932
d. 2020
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1972-1978
Dodds, Geoffreyb. 1925
d. 2011
Hertford CA1960-1990
Dodge, Neal Tb. 1995Suffolk G2017-
Donaldson, Alistair Mb. 1952Peterborough DG2023-
Donovan, Neilb. 1946Yorkshire A1987-2011
Dooley, GraceSwansea & Brecon DG2024-
Dorrington, Revd Richard Bryanb. 1948
d. 2020
Shropshire A1975-1979
Doughty, George E J AMiddlesex CA & London DG1993-2008
Dove, C BarrieYorkshire A1999-2005
Yorkshire A2008-
Dove, Ronald Hammertonb. 1906
d. 2001
Down, Gareth SDorset CA2023-2024
Downing, Mrs VeronicaSuffolk G2011-2019
Dowse, William Henryb. 1943
d. 2021
National Police G2011-2014
Doyle, JulieAustralian & New Zealand A2011-2012
Drake, Revd Herbertb. 1868
d. 1947
Salisbury DG1903-1909
Norwich DA1919-1922
Suffolk G1922-1947
Drew, Miss D Maryb. 1927Gloucester & Bristol DA1951-1954
Drew, Geoffrey Richardd. 2017Honorary1970-1983
Norwich DA1999-2005
Drew, Mrs Shirley Maureenb. 1934
d. 2008
Drewett, James Douglasb. 1854
d. 1928
Surrey A1927-1928
Drinkwater, Revd Maximillian L Db. 1990Guild of Clerical Ringers2023-2024
Ducker, Ronaldb. 1931
d. 2021
Beverley & District Society1967-1972
Duffield, Edward Pb. 1898
d. 1995
Essex A1936-1939
Duffield, William Cb. 1895
d. 1984
Norwich DA1945-1954
Duke, Graham Ab. 1947Hertford CA2002-2011
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths2011-2020
Dukes, Mrs Annie Henriettab. 1910
d. 1989
Irish A1962-1966
Dukes, Frederick Eb. 1912
d. 1998
Irish A1945-1989
Dunkerley, Fredb. 1905
d. 1987
Lancashire A1951-1963
Dunwoody, John Thomasb. 1917
d. 1985
Irish A1948-1985
Dyke, Joseph Thomasb. 1892
d. 1965
Bath & Wells DA1932-1954
Dyson, Peterb. 1950Chester DG1979-2011
Eachus, Johnb. 1842
d. 1919
Lancashire A1895-1906
Earis, Philip Jb. 1982Cambridge Univ. G2005-2008
Ebsworth, Mrs Pamb. 1951Bath & Wells DA1987-1988
Eccles, Roland Fergusonb. 1930
d. 2023
Australia & New Zealand A1979-1990
Edge, Ewart Haroldb. 1926
d. 2006
North Staffs A1961-1965
Edmondson, Ericb. 1928
d. 2006
Hertford CA1954-1960
Edwards, Miss A Doreenb. 1922
d. 2021
Chester DG1963-1966
Edwards, Charlesb. 1869
d. 1953
Hereford DG1920-1933
Edwards, Revd Frank Llewellynb. 1873
d. 1956
Salisbury DG1912-1956
Edwards, HEssex A1939-1945
Edwards, James Henryb. 1914
d. 1992
Bedfordshire A1963-1984
Edwards, Mrs Janet AEssex A1999-2005
Edwards, Leonard Cb. 1919
d. 2002
Gloucester & Bristol DA1972-1984
Edwards, Richard HKent CA2008-2014
Edwards, Simon Wb. 1994Gloucester & Bristol DA2021-2024
Edwards, Dr Tudor Parryb. 1934
d. 2013
Univ. of Bristol Society1960-1975
Edwards, Mrs Winifred Mary
(née Miss Winifred Mary Gillingham)
b. 1890
d. 1949
Egglestone, Howard Williamb. 1936
d. 2013
Suffolk G1966-1978
Oxford DG1984-1993
Eisel, Dr John CHonorary1987-2010
Elkins, Alfred Richardb. 1893
d. 1984
Chester DG1960-1963
Elks, Nicholas Ab. 1961Peterborough DG2015-
Ellams, John J Pb. 1935
d. 1999
Hereford DG1991-1999
Elliott, Frederick Walterb. 1887
d. 1976
Hertford CA1929-1930
Ellis, Alan Frederickb. 1942
d. 2021
North American G1999-2008
North American G2014-2019
Ellis, Henry Stephenb. 1858
d. 1936
London CA1912-1915
Ellis, Revd J Anthonyb. 1947Swansea & Brecon DG1975-1976
Hereford DG2021-
Ellis, J K RandolphNorth Wales A1984-1987
Ellison, Ven Charles Ottleyb. 1898
d. 1978
Yorkshire A1948-1951
Elsee, Canon Henry Johnb. 1863
d. 1936
Lancashire A1891-1936
Elton, Thomas Johnb. 1873
d. 1939
Stafford Archd. Society1925-1936
Elwell, E Wb. 1903Chester DG1924-1930
Elwell-Sutton, Stephen Ab. 1954Scottish A2005-2016
Emerson, Geoffrey CGloucester & Bristol DA2008-2011
England, John Williamd. 1963East Derbys & Notts A1930-1933
Evans, Andrew DWorcestershire & Districts A1985-1993
Evans, Colin WEast Derbys & Notts A1946-1954
Evans, Miss Jacqueline Sb. 1930Llandaff & Monmouth DA1954-1957
Evans, Johnb. 1863
d. 1946
Oxford DG1912-1933
Evans, Leslieb. 1912
d. 2011
Hereford DG1945-1948
Evans, Anthony James Thomasb. 1940
d. 2022
Peterborough DG1999-2005
Everall, Peter JShropshire A1979-1981
Everett, Ms Alison MSussex CA2018-2022
Eves, Peter Johnb. 1929
d. 2019
Essex A1960-1966
Evetts, jun., WOxford DG1934-1936
Exton, William Lb. 1932
d. 2022
Southwell DG1963-1984
Eykyn, Revd PittHonorary1891-1894
Eyre, Charles Frederick Wd. 1994Stafford Archd. Society1969-1976
Faber, Ms BeverlyNorth American G2008-
Fairclough, Hb. 1876Chester DG1924-1926
Fairey, Michael WStafford Archd. Society1966-1972
Fanthorpe, Raymond GSouthwell DG1984-1993
Fardon, George Robertb. 1873
d. 1934
London CA1906-1912
Farrar, Simon CCambridge Univ. G2002-2008
Farrow, Revd Reginald Percyb. 1874
d. 1961
Midland Counties A1930-1933
Faulkner, Thomasb. 1875
d. 1933
Ancient Society of College Youths1912-1933
Faull, Ms Susan Ab. 1955Lincoln DG2006-2014
Fearn, George Ernestb. 1906
d. 1974
St Martin’s G1954-1974
Feast, Paul V Wb. 1951Bath & Wells DA2021-2024
Open Univ. Society2024-
Feirn, George Edwinb. 1914
d. 2009
Lincoln DG1945-1987
Fellows, Martin Danielb. 1945
d. 2008
Worcestershire & Districts A1972-1987
Fellows, Michael Johnb. 1947
d. 1975
Dudley & District G1966-1971
Felstead, Canon Kenneth W Hb. 1919
d. 1994
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1946-1972
Fenn, Ernest Gladstoneb. 1881
d. 1966
Ancient Society of College Youths1939-1957
Fiddy, Glen Gb. 1957Derby DA2020-
Fidler, Arthurb. 1930
d. 2019
Devon A1970-1971
Fidler, John Pauldenb. 1897
d. 1978
Leicester DG1946-1951
Field, Sonia Gb. 1963Middlesex CA & London DG2018-2024
Finch, Frederick Ad. 1967Middlesex CA & London DG1950-1951
Fisher, Williamb. 1878
d. 1943
Stafford Archd. Society1918-1921
Flavell, Mrs Kateb. 1953Honorary1994-2006
Surrey A2006-
Flavell, Paul Jb. 1953Derby DA1985-1986
Surrey A2004-
Fleming, Keith Hb. 1940Bedfordshire A1969-1975
Fletcher, Christopher MLancashire A2014-2019
Fletcher, Mrs Edith Kate
(née Miss Edith Kate Parker)
b. 1891
d. 1965
Ladies’ G1915-1952
Fletcher, George Williamb. 1896
d. 1971
Middlesex CA1930-1948
Flockton, Robert KCambridge Univ. G2014-2017
Flockton, Stuart JLiverpool Univ. Society1987-2008
Foddering, Linda S
(latterly Mrs Linda S Georgiades)
Middlesex CA & London DG2013-2018
Foot, John Keithb. 1934
d. 2020
Liverpool Univ. Society1981-1987
Forbes, Dr Lin FHonorary1996-2002
Foreman, Miss Ruth Margaretb. 1931
d. 2017
Middlesex CA & London DG1966-1969
Forster, Christopherb. 1949Leeds Univ. Society1982-1993
Forster, James Ab. 1986St Martin’s G2011-2015
Fortey, Ashley Cb. 1981Hereford DG2005-2014
Foskett, Benjaminb. 1846
d. 1927
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1894-1900
Foskett, Sydneyb. 1902
d. 1982
Bedfordshire A1954-1963
Foster, AlanHereford DG1999-2005
Foster, Anthony PChester DG1975-1978
Foster, C Martinb. 1942Univ. Bristol Society1990-1996
Foster, Miss Janesee Mrs M Jane Wilkinson
Fox, DavidHereford DG2002-2003
Francis, Georgeb. 1930
d. 2022
Sussex CA1968-1976
Francis, JillSwansea & Brecon DG2009-2010
Francis, Thomas Huntb. 1914
d. 1970
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1948-1950
Franklin, Mrs Anne Eb. 1956Sussex CA2014-2017
Franklin, Miss Angela Ssee Mrs Angela S Preston
Franklin, Mrs Carol N JLeicester DG1987-
Franklin, Edric Johnd. 2002Railwaymen’s G1967-1978
Franklin, Stephen JLeicester DG1981-1987
Franks, SimonLichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2005-2007
Freeman, Johnb. 1919
d. 1989
Lincoln DG1948-1969
Freeman, John Ashleyb. 1884
d. 1961
Lincoln DG1945-1960
Freeman, Melvyn Jb. 1959Bath & Wells DA1984-1987
Fretwell, Herbert Greend. 1957East Derbys & Notts A1928-1930
Friend, David WChester DG1988-1991
Frith, Denis Albertb. 1928
d. 2016
Lincoln DG1972-1993
Frith, Revd J Bd. 1959North Staffs & District A1932-1935
Frost, Alan JUniv. London Society1966-1981
Ancient Society of College Youths1999-2005
Frost, Mrs Maureen EDorset CA1994-2002
Fry, Revd Barry Jb. 1949Winchester & Portsmouth DG1996-1999
Fry, Roger Owenb. 1930
d. 2010
Bath & Wells DA1954-1957
Furniss, Mrs Beverley Jb. 1957North Wales A2017-2024
Frye, Christopher JLeeds Univ. Society1978-1982
Fuller-Whelan, HelenNational Police G2022-2024
Furnivall, Anthony CNorth American G2011-2017
Gadd, SueSussex CA2020-
Galley, Revd Giles Christopherb. 1932
d. 2024
Yorkshire A1989-1999
Gallimore, John Douglasb. 1919
d. 2018
Veronese A1996-2002
Game, Keith Georgeb. 1943
d. 2019
East Grinstead & District G1969-1975
Gant, Frank Victorb. 1908
d. 1983
Essex A1948-1952
Gardner, Catherine Jb. 1972Lancashire A2020-2024
Gardiner, MaureenNorwich DA2014-2017
Garner-Hayward, James Leslieb. 1896
d. 1980
Garrett, Thomas Rb. 1949Salisbury DG2014-2022
Garton, Linda Mb. 1961Bedfordshire A2017-
Gay, Philip Wb. 1933North Staffs A1987-2008
George, Jamesb. 1853
d. 1951
Gibb, John HChester DG1996-1999
Gibbin, Noel J RSurrey A2021-
Gibbons, William Frederickb. 1920
d. 2008
Chester DG1983-1985
Gibbs, Anthony Wd. 1990National Police G1977-1981
Giddins, Derek Bb. 1947Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2017-2020
Gilbert, Georgeb. 1887
d. 1960
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1936-1948
Gilbert, John HBath & Wells DA1963-1972
Gillingham, Miss Winifred Marysee Mrs Winifred Mary Edwards
Gilmore, DavidSurrey A1989-1990
Giona, FabioVeronese A1995-1999
Gipson, John Grahamb. 1923
d. 2017
Ely DA1957-1984
Girt, John Lb. 1935Suffolk G1978-1984
Glanvill, John Lewis Steerb. 1903
d. 1960
Devonshire G1959-1960
Glenn, Clementb. 1883
d. 1955
Yorkshire A1909-1918
Southwell DG1954-1955
Glenton, Christopher DSouthwell & Nottingham DG2022-
Glover, Alan Mb. 1950Leeds Univ. Society1974-1978
Shropshire A2009-2019
Gobey, Edward Charlesb. 1877
d. 1965
Midland Counties A1912-1915
Godden, Mrs Wendy Eb. 1944Essex A2011-2020
Godden, William Henryb. 1849
d. 1927
St Martin’s G1899-1921
Godfrey, Eric George Henryb. 1934
d. 2022
Surrey A1978-1993
Godwin, John Td. 1952Salisbury DG1945-1948
Gofton, Thomas Thompsonb. 1872
d. 1931
Durham & Newcastle DA1924-1931
Golden, F Nolanb. 1908
d. 1991
Norwich DA1930-1969
Norwich DA1973-1978
Goldsmith, John Sparkesb. 1878
d. 1942
Goodenough, Horace Edward Charlesb. 1887
d. 1962
Hertford CA1936-1948
Goodfellow, Frederick Wb. 1905
d. 1990
Middlesex CA & London DG1938-1939
Goodship, Nigel JSurrey A1990-1996
Gordon, Andrew WShropshire A1999-2007
Gordon, Anthony WGuildford DG1990-1992
Gordon, Williamb. 1838
d. 1915
Chester DG1900-1903
Gosling, Miss CherylSurrey A2002-2004
Graham, Ms WendyCarlisle DG2008-2014
Grant, Robin ASurrey A1981-1990
East Grinstead & District G1996-2011
Gray, Philip Malcolm Jamesb. 1927
d. 2017
New South Wales A1957-1962
Australia & New Zealand A1962-1996
Green, Nicholas JLeeds Univ. Society2002-2008
Shropshire A2008-2012
Green, Philip NigelLincoln DG2011-2024
Green, Roger Geoffreyb. 1948
d. 2013
Leeds Univ. Society1973-1974
Griffin, Josephd. 1947Midland Counties A1891-1923
Griffith, Revd Clement William Haslewoodb. 1861
d. 1936
Bath & Wells DA1891-1896
Griffiths, John Wb. 1908
d. 2000
Chester DG1966-1968
Grimwood, David WKent CA2014-2021
Groom, Trevor WBedfordshire A1975-1981
Hertford CA2017-2019
Groombridge, sen., Tomb. 1867
d. 1951
Kent CA1909-1939
Groombridge, jun., Tomb. 1891
d. 1948
Southwell DG1946-1948
Groome, Christopher JPeterborough DG1972-1999
Gross, Bryan John Robertb. 1932
d. 2022
Peterborough DG1993-1999
Grossmith, Mrs Valhalla Vivienne Hepworthb. 1923
d. 2012
Zimbabwe G1989-1993
Grove, Richard Edwardb. 1859
d. 1934
Worcestershire & Districts A1894-1905
Grover, George Lewisb. 1897
d. 1969
Guildford DG1930-1954
Groves, Alfred Williamb. 1868
d. 1955
Sussex CA1939-1945
Groves, Dr Grahame SGloucester & Bristol DA1996-2002
Groves, James Edwardb. 1868
d. 1931
Hereford DG1901-1906
Guise, Edgarb. 1889
d. 1976
Gloucester & Bristol DA1925-1929
Gullick, Stephen JYorkshire A1975-1979
Gunn, AndrewFour Shires G2010-2011
Haigh, Herbertb. 1866
d. 1932
North Notts A1903-1930
Haigh, Williamb. 1863
d. 1943
Kent CA1897-1909
Hairs, Mrs Elsie Laurab. 1892
d. 1969
Sussex CA1963-1968
Hairs, Frank Ib. 1888
d. 1988
Sussex CA1939-1950
Hall, Andrew EDerby DA2014-
Hall, Mrs Annie Jb. 1958Coventry DG2017-
Hall, Mrs Dorothy Gb. 1976Oxford Society2020-
Hall, John AEssex A2014-2015
Hall, John CNorth Staffs A2021-2024
Hall, Robin OCambridge Univ. G2008-2010
Hall, Mrs Susan Gb. 1964Derby DA2015-
Hallam, Carole JChester DG2020-
Haller, Christian Jb. 1943North American G2019-
Halliday, JennyDerby DA2018-2020
Hallett, John GChester DG1975-1976
Halls, Gordon Ab. 1931
d. 2002
Derbyshire A1960-1963
Derby DA1963-2002
Halls, Mrs Patricia A Mb. 1937Derby DA1996-2017
Hammond, Jb. 1887Swansea & Brecon DG1926-1927
Hampton, Terence Ralphb. 1928
d. 2015
St Martin’s G1975-1986
Hansford, Michael Cb. 1950Bath & Wells DA2010-
Harbottle, Derek Jb. 1949Gloucester & Bristol DA2002-2024
Hardcastle, Joseph Henryb. 1870
d. 1958
Yorkshire A1935-1939
Harding, Charles Henryb. 1915
d. 1957
Bedfordshire A1946-1953
Harding, Gilbert Hb. 1891
d. 1974
Salisbury DG1946-1969
Harding, Norman Vb. 1909
d. 2001
Norwich DA1954-1978
Hardwick, Mrs Carol Anne
(formerly Mrs Carol Anne Bedding)
b. 1941
d. 2009
Bath & Wells DA1988-2009
Hardy, Arthur Newsonb. 1865
d. 1945
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1903-1906
Hardy, Robert Eb. 1943Hertford CA1975-1986
Harman, Albertb. 1888
d. 1973
Guildford DG1936-1956
Harper, Peter Wb. 1942Suffolk G2014-2017
Harris, Archibald Jamesb. 1887
d. 1952
Midland Counties A1936-1946
Harris, Revd Brianb. 1932Stafford Archd. Society1976-1980
Chester DG1985-1988
Harrison, Colinb. 1897
d. 1965
Midland Counties A1945-1946
Harrison, John Ab. 1943Oxford DG1989-
Harrison, Peter Ib. 1979Australian & New Zealand A2014-
Harrison, Miss Rebecca Cb. 2000Leeds Univ. Society2021-2022
Harrold, John Eb. 1953Hereford DG1987-1990
Hart, Keithb. 1874
d. 1947
Sussex CA1912-1915
Hart, Revd MichaelHereford DG1967-1969
Hart, Canon Michael SLancashire A1987-1992
Hartless, Johnb. 1929
d. 1982
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1961-1975
Hartley, Mrs Fiona AWelsh Colleges G2024-
Harvey, Revd Richard Charles Musgraveb. 1864
d. 1944
Winchester DG1896-1903
Harwood, RaymondNorwich DA2019-
Hastilow, Ian PSussex CA2008-2012
St David’s DG2014-2019
Hatcher, Dr E S Johnb. 1915
d. 1994
Kent CA1948-1951
Kent CA1954-1960
Hattersley, Charles Henryb. 1844
d. 1915
Yorkshire A1891-1915
Hawcock, PeterSociety of Sherwood Youths2002-2014
Hawes, John Eb. 1955London CA1993-1996
Sussex CA1996-1999
Hawkins, Christopher Howardb. 1900
d. 1960
St David’s DG1949-1950
Haworth, James Robertb. 1821
d. 1910
Ancient Society of College Youths1891-1894
Hawthorne, Frank Eb. 1903
d. 1985
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1950-1966
Hayes, LesleyIrish A2024-
Haynes, Mrs Andrea CEx-officio2024-
Haynes, Frank Eb. 1906
d. 1991
St Martin’s G1950-1966
Haynes, Roger WGloucester & Bristol DA2024-
Hayward, Graham RSouthwell & Nottingham DG2022-
Hayward, Peter L RSociety of Sherwood Youths1981-1993
Hazelden, Albert Charlesb. 1876
d. 1963
Guildford DG1930-1963
Hector, Samuel Jamesb. 1881
d. 1952
Salisbury DG1924-1925
Helmore, Revd Frederick John Ottleyb. 1851
d. 1938
Kent CA1894-1930
Hemmings, Rosemary KLadies’ G2017-2022
Hemper, Julian Jb. 1969Salisbury DG2014-2019
Hemsley, BarbaraDevonshire G2023-2024
Hendry, Barrieb. 1939Peterborough DG1969-1972
Henshaw, Dr Michael J de CourcyBeverley & District Society1990-2008
Hensher, Thomas Robertb. 1873
d. 1942
Central Northants A1901-1904
Heppenstall, A RobinLincoln DG1987-2016
Herbert, MarkMiddlesex CA & London DG1993-1996
Hereward, Mrs Frances VanoraDorset CA2008-2011
Heritage, MarkDevonshire G2017-2018
Herriott, W Nigel Gb. 1954Ex-officio2012-2014
Hesse, Major John Harley Bridgerb. 1874
d. 1946
Middlesex CA1912-1921
Hewitt, George Leonardb. 1880
d. 1966
Shropshire A1946-1957
Heywood, Sir Arthur Percivalb. 1849
d. 1916
Midland Counties A1891-1916
Heywood, H Ab. 1859
d. 1943
Chester DG1891-1895
Hibbert, David Eb. 1960Barrow & District Society2014-2020
Hibbert, Richard Thomasb. 1869
d. 1946
Oxford DG1933-1936
Hibbert, Toby Cb. 2001Univ. London Society2023-
Hibbert, William AHonorary2004-2010
Hickey, Niamh WIrish A2023-
Hickey, Patrick Gb. 1950Gloucester & Bristol DA2011-2019
Higby, Mrs Clareb. 1941
d. 2007
Ladies’ G1981-1996
Higby, Matthew R Tb. 1974Bath & Wells DA1999-2014
Higgins, Mrs Janice Eb. 1943London CA1996-1999
Higgins, Miss Katesee Mrs Kate Wright
High, Stephen FNorwich DA1984-1987
Higson, Andrew DHonorary2002-2008
Hill, Revd Arthur du Boulayb. 1850
d. 1938
Salisbury DG1891-1900
Hill, Ian PGloucester & Bristol DA1996-2004
Hill, Johnb. 1932Transvaal Society1996-2005
Hills, Graham RSussex CA2016-2020
Hiller, Melvyn Johnd. 2019Salisbury DG1972-1975
Kent CA1975-1981
Hillier, Sidney Hb. 1874
d. 1942
Salisbury DG1927-1942
Hine, Mrs JaniceNorth Staffs A2014-2021
Hine, John Horaceb. 1911
d. 1998
Devon A1965-1993
Hine, Timothy CNorth Staffs A2014-2021
Hinks, Thomas Jb. 1989Ancient Society of College Youths2020-2023
Hird, B DouglasEx-officio2018-2020
Hird, Davidb. 1952Derby DA1975-1987
Durham & Newcastle DA1987-1993
Hitchins, Eric Jb. 1930
d. 2022
Salisbury DG1969-1993
Hitchman, George Easterbrookb. 1865
d. 1943
Birmingham & District Society1897-1898
Hoare, DavidBath & Wells DA1959-1960
Hoare, J Arthurb. 1897
d. 1988
Swansea & Brecon DG1946-1947
St David’s DG1947-1949
Swansea & Brecon DG1973-1981
Hobbs, J EEast Derbys & Notts A1955-1960
Hodge, Dr Alison MVeronese A1990-1996
Worcestershire & Districts A2012-
Hodgkinson, Mrs Gale Mb. 1946Norwich DA1993-2005
Hodgkinson, Michael HNorwich DA1999-2002
Holbeche, Stewart WWorcestershire & Districts A1999-2014
Holden, Johnb. 1843
d. 1899
United Counties’ A1891-1896
Holding, sen., Richard Tb. 1858
d. 1914
Chester DG1895-1897
Holding, jun., Richard Thomasb. 1882
d. 1952
Chester DG1918-1921
Holgate, John William Theakstonb. 1860
d. 1951
Leeds & District A1900-1906
Yorkshire A1906-1909
Holland, Ian Mb. 1939Llandaff & Monmouth DA1978-1981
Holliday, Ms Alison MLancashire A2011-2014
Holliday, ColinIrish A2005-2014
Hollier, William Henryb. 1875
d. 1937
Middlesex CA1924-1937
Holloway, Robertb. 1880
d. 1928
Middlesex CA1924-1925
Holmes, Williamb. 1869Durham & Newcastle DA1898-1906
Holt, Sidney Thomasb. 1901
d. 1983
Worcestershire & Districts A1936-1955
Hooper, Reginald Gb. 1930
d. 1983
Gloucester & Bristol DA1960-1963
Hooton, Wilfred Henry Johnb. 1898
d. 1953
Midland Counties A1936-1939
Hope, Revd Noel Eustaceb. 1880
d. 1957
Gloucester & Bristol DA1946-1948
Hopgood, Frank Williamb. 1866
d. 1932
Oxford DG1900-1932
Hopkins Till, Mrs Lucy P AOxford DG2013-
Hopkins Till, Michael K
(formerly Michael K Till)
b. 1951Oxford DG1999-2010
Winchester & Portsmouth DG2011-2014
Hopper, Fb. 1879Peterborough DG1927-1930
Hornby, Robert JOxford Univ. Society2017-2020
Horne, Richard ABedfordshire A2011-
Horrex, Edwinb. 1838
d. 1925
Ancient Society of College Youths1918-1921
Horritt, Geoffrey THertford CA2002-
Horritt, Margaret Mb. 1944Hertford CA2012-2024
Horton, Bertb. 1888
d. 1978
Stafford Archd. Society1936-1945
Horton, Roderick Rb. 1952Honorary2000-2003
House, David Eb. 1946Ancient Society of College Youths1975-1981
Hotine, EricChester DG1978-1981
Houghton, Leslie Williamb. 1910
d. 1974
Norwich DA1939-1945
Hounslow, Charlesb. 1832
d. 1913
Howard, Charles Henryb. 1868
d. 1940
Essex A1906-1934
Howard, H Michaelb. 1911
d. 1996
Howard, JYorkshire A1896-1897
Howard, William Hornerb. 1821
d. 1907
Yorkshire A1891-1896
Howells, William Richardb. 1893
d. 1973
Swansea & Brecon DG1924
Howes, Andrew Jb. 1941Salisbury DG1989-2020
Howes, Mrs June
(formerly Mrs June Webb)
b. 1939Salisbury DG1996-2002
Howse, George Henryb. 1866
d. 1945
Sussex CA1909-1918
Hudson, Andrew SIrish A1989-1999
Hudson, Edwardb. 1909
d. 1979
Yorkshire A1966-1969
Hudson, Thomasb. 1845
d. 1914
Durham & Newcastle DA1897-1906
Hughes, Albert Arthurb. 1885
d. 1964
Ancient Society of College Youths1915-1931
Hughes, Albert Johnb. 1881
d. 1968
North Wales A1925-1927
Hughes, Roxanne Fb. 1993Univ. London Society2020-2023
Hughes, Arthurb. 1861
d. 1916
Ancient Society of College Youths1903-1909
Hughes, Christopher JSt David’s DG2019-
Hughes, Douglasb. 1917
d. 1997
Hughes, George Walterb. 1912
d. 1991
Stafford Archd. Society1957-1966
Hughes, Mrs Gillian EDerby DA2002-
Hughes, Jason WNorth Wales A1987-1990
Surrey A2002-2006
Hughes, Revd John MLlandaff & Monmouth DA1990-2005
Hughes, Mrs Lynne Pb. 1964Devonshire G2011-2023
Ely DA2023-
Hughes, Peter Lionelb. 1919
d. 1983
Hereford DG1969-1981
Hughes, Philip ADurham Univ. Society2019-
Hughes, PhillippaNorwich DA2017-2019
Hughes, Samuel Jamesb. 1864
d. 1948
Dudley & District G1923-1933
Hughes, Revd THereford DG1893-1894
Hughes D’Aeth, Cloudesley Cecilb. 1871
d. 1949
Salisbury DG1914-1915
Hughes D’Aeth, Wyndham Walterb. 1868
d. 1952
Salisbury DG1915-1924
Hullah, Brian Bb. 1943Ely DA1994-1999
Humphrey, Mrs Emmasee Miss Emma St John-Smith
Humphrey, SimonSouthwell DG1972-1978
Derby DA1981-1985
Hunt, Jamesb. 1871
d. 1941
Bath & Wells DA1922-1941
Hurcombe, Peter Thomasd. 2018Sussex CA1976-1995
Hutchieson, Mrs ElizabethLichfield & Walsall Archd. Society1999-2002
Hutchieson, Stuartb. 1966Lichfield Archd. Society1993-1996
Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2002-
Hyde, Duncan L CNorth Wales A1998-2000
Hyett, James Percivalb. 1872
d. 1944
Hereford DG1936-1944
Idle, Christopher Jb. 1954Coventry DG2011-2017
Illingworth, A Johnb. 1950
d. 2003
Coventry DG1990-1996
Ingham, Mrs BethLancashire A2011-
Ingham, Canon Wilfrid Rawdonb. 1887
d. 1971
Chester DG1933-1934
Ivin, Stephen Jb. 1937
d. 2010
Oxford Univ. Society1961-1969
Jackson, Derek Charlesb. 1934
d. 2024
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1980-1999
Jackson, Timothy Cb. 1961Honorary2007-2010
Jackson, William Hillyardb. 1935
d. 2009
North American G1978-1996
Jacob, Arthurb. 1852
d. 1912
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1894-1906
James, Revd Edward Bankesb. 1870
d. 1947
Gloucester & Bristol DA1894-1908
James, Revd Henry Lawb. 1868
d. 1932
South Lincs A1897-1900
Lincoln DG1900-1932
James, Nicholas A MWinchester & Portsmouth DG2023-
Jameson, AlistairIrish A2002-2005
Jeffrey, Brian Ernestb. 1937
d. 2008
East Grinstead & District G1966-1969
Jeffries, William Jb. 1870
d. 1943
Kent CA1912-1915
Jeffs, George Wilfridb. 1903
d. 1961
Peterborough DG1945-1961
Jelley, John Michaelb. 1938
d. 2018
Leicester DG1963-1996
Jenkins, GrahamChester DG2020
Jenkyn, Revd Cyril Walford Osbornb. 1874
d. 1933
Oxford DG1906-1933
Jenner, StanleyKent CA1966-1978
Jennings, Charles Henryb. 1876
d. 1944
Salisbury DG1930-1944
Jerram, Lt-Col Charles Frederickb. 1882
d. 1969
Truro DG1932-1933
Jinkins, William Charles Gb. 1905
d. 1975
Scottish A1932-1950
John, Graham A Cb. 1955Oxford DG2017-
Johnson, Dr Christopher Michael Paleyd. 2019Cambridge Univ. G1960-1975
Johnson, Andrewb. 1966
d. 2024
Winchester & Portsmouth DG2017-2019
Johnson, Mrs Becki ECoventry DG2017-2020
Johnson, David Stanleyb. 1937
d. 2005
Yorkshire A1969-1972
Johnson, Joseph Danielb. 1899
d. 1987
Worcestershire & Districts A1930-1951
Johnson, Norman Arthurd. 2017Durham & Newcastle DA1984-1999
Johnson, Paul CSwansea & Brecon DG1997-2019
Johnson, Percy Jb. 1882
d. 1958
Leeds & District A1912-1921
Yorkshire A1921-1958
Johnston, Cyril Frederickb. 1884
d. 1950
Surrey A1912-1927
Johnston, Prof Ronald Johnb. 1941
d. 2020
Australia & New Zealand A1975-1979
Yorkshire A1984-1993
Joiner, TimMiddlesex CA & London DG2008-2011
Jones, Basilb. 1931
d. 2019
Chester DG1969-1976
Jones, Charles Henryd. 1980North Wales A1924
Jones, David T Gb. 1982Chester DG2014-2023
Jones, Dennis Rd. 2010Lancashire A1974-1993
Jones, Derek Jb. 1946Peterborough DG1984-2011
Jones, Miss Desiree ANorth Wales A1990-1996
Jones, Eric Mb. 1928
d. 2002
North Wales A1993-1997
Jones, Gareth B RHereford DG2017-2019
Jones, Janine HYorkshire A2017-2020
Jones, John Jamesb. 1868
d. 1937
Surrey A1897-1898
Jones, John Williamb. 1865
d. 1956
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1908-1954
Jones, MartinEssex A2021-
Jones, Ms MaryTruro DG2008-2018
Jones, Mary PNorwich DA2023-
Jones, Neil Wb. 1967Kent CA2023-
Jones, Nicholas DLlandaff & Monmouth DA2011-2014
Jones, Philip H DDevonshire G1975-1976
Jones, Stephen MSt Martin’s G2011-2015
Jones, Mrs Susan Mb. 1952Peterborough DG2006-2008
Jones, TNorth Wales A1932-1933
Jones, TimDevon A2020-
Jones, Revd Thomas Lewisb. 1845
d. 1928
North Wales A1905-1922
Jones, William KHonorary2005-2008
Coventry DG2008-2011
Jopp, Paulb. 1957Ex-officio2021-
Joyce, David MKent CA1978-1984
Joyce, G Sidney Gb. 1908
d. 1979
Guildford DG1957-1960
Judd, W Hb. 1859
d. 1935
Essex A1912-1915
Judge, Walter Frederickb. 1895
d. 1980
Oxford Society1946-1952
Jutson, John Jamesb. 1868
d. 1946
Peterborough DG1925-1926
Katz, DavidSwansea & Brecon DG2014-2023
Kayll, Andrew Wb. 1987Lancashire A2020-
Keeble, Benjaminb. 1847
d. 1932
Essex A1900-1906
Keeley, Revd Rogerb. 1935
d. 1987
Salisbury DG1966-1972
Keen, Allan Grahamb. 1946
d. 2022
Dorset CA2002-2007
Kelly, David JBath & Wells DA1987-1999
Kelly, Ms JuneIrish A2005-2017
Kelly, Mrs Jeanb. 1933
d. 2012
Ladies’ G1999-2002
Lancashire A2004-2008
Kelly, Revd Maitlandb. 1842
d. 1929
Devonshire G1896-1926
Kemble, Matthew JFour Shires G2017-2021
Kemp, Peterb. 1949
d. 2023
Middlesex CA & London DG2012-2017
Kench, Antony Rb. 1941Ancient Society of College Youths1990-1999
Kershaw, Jeffreyb. 1941
d. 2002
Lancashire A1975-2002
Key, Barnabas Georgeb. 1912
d. 1983
Midland Counties G1948-1954
Stafford Archd. Society1954-1969
Kilgour, Christopher E JCambridge Univ. G1996-2001
Kimber, Stewart F Wb. 1938
d. 2004
Surrey A1968-1981
King, Alfred Eb. 1871
d. 1961
Bedfordshire A1931-1946
King, Arthur Thomasb. 1845
d. 1922
Middlesex CA1900-1921
King, Mrs Jacqueline Susanb. 1930
d. 2019
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1957-1981
Kingdon, Revd Johnb. 1886
d. 1961
Chester DG1950-1959
Kingman, Davidd. 2020Peterborough DG2002-2006
Kippin, Charles Hb. 1905
d. 1995
Surrey A1930-1946
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1949-1960
Kippin, Robert Christopherb. 1943
d. 2024
Ancient Society of College Youths1981-1990
Kirby, Peter Cb. 1959Yorkshire A2011-2020
Kirkcaldy, Davidb. 1955Sussex CA2007-
Kirkcaldy, Jamesb. 1954Devonshire G2020-
Knewstub, David Oliverb. 1941
d. 2023
Australian & New Zealand A2002-2004
Knight, Frank Colston Winterb. 1916
d. 1965
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1948-1951
Knight, GrahamEly DA1981-1985
Knight, Herbertb. 1872
d. 1959
Stafford Archd. Society1915-1954
Knight, Max GSalisbury DG2020-2025
Knight-Dixon, MarionSuffolk G2024-
Knights, Donald Edwin Richardd. 2008Ely DA1960-1961
Knights, Frederickb. 1851
d. 1928
Norwich DA1891-1894
Knowles, Robert Georgeb. 1866
d. 1942
Worcester & Districts A1927-1936
Kynaston, William Bertramb. 1903
d. 1980
Gloucester & Bristol DA1936-1969
Lack, Frank Williamb. 1888
d. 1966
Ely DA1951-1960
Ladd, Ernest Jb. 1906
d. 1998
East Grinstead & District G1960-1966
Ladd, Jeffrey Pb. 1953Durham Univ. Society2017-2019
Lancaster, Williamb. 1894
d. 1957
Derby & District A1946-1949
Lagdon, John PEx-officio2024-
Lane, Mrs Catherine M Ab. 1949Ex-officio2022-
Lane, Robert JSussex CA2017-
Langford, Richard Deanb. 1892
d. 1961
Chester DG1927-1930
Lanxon, Cyril Eb. 1918Truro DG1936-1946
Larter, Philip Hb. 1970Kent CA2005-2017
Laver, Thomasb. 1867
d. 1951
Devonshire G1933-1945
Law, Thomasb. 1868
d. 1940
Central Northants A1921-1924
Peterborough DG1930-1933
Lawrence, Albertb. 1884
d. 1948
Hertford CA1938-1939
Lawrence, Mrs JennyHereford DG2005-2017
Lawrence, R NicholasDorset CA2021
Lawrence, Williamb. 1859
d. 1926
Middlesex CA1921-1924
Lawrenson, Henryb. 1919
d. 1999
Oxford DG1978-1984
Lawton, Charles Wd. 1998Chester DG1948-1949
Laycock, Miss Susan Esee Mrs Susan E Welch
Layton, Dr Denis Noelb. 1925
d. 2023
Univ. London Society1956-1966
Ledgerwood-Barr, ColinDevonshire G1996-1997
Lee, Revd Augustus Charlesb. 1847
d. 1934
Hereford DG1908-1909
Lees, Francisb. 1839
d. 1897
Durham & Newcastle DA1894-1897
Legge, Miss Susan P E
(latterly Mrs Susan P E Bateman)
b. 1962Salisbury DG1990-1993
Leggett, Josephine EUniv. Bristol Society2024-
Leigh, Rogerb. 1922
d. 1977
Lancashire A1963-1966
Lester, Miss Alice E JSuffolk G1963-1967
Lewin, KeithBedfordshire A1979-2011
Lewis, Alwyn RSwansea & Brecon DG1983-1996
Lewis, Catherine Mb. 1944Kent CA1999-2020
Lewis, Colin AHereford DG1966-1969
Lewis, C Kennethb. 1913
d. 2002
Chester DG1948-1950
Lewis, Edwin Hughb. 1881
d. 1963
Cambridge Univ. G1908-1937
Lewis, Frank Williamb. 1936
d. 2015
Kent CA1990-2008
Lewis, Geoffrey Jb. 1905
d. 1995
Hereford DG1947-1963
Lewis, Gwyn Ivorb. 1908
d. 1977
Swansea & Brecon DG1934-1938
Lewis, Jonathan Wb. 1964St David’s DG1990-1996
Llandaff & Monmouth DA2014-2017
Lewis, Paul Jb. 1962Shropshire A2020-
Lewis, Robert AHonorary2000-2010
Middlesex CA & London DG2019-2024
Lewis, Tonyb. 1946
d. 1999
Scottish A1975-1978
Lidgey, Miss Marion Louiseb. 1903
d. 1993
Truro DG1954-1957
Lilley, Charles Rb. 1874
d. 1942
Salop Archidiaconal Guild1925-1926
Lilley, James Edwardb. 1908
d. 1958
Devonshire G1951-1958
Limage, Peter ABarrow & District Society2020-2022
Lindoff, Gabrielb. 1868
d. 1941
Irish A1932-1941
Lindup, Edmund Henryb. 1869
d. 1948
Sussex CA1915-1919
Linford, Simon J LAncient Society of College Youths2005-2011
Linley, Frederick Ferdinandb. 1860
d. 1934
North Lincs A1891-1898
Linnell, Jamesb. 1931
d. 2023
Peterborough DG1966-1972
Littlewood, Rupert H Jb. 1986Univ. London Society2011-2014
Lock, Albert Edwardb. 1878
d. 1960
Oxford DG1933-1960
Lock, Revd Ernest Seppings Cardewd. 1935Bath & Wells DA1932-1933
Lock, Thomas Jb. 1909
d. 1992
Middlesex CA & London DG1946-1949
Locke, Anthonyb. 1932
d. 1978
Truro DG1963-1975
Lockheart, TristanLeeds Univ. Society2022-
Lockwood, Thomasb. 1849
d. 1911
Leeds & District Society1894-1896
Lodwick, Malcolm Johnb. 1957
d. 2024
St David’s DG1981-1982
Kent CA1984-1990
Longden, Georgeb. 1859
d. 1908
Lancashire A1891-1894
Longman, Walter Ed. 1956Chester DG1954-1955
Lonyon, Harold CChester DG1970-1975
Lord, Josephd. 1960East Derbys & Notts A1928-1929
Love, Dickon Rb. 1970Ex-officio2020-2022
Kent CA2022-2023
Loveless, John Pb. 1955Society of Royal Cumberland Youths2003-2005
Lovell-Wood, Anthony C Db. 1946Salisbury DG1993-
Lowe, Josephb. 1870
d. 1930
Lancashire A1921-1922
Lubbock, Roger Bb. 1948Australian & New Zealand A2008-2011
Lucas, George Burnellb. 1862
d. 1940
Middlesex A1891-1897
Lufkin, Frank Bb. 1910
d. 1997
Essex A1946-1996
Lysaght, Mrs Julia Ab. 1948Irish A2002-2017
Mabe, John INorth American G2008-2011
MacDonald, RobertIrish A2019-2023
Mack, Frank Db. 1930
d. 2000
Devonshire G1978-2000
Mackenzie, Lewisb. 1849
d. 1942
Devonshire G1895-1896
Mackie, Dr Peter Howardb. 1947
d. 2015
Ancient Society of College Youths2014-2015
MacMahon, Miss LauraManchester Univ. G1997-1999
Maddock, Josephb. 1865
d. 1942
Bath & Wells DA1912-1919
Malim, Charles Edwardd. 1928Waterloo Society1891-1894
Mallett, Normanb. 1931
d. 2019
Devonshire G1961-1972
Manger, David Chambersb. 1938
d. 2024
Kent CA1984-2008
Manktelow, Antony CGuild of Railway Ringers2024-
Manley, E John Wb. 1941Middlesex CA & London DG2016-2017
Mansfield, Horace Jamesb. 1884
d. 1957
Essex A1945-1956
Mansley, Martin Gb. 1951Devonshire G2001-2011
Marchbank, Alan Jb. 1960Oxford DG2015-
Margason-Baker, DebGuildford DG2023-
Marsden, Susan Eb. 1959Ely DA2014-
Marsh, Ernest Walterb. 1883
d. 1946
Devonshire G1925-1946
Marshall, Canon Charles Cecilb. 1872
d. 1949
Yorkshire A1912-1949
Marshall, Mrs Lucy Kathleen
(née Miss Lucy Kathleen Bowling)
b. 1901
d. 1977
Marshall, Dr Donald Richardb. 1930
d. 2023
North Wales A1987-1993
Marshall, Paul Jb. 1960Worcestershire & Districts A2014-2020
Marshall, Ruth Mb. 1976Scottish A2014-2022
Marston, RobertHereford DG1909-1918
Martin, Alexander Jamesb. 1920
d. 2009
Chester DG1957-1960
Martin, Mrs Ann GNorth American G1981-1982
Martin, Mrs Anne LKent CA1987-1990
Martin, Davidb. 1944
d. 1986
Durham & Newcastle DA1975-1986
Martin, Edwardd. 2005Swansea & Brecon DG1981-1983
Martin, John ROxford DG1993-1999
Martin, M SteveEly DA2008-2010
Martin, Mrs RosalindWinchester & Portsmouth DG2014-2015
Martin Stewart, Andrew Fothergillb. 1876
d. 1961
Salisbury DG1904-1905
Mason, Mrs Janeb. 1952Hereford DG2002-2019
Mason, John Sb. 1917
d. 2007
Ancient Society of College Youths1957-1960
Massey, George Wilkinsb. 1922
d. 2010
Bath & Wells DA1972-2005
Mastin, Ernest Haroldb. 1908
d. 1974
Ely DA1948-1953
Matheson, DuncanChester DG1988-1989
Matthews, Cecil Jackb. 1898
d. 1959
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1934-1935
Matthews, Revd Charles Edwardb. 1863
d. 1927
Winchester DG1897-1927
Matthews, Frank JKent CA1981-1984
Matthews, John Danielb. 1876
d. 1933
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1912-1933
Matthews, Keith JSurrey A1990-1996
Matthews, Patrick Lawrence Jamesb. 1952
d. 2011
Salisbury DG1978-1987
Matthews, Robertb. 1878
d. 1947
Worcestershire & Districts A1924-1925
Mattingley, David Jb. 1983Winchester & Portsmouth DG2015-2019
Mattingley, Norman Richardb. 1948
d. 2024
Hereford DG1981-1994
Truro DG1996-2019
Maxwell, David RNorth Wales A1981-1984
May, Mrs Bobbieb. 1945Oxford DG2005-2017
May, Douglas Anthony Rolandb. 1940
d. 2007
Guildford DG1963-1972
May, Frederick George Heywoodb. 1875
d. 1956
Gloucester & Bristol DA1900-1909
Maybrey, John F MGuildford DG1964-1969
Mayne, Mrs Dorothea M
(née Miss Dorothea M Robotham)
Hertford CA1990-2002
Mayne, John Robertb. 1933
d. 2024
Middlesex CA1957-1966
Hertford CA1990-2002
McBurnie, Alan JSuffolk G2010-2014
McCarthy, Mrs JessFour Shires G2024-
McCulloch, IanAustralian & New Zealand A2002-2011
McDonald, Johnb. 1939
d. 2004
St Martin’s G1987-1992
McEndoo, Derek AIrish A1974-1979
McEune, Dr Rhona I H b. 1956Barrow & District Society2022-
McKay, Grahamd. 2001Cumberland & North Westmorland A1959-1965
McLaughlin, George Tb. 1858
d. 1929
St James Society1891-1894
McLean, David Rogerb. 1947
d. 2024
Norwich DA1987-1990
McLean, Donald FIrish A2017-2024
Meadows, Rodney Bb. 1924
d. 2002
Oxford Univ. Society1951-1960
Ancient Society of College Youths1969-1975
Meads, Brian Gb. 1956Essex A2008-2014
Mears, Michael E Cb. 1952Devonshire G1984-1999
Mee, Charlesb. 1864
d. 1942
Norwich DA1900-1909
Suffolk G1922-1942
Mehew, Philipb. 1937Derby DA2003-2008
Melville, Revd Malcolm C Cb. 1913
d. 1999
Universities’ A1969-1996
Meredith, Rhiannon Mb. 1982Welsh Colleges G2023-2024
Metcalfe, Charles Williamd. 1964East Derbys & Notts A1945-1946
Metcalfe, Thomasd. 1965Cleveland & North Yorks A1913-1935
Mew, Christopher Fb. 1941Surrey A1969-1982
Coventry DG2008-2020
Mew, Sally JEly DA2017-2020
Meyer, Paul REly DA1999-2000
Meyer, Simon Sb. 1964Ely DA1985-1994
Lancashire A1996-2004
Milby, Jaydenb. 2005Carlisle DG2023-
Miles, Harryb. 1884
d. 1979
Oxford Univ. Society1930-1935
Truro DG1948-1963
Millhouse, Jack Lb. 1916
d. 1999
Lincoln DG1960-1990
Millington, Steven Ab. 1965Leicester DG2018-
Mills, Andrew Bb. 1967Southwell DG1993-2008
Southwell & Nottingham DG2008-2017
Mills, R Brianb. 1937
d. 2003
Southwell DG1969-1993
Millward, Denis H BNorth Wales A1957-1965
Milne, Frank Alexanderb. 1854
d. 1930
Middlesex CA & London DG1924-1930
Milner, John Williamb. 1864
d. 1952
Chester DG1936-1947
Mitchell, ColinCoventry DG1994-2005
Mitchell, Frederick Morganb. 1933
d. 2008
Shropshire A1978-2008
Mitchell, Frederick Mosesb. 1878
d. 1960
Kent CA1930-1951
Mitchell, John Christopherb. 1867
d. 1956
Moncrieff, Mrs Harriet GLlandaff & Monmouth DA2024-
Monson, Colin CDurham Univ. Society1973-1984
Moore, Capt Arthur Penistonb. 1827
d. 1891
Norwich DA1891
Moreton, AdrianYorkshire A1979-1980
Moreton, Ralph NYorkshire A1994-2002
Moreton, Wilfrid Farringtonb. 1924
d. 2006
Hereford DG1947-1960
Yorkshire A1963-1988
Morgan, Oswald Jamesb. 1869
d. 1949
Chester DG1915-1918
Morgan, JulianGuildford DG1996-2002
Morgan, Philip Georgeb. 1939
d. 2021
Hereford DG1964-1965
Morley, James BNorwich DA1990-1999
Morris, Burley Pb. 1912
d. 1997
Peterborough DG1951-1954
Morris, Ernestb. 1889
d. 1962
Leicester G1960-1962
Morris, George Sd. 1984Salisbury DG1957-1975
Morris, Gregory Pb. 1969North Wales A2005-2014
Morris, J RSussex CA1970-1973
Morris, John Leighb. 1936
d. 1958
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1957-1958
Morris, Leslie W Gb. 1909
d. 1992
Yorkshire A1939-1963
Morris, Roger Bd. 2001Shropshire A1963-1966
Morris, R George Tb. 1931Worcestershire & Districts A1975-1987
Veronese A1988-2008
Morrison, Donald Fb. 1947North American G1990-2008
Mort, James PWorcestershire & Districts A2020-
Morton, Guy Wb. 1960Hertford CA2011-2015
Morton, Mrs Susanb. 1965Hertford CA2011-2015
Mottershead, Denisd. 2006Chester DG1969-1975
Motts, Jamesb. 1859
d. 1923
Norwich DA1897-1919
Mould, Alfredb. 1905
d. 1998
Derbyshire A1951-1963
Derby DA1963-1964
Mould, Edward Georgeb. 1941
d. 2016
London CA1990-2005
Moulder, Aaron LBath & Wells DA2017-2020
Moule, Frederick Oswaldb. 1863
d. 1914
Norwich DA1892-1894
Mounsey, Paul Nb. 1954Oxford Univ. Society1978-1984
Mudge, George EDevonshire G1997-2002
Mulvey, John FStafford Archd. Society1981-1982
Lichfield Archd. Society1982-1998
Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2002-2014
Mulvey, Michael Johnb. 1942
d. 2024
Gloucester & Bristol DA1996-2002
Munnings, Richard Jb. 1978Suffolk G2008-2011
Murfet, Donald Fb. 1933
d. 2000
Ely DA1961-1962
Murphy, Keith RFour Shires G2011-2014
Murphy, Robert S Fb. 1873
d. 1959
Irish A1930-1948
Myers, Thomas George Witfillb. 1906
d. 1967
Devonshire G1948-1967
Nabb, Grahamb. 1950Winchester & Portsmouth DG1975-1977
Narborough, Ralphb. 1892
d. 1957
Peterborough & District A1913-1924
Peterborough DG1924-1925
Nash, Adrian PWinchester & Portsmouth DG2019-2022
Nash, Mrs Shân EWinchester & Portsmouth DG2019-2022
Nash, Stephen Jb. 1964Essex A2011-2020
Nash, WilliamGloucester & Bristol DA2008-2023
Naylor, Ericb. 1928
d. 2017
Bath & Wells DA1967-1987
Neale, Michael AScottish A2008-2014
Needham, PaulSt Martin’s G1996-1999
Nelson, Alex Tb. 1967Irish A2024-
Nestor, Thomas AChester DG2018-2024
Nevard, William Jamesb. 1856
d. 1942
Essex A1894-1936
Newbold, JohnCoventry DG2021-
Newbold, Mrs Tracey BCoventry DG2022-
Newing, Prof AngelaUniv. Bristol Society1975-1987
Gloucester & Bristol DA1990-1993
Newing, Revd Peterb. 1933Durham Univ. Society1984-2005
Newman, Colin Gb. 1970Ancient Society of College Youths2018-
Newman, Frederick Georgeb. 1859
d. 1933
Essex A1891-1900
Newman, James Rb. 1881
d. 1965
Worcestershire & Districts A1909-1915
Newman, Julian DSalisbury DG2005-
Newman, Kennethd. 2010Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1966-1969
Newman, Richard A Mb. 1949Bath & Wells DA2011-2017
Newson, Georgeb. 1844
d. 1896
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1891-1896
Newton, George Robinsonb. 1875
d. 1953
Lancashire A1930-1951
Newton, Henry Robertb. 1865
d. 1950
St James’ Society1891-1894
Ancient Society of College Youths1897-1900
Newton, Lancelotb. 1864
d. 1951
Durham & Newcastle DA1891-1894
Newton, Mrs Patricia Mb. 1954Oxford DG1996-2005
Newton, Reginald Herbertd. 1989Shropshire A1961-1966
Newton, Robert Hb. 1947Oxford DG1981-1987
Neyland, CathyDorset CA2024-
Niblett, Dr Donald Hb. 1933Oxford Univ. Society1957-1960
Kent CA1978-1999
Niblett, Peter Db. 1959Oxford Univ. Society1984-2008
Winchester & Portsmouth DG2008-2019
Nicholls, JohnGloucester & Bristol DA2008-2016
Nichols, David Jb. 1881
d. 1929
Central Northants A1912-1915
Peterborough DG1924-1927
Nichols, Douglasb. 1959Australian & New Zealand A2005-2008
Nichols, Ivor Robertb. 1926
d. 2020
Chester DG1980-1983
Nicholson, Andrew Pb. 1959Salisbury DG1993-2014
Nightingale, LouiseEx-officio2018-2020
Nixon, Ericd. 2002North Staffs A1975-1983
Nobbs, Mrs Vivien Cb. 1951Winchester & Portsmouth DG2014-2017
Nobles, Ericb. 1921
d. 1996
Peterborough DG1954-1960
Noon, Ronald Cecilb. 1925
d. 2015
Peterborough DG1951-1954
Norbury, JosephChester DG1909-1912
Norris, Mrs Beryl Rb. 1939Guildford DG2002-2020
Norris, John RSussex CA1969-1976
Nunley, AllenEx-officio2019-
Nunn, E AKent CA1891-1894
Nye, Alfred Ernestb. 1864
d. 1952
Sussex A1894-1896
Oatway, William Fb. 1912
d. 1987
Surrey A1954-1963
O’Callaghan, Miss Claresee Mrs Clare Rodliffe
O’Callaghan, Michael H DKent CA1972-1974
Ogden, Andrew Cb. 1971Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2014-2020
Ogden, Derekb. 1933
d. 1963
Lancashire A1963
Ogden, P Markb. 1959Suffolk G2024-
Oliver, G Eb. 1906
d. 1976
Hereford DG1947-1958
O’Mahony, Christopher Db. 1963Australian & New Zealand A2008-2021
O’Meara, Edward Pd. 1933St James’ Society1897-1900
Ancient Society of College Youths1900-1903
Oram, Ian Hb. 1937Kent CA1960-1978
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1978-2018
Oram, Mrs Margaret ESussex CA2002-2017
Orchard, Mrs Jane Esee Miss Jane E Boden
Orchard, Nigel R Db. 1947Llandaff & Monmouth DA1981-1984
Orland, Canon Ernest Georgeb. 1928
d. 2011
Peterborough DG1957-1961
Orme, Colin Michael Richardb. 1937
d. 2018
Chester DG2002-2018
Osborn, William Arthurb. 1888
d. 1975
Ottley, Charles Williamb. 1893
d. 1976
London CA1963-1965
Overy, Raymondb. 1912
d. 2005
Sussex CA1957-1963
Paddon Smith, Arthurb. 1881
d. 1965
St Martin’s G1922-1954
Page, Percyb. 1884
d. 1966
Romney Marsh & District G1933-1945
Page, Tomb. 1928
d. 2022
Guildford DG1969-1981
Palairet, H HSalisbury DG1900-1903
Palmer, Alfredb. 1867
d. 1932
Kent CA1894-1897
Palmer, Roger Jamesb. 1937Ely DA1978-1981
Palmer, Mrs Rosemary Jsee Miss Rosemary J Seabrook
Palmer, Sydney Frederickb. 1874
d. 1961
Yorkshire A1930-1957
Papillon, Canon Thomas Leslieb. 1841
d. 1926
Essex A1891-1912
Parfrey, David LBath & Wells DA2020-
Park, William Normanb. 1904
d. 1973
Durham & Newcastle DA1948-1960
Parker, Revd Claud Campbellb. 1868
d. 1930
Bath & Wells DA1907-1925
Parker, Miss Edith Ksee Mrs Edith K Fletcher
Parker, Geoffrey Rb. 1934
d. 2001
Lincoln DG1993-2001
Parker, Henryb. 1904
d. 1967
Chester DG1936-1939
Parker, Jamesb. 1866
d. 1960
Sussex CA1894-1897
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1897-1900
Parker, Joseph Watsonb. 1864
d. 1945
Durham & Newcastle DA1933-1945
Parker, Julian Cb. 1952Llandaff & Monmouth DA1996-2011
Parker, Robin JNorwich DA1993-1999
Parkin, J Nevilleb. 1939Durham & Newcastle DA1999-2005
Parrott, Philip Leslied. 1989Derbyshire A1949-1951
Parrott, Williamd. 2005Surrey A1963-1968
Parry, Archdeacon Herbert Thomasb. 1869
d. 1940
Lincoln DG1924-1940
Parsons, Albert Edwardb. 1865
d. 1932
Worcestershire & Districts A1915-1924
Parsons, David Eb. 1930
d. 2005
Guildford DG1972-1990
Parsons, John Tb. 1945
d. 1995
Lancashire A1992-1994
Parting, GeoffreyNorth Wales A1979-1984
Partington, John Philipb. 1934
d. 2018
Lancashire A1964-1975
Pascoe, Graham Hb. 1948Devon A1993-1999
Pascoe, Paul Jb. 1972Devon A1999-2011
Pateman, Robertb. 1919
d. 1972
St David’s DG1967-1968
Pates, William Thomasb. 1853
d. 1938
Pattenden, Miss Stephanie Jb. 1951Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1987-2003
Patterson, William Alexanderd. 2006Irish A1979-1989
Pawley, PhilipSussex CA2022-
Payton, J HSt David’s DG1975-1978
Peachey, Barry Fb. 1955National Police G1981-2011
Barrow & District Society2013-2014
National Police G2014
Peachey, Mrs Heather L Eb. 1957Honorary2001-2009
Peacock, Harold Stanleyb. 1919
d. 1984
Ely DA1954-1972
Peake, Anthony Ronaldb. 1933
d. 2021
Gloucester & Bristol DA1969-1978
Pearse, John Mb. 1938
d. 1999
Gloucester & Bristol DA1987-1999
Pearson, C Frederick Cb. 1945Derby DA1987-1990
Pearson, Canon J Dd. 1962Chester DG1946-1948
Peck, Alfred Bindleyb. 1883
d. 1961
Ancient Society of College Youths1933-1960
Peel, Mrs Joan Maryb. 1936
d. 2010
Sussex CA2005-2008
Pendlebury, Mrs Stephanie Rb. 1984Sussex CA2017-
Penney, Geraldb. 1940
d. 2011
Hertford CA1974-1981
Penney, Mrs Pipb. 1951Llandaff & Monmouth DA2005-2019
Percy, Miss Janet MSussex CA1972-1975
Percy, Robert W Rb. 1916
d. 2004
Sussex CA1960-1972
Percy, Simon Ab. 1991Lancashire A2023-
Perkins, Walterb. 1868
d. 1953
Central Northants A1915-1921
Perrens, Frank Wb. 1891
d. 1987
Warwickshire G1927-1946
Coventry DG1946-1958
Perrins, William Tb. 1949Winchester & Portsmouth DG1975-1976
Perry, Charles Henryb. 1886
d. 1953
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1936-1939
Perry, Mrs Helen LTruro DG1996-2008
Perry, Robert Jb. 1954Truro DG1984-
Pett, Dr Timothy GOxford DG1975-
Pettifer, Hugh FSussex CA1995-2007
Pettifor, Mrs Anne ELancashire A1994-2011
Pettifor, D RobertManchester Univ. G1984-1993
Lancashire A1993-2002
Pettit, Jamesb. 1834
d. 1912
Pettman, Stephen Db. 1956Suffolk G1984-2022
Phillips, Andrew Jb. 1964Llandaff & Monmouth DA2023-2024
Phillips, A Jamesb. 1935
d. 2017
Ancient Society of College Youths1993-1999
Phillips, Miss Anne MZimbabwe G1993-2011
Phillips, Mrs Helenb. 1964Llandaff & Monmouth DA2022-
Phillips, Johnb. 1904
d. 1979
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1930-1933
Phillips, Johnd. 1936Lincoln DG1932-1936
Phillott, George Hb. 1852
d. 1926
Gloucester & Bristol DA1891-1900
Phipps, Malcolm Pauld. 2017Derby DA1963-1969
Pick, S GeoffreyLichfield & Walsall Archd. Society1980-1999
Pickford, Christopher Jb. 1952Bedfordshire A1984-1986
Pickup, John Barryd. 2013Norwich DA1978-1984
Pickworth, Williamb. 1875
d. 1950
Middlesex CA1909-1912
Pidd, Dr Mikeb. 1962Leeds Univ. Society1993-2002
Pidler, Herbertb. 1907
d. 1989
Devon A1961-1984
Piercy, Mrs Wendyb. 1943
d. 2023
Bedfordshire A1999-2011
Pilkington, Revd James Holmeb. 1856
d. 1916
Norwich DA1894-1897
Pink, Mrs Louise GSussex CA1999-2002
Pipe, Cecil Williamb. 1906
d. 1980
Suffolk G1946-1978
Pipe, George Wb. 1935
d. 2020
Pipe, Roderick Wilgressb. 1940
d. 2011
St Martin’s G1970-1987
Piper, Stuart Db. 1958Worcestershire & Districts A2011-2019
Pipe-Wolferstan, Charles H Pb. 1947Bath & Wells DA2019-2024
Pitman, Albert Johnb. 1887
d. 1966
Swansea & Brecon DG1927-1933
Pitstow, Harold Nb. 1897
d. 1987
Surrey A1954-1957
Guildford DG1957-1963
Pitstow, Nathan Jamesb. 1846
d. 1914
Essex A1891-1914
Pizzey, Canon Lawrence RSuffolk G1969-2010
Player, Charlie Williamd. 1933Romney Marsh & District G1933
Plows, Harvey Ob. 1999North Wales A2023-
Plows, Simonb. 1964Yorkshire A2020-
Pluckrose, Mrs R Joyb. 1947Coventry DG2017-
Pollard, J CCleveland & North Yorks A1932-1945
Pomeroy, Dr Michael Johnd. 2023Irish A1990-2002
Ponting, Stanley Gd. 2004Guildford DG1963-1968
Poole, Henry Jamesb. 1876
d. 1944
Bath & Wells DA1903-1907
Poole, Harold Josephb. 1902
d. 1955
Midland Counties A1945-1946
Leicester DG1946-1955
Pope, David R GTruro DG1998-2008
Popnell, Georgeb. 1895
d. 1941
Swansea & Brecon DG1933
Poppy, Ernest Frederickb. 1875
d. 1939
Suffolk G1926-1927
Post, Richard Arthurb. 1914
d. 1991
Oxford DG1936-1948
Poston, William THereford DG1930-1950
Potter, Charles Daltonb. 1859
d. 1939
Barnsley & District G1932-1939
Potter, David Eb. 1949Yorkshire A1976-1993
Potter, George Thomasb. 1861
d. 1934
Durham & Newcastle DA1915-1918
Povey, Christopher Mb. 1949Worcestershire & Districts A1994-2011
Four Shires G2011-2024
Powell, Revd Everard Sladeb. 1875
d. 1947
Devonshire G1914-1936
Peterborough DG1936-1945
Powell, Michael Vb. 1943
d. 2004
Hereford DG1981-1993
Powell, Reginald Gd. 2005Hereford DG1972-1996
Poyner, Harryb. 1931
d. 2023
Shropshire A1960-1963
Southwell DG1967-1972
Poynor, A Jamesb. 1943Leicester DG1981-1984
Pratt, Jeremy Rb. 1949Guildford DG1984-1996
Precey, Frederickb. 1884
d. 1958
Salisbury DG1948-1956
Preston, Andrew JSociety of Royal Cumberland Youths2005-2011
Leicester DG2011-2017
Preston, Mrs Angela S
(née Miss Angela S Franklin)
Leicester DG2007-2011
Preston, PatrickSouthwell DG1953-1954
Prewett, Bertramb. 1878
d. 1918
Hertford CA1907-1918
Price, Brian Derekb. 1924
d. 2012
Price, Frank Courtneyb. 1933
d. 2005
Oxford DG1966-1972
Price, Kenneth WNorth Wales A1996-1998
Price, Sidney Thomasb. 1891
d. 1970
Gloucester & Bristol DA1948-1951
Prior, James G Ab. 1913
d. 1994
Ancient Society of College Youths1975-1978
Pritchett, Alderman John Sucklingb. 1855
d. 1941
Worcestershire & Districts A1894-1900
Proctor, Leonardb. 1816
d. 1895
Hertford CA1891-1894
Proudfoot, John Jb. 1948Carlisle DG1999-2011
Pryor, Michael Jackb. 1918
d. 2006
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1972-1978
Prytherch, John HSt David’s DG1970-1975
Pugh, Miss Abigail Mb. 1998Hereford DG2022-
Pugh, Mrs Rhiannon FLadies’ G2022-
Pullin, Richard Bb. 1994Ex-officio2025-
Pulling, Alfred Henryb. 1880
d. 1959
Winchester DG1914-1928
Guildford DG1928-1957
Pullinger, Georgeb. 1892
d. 1966
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1933-1960
Purnell, Robert Jb. 1941Salisbury DG2002-2014
Purvis, WilliamEx-officio2010-2020
Pye, George Robertb. 1873
d. 1945
Essex A1918-1945
Pye, Williamb. 1870
d. 1935
Middlesex CA1912-1922
Quantock-Shuldham, Frank Nauntonb. 1868
d. 1947
Bath & Wells DA1901-1903
Quimby, Malcolmb. 1954Midland Counties G1978-1998
Rackham, Sidney Td. 1953Unknown1933-1934
Radford, Thomas Henryb. 1908
d. 1967
East Derbys & West Notts A1964-1967
Raggett, David RNorth Wales A2014-2017
Raithby, James Wb. 1915
d. 2001
Southwell DG1951-1957
Ramsbottom, James Pb. 1990St Martin’s G2015-2024
Randall, Geoffrey Wb. 1947Coventry DG1972-1977
Randles, Norah Mb. 1907
d. 2003
North Wales A1975-1981
Rashbrook, Albert Johann (Hans)b. 1964
d. 2024
Middlesex CA & London DG2023-2024
Raven, Canon John Jamesb. 1833
d. 1906
Redman, Thomasb. 1863
d. 1942
Lancashire A1912-1915
Reed, Arthur Hb. 1906
d. 1984
Bath & Wells DA1960-1981
Reed, Mrs Beryl Nb. 1935Southwell DG1972-1978
Rees, Arthur ALeicester DG2014-2023
Rees, Frederick William Josephb. 1839
d. 1903
Winchester DG1891-1896
Reeves, Albert Edwardb. 1865
d. 1935
Norwich, St Edmundsbury & Ipswich1922-1923
Reeves, Harveyb. 1841
d. 1911
Worcester A1891-1894
Reeves, Samuelb. 1846
d. 1914
Stafford Archd. Society1891-1914
Regan, Mark W Jb. 1957Ex-officio2020-2022
Regin, Alanb. 1959Honorary2008-2010
Relfe, Albertb. 1889
d. 1971
East Grinstead & District G1939-1951
Renyard, Revd Christopher Gb. 1952Dorset CA2021-2023
Reynolds, Frankb. 1919
d. 1992
Lancashire A1966-1992
Reynolds, Laith Rb. 1940Australian & New Zealand A1999-2014
Reynolds, Philip Hb. 1929
d. 2005
Lincoln DG1970-1978
Rhymer, Mrs Dinah Mb. 1946Yorkshire A1996-2011
Richards, Brynley Alfredb. 1930
d. 2023
Southwell DG1978-1981
East Derbys & West Notts A2014-2017
Richards, David C WCambridge Univ. G2013-
Richards, Edward Edmundb. 1864
d. 1935
Kent CA1891-1894
St James’ Society1894-1897
Richards, W Gb. 1848
d. 1898
Essex A1891-1893
Richardson, Mrs Annie Eb. 1895
d. 1974
Ladies’ G1932-1963
Richardson, Christopher Mb. 1952Durham & Newcastle DA1987-1990
Richardson, Revd Harold Samuel Templeb. 1882
d. 1937
Richardson, Rupertb. 1883
d. 1947
Lincoln DG1903-1947
Richardson, Stanleyd. 1986Carlisle DG1977-1984
Rickman, John Thorntonb. 1866
d. 1946
Sussex CA1925-1935
Ridley, Christopherb. 1954Surrey A1993-2002
Ridyard, Josephb. 1896
d. 1977
Lancashire A1951-1963
Ridyard, Richardb. 1859
d. 1912
Lancashire A1897-1909
Riley, David Fb. 1947Norwich DA1987-1993
Riley, Mrs Elizabeth Sb. 1956Yorkshire A1993-1998
Roaf, Dermot JOxford Univ. Society1963-1981
Roast, Joseph Edward Georgeb. 1935
d. 2024
Essex A1963-1972
Roberts, Adolphusb. 1870
d. 1961
Warwickshire G1914-1926
Roberts, AlanWorcestershire & Districts A1987-2017
Roberts, Canon Arthur Sb. 1906
d. 1997
Truro DG1946-1956
Roberts, Mrs Elisabeth Jessie Corinb. 1905
d. 1955
Truro DG1948-1954
Roberts, Miss B Enid Lb. 1932Australian & New Zealand A2023-
Roberts, Charles Wb. 1904
d. 1984
Middlesex CA1951-1954
Roberts, Christopher Charlesb. 1945
d. 2017
Chester DG1981-1994
Roberts, Dr Donald Johnb. 1930Devonshire G1972-1984
Devonshire G1999-2011
Roberts, Miss Jackieb. 1952Honorary1997-2010
Guildford DG2018-
Robertson, Craig MOxford Univ. Society2020-
Robertson, Mrs Judith Ab. 1938
d. 2003
Salisbury DG1993-1996
Robertson, Ross G Wb. 1937Salisbury DG1975-1993
Robinson, Revd Francis Edwardb. 1833
d. 1910
Oxford DG1891-1910
Robinson, W LDerbyshire A1954-1960
Robotham, Miss Dorothea Msee Mrs Dorothea M Mayne
Robson, Dr Peter Wb. 1966Chester DG2005-2008
Robson, William Thomasb. 1872
d. 1925
Durham & Newcastle DA1906-1909
Roderick, Trevor Mauriceb. 1908
d. 1976
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1951-1975
Rodliffe, Mrs Clare
(née Miss Clare O’Callaghan)
Univ. Bristol Society1996-2008
Rodway, Miss Rachael Maryb. 1951
d. 2022
Carlisle DG1993-2002
Rogers, Christopher Hb. 1943Middlesex CA & London DG1969-1981
Guildford DG1981-2017
Rogers, Frederick Williamb. 1902
d. 1964
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1933-1965
Rogers, Harold Walterb. 1916
d. 2012
London CA1946-2000
Rogers, Johnb. 1835
d. 1908
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1891-1894
Rogers, Mrs Judith M
(née Miss Judith M Corby)
Peterborough DG1990-1993
Lincoln DG1996-2002
Lincoln DG2008-2014
Rogers, Mrs Olive Lb. 1912
d. 2004
London CA1945-1987
Rogers, PhilipDurham & Newcastle DA1978-1981
Romaine, Frank Williamb. 1883
d. 1946
Salisbury DG1933-1946
Rooke, Douglas Herbertb. 1935
d. 2010
Southwell DG1960-1961
Rooke, Herbert Templemanb. 1911
d. 1982
Southwell DG1951-1952
Roper, Henry Leslieb. 1900
d. 1995
Rose, Mrs Hilary Jb. 1937Swansea & Brecon DG1995-2008
Rose, Revd Jonathan GGuild of Clerical Ringers2020-2023
Rose, Melvyn ALincoln DG1978-1984
Rose, Walter Eb. 1884Gloucester & Bristol DA1932-1936
Rose, Williamb. 1884
d. 1963
Peterborough DG1945-1957
Roskelly, W Davidb. 1986Veronese A2012-
Rothera, Philip Johnb. 1943
d. 2015
Essex A1972-1978
Roulstone, IanSociety of Royal Cumberland Youths2020-
Routh, Revd Robert Francis Reginaldb. 1889
d. 1950
Hertford CA1936-1937
Routh, R Hughb. 1950Winchester & Portsmouth DG2005-2008
Routh, William Poleb. 1848
d. 1931
Oxford DG1903-1906
Routledge, Charles Linnaeusb. 1866
d. 1945
Durham & Newcastle DA1903-1920
Rowbotham, John Williamb. 1858
d. 1936
Ancient Society of College Youths1903-1906
Rowe, William Mb. 1912
d. 1997
Rowley, Arthur Eb. 1902
d. 1984
Leicester DG1946-1960
Rowse, Vicki Lb. 1960Salisbury DG2020-
Rumming, J Sb. 1866
d. 1945
Salisbury DG1912-1914
Runciman, Ernest Wsee Ernest W de Legh-Runciman
Runting, Alexander Wb. 1997Kent CA2023-
Runting, Miss Stephanie Kb. 2001Kent CA2023-
Rushton, Alfred Ernestb. 1904
d. 1978
Bedfordshire A1960-1978
Russ, Ronald Keithb. 1934
d. 2023
Middlesex CA & London DG1987-1993
Ryles, C Stanleyb. 1906
d. 2002
North Staffs A1966-1972
Saddleton, Philip A Bb. 1960Ancient Society of College Youths2002-2014
St John-Smith, Miss Emma
(sometime Mrs Emma Humphrey)
Derby DA2011-2014
St John Smith, Revd Roger Db. 1912
d. 2002
Lancashire A1954-1963
Derby DA1969-1975
Saker, Sydneyd. 1924Sussex CA1896-1906
Salmon, GwilymBath & Wells DA1960-1967
Salter, David Georgeb. 1956
d. 2021
Suffolk G1994-2014
Salter, Frederick Arthurb. 1893
d. 1967
Southwell DG1949-1952
Salter, George Martinb. 1996Suffolk G2014-2016
Salter, Thomas Jamesb. 1866
d. 1932
Worcestershire & Districts A1905-1930
Sanders, Brian AYorkshire A2008-2017
Sanderson, Miss Jeanb. 1937
d. 2009
Ely DA1998-2008
Sanderson, Peter Jb. 1960Univ. London Society1984-1993
Sanger, Henry Jamesb. 1909
d. 1973
Bath & Wells DA1946-1972
Saunders, Williamb. 1879
d. 1945
Shropshire A1928-1945
Savory, Rudolph Rogerb. 1930
d. 2020
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1965-1975
Schmidt, John Rb. 1963Dorset CA2007-2008
Scholfield, Alan Fb. 1947Chester DG1976-1980
Scott, Mrs Elaine MYorkshire A2020-
Scott, Canon George Digbyb. 1865
d. 1950
Irish A1920-29
Scott, Johnb. 1926
d. 2016
Chester DG1963-1966
Scott, Preb John Gilbert Mortimerb. 1925
d. 2007
Devonshire G1954-1986
Scott, Peter Jb. 1950Yorkshire A2020-
Seabrook, Miss Rosemary J
(latterly Mrs Rosemary J Palmer)
b. 1935
d. 2013
Suffolk G1960-1963
Seager, John Sidneyb. 1929
d. 1979
Yorkshire A1967-1969
Sheffield & District Society1969-1974
Seaman, Paul Sb. 1955Ely DA1990-1998
Seamer, J Wb. 1877Lincoln DG1909-1923
Searle, Arthur Winserb. 1869
d. 1959
Devonshire G1904-1918
Sedgley, Charles John Horaceb. 1887
d. 1973
Suffolk G1927-1957
Segar, Johnb. 1892
d. 1972
Southwell DG1953-1960
Self, Ian PTruro DG1996-1998
Semken, Adrian Gb. 1944
d. 2015
Essex A1996-2011
Shaftesbury, Earl of
(Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper)
b. 1869
d. 1961
Shanks, G WilliamLondon CA1969-1972
Sharman, Arthur Edwinb. 1882
d. 1967
Bedfordshire A1921-1946
Sharman, John Redshawb. 1876
d. 1960
Middlesex CA1909-1924
Sharp, Christopher JLincoln DG2014-
Sharp, Dr Norman GNorth Staffs A1984-1993
Sharpe, Frederickb. 1905
d. 1976
Sharples, Charlesb. 1876
d. 1964
Lancashire A1951-1954
Shepard, James Timothyb. 1946
d. 2021
London CA1978-1987
Shepherd, Edgar Cb. 1898
d. 1986
Shepherd, Edwinb. 1862
d. 1946
Devonshire G1932-1933
Shepherd, Ferrisb. 1857
d. 1921
Devonshire G1897-1902
Shepherd, Johnb. 1868
d. 1942
Lancashire A1903-1906
Shepherd, Williamb. 1883
d. 1970
Winchester DG1920-1923
Guildford DG1928-1930
Sheppard, Albert Victorb. 1922
d. 2022
Sussex CA1963-1969
Sheppard, Revd Bertram Freerb. 1895
d. 1973
Cambridge Univ. G1939-1951
Sherriff, Robert Wb. 1939St David’s DG1978-1981
Sherwood, Marcus C WManchester Univ. G1969-1984
Sussex CA1993-1995
Shipp, Dr RobinGloucester & Bristol DA2004-2008
Cambridge Univ. G2010-2014
Shipton, Dr Peter JScottish A1993-2005
Short, Williamb. 1868
d. 1950
Worcestershire & Districts A1915-1926
Shuck, Harold Josephb. 1902
d. 1981
Dudley & District G1954-1966
Shuker, William Henryb. 1870
d. 1951
Lancashire A1927-1951
Sibson, Derek Eb. 1936Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1963-
Sibson, Mrs E Janeb. 1940Peterborough DG1998-2023
Sillitoe, Charlesb. 1865
d. 1917
Ely DA1900-1903
Silver, Mrs Susan Mb. 1951Bedfordshire A2011-2017
Sim, Douglas TCarlisle DG1984-1993
Simmonds, G Williamb. 1903
d. 1992
Devonshire G1976-1978
Simpson, Revd HUnknown1925-1926
Simpson, Dr James C Eb. 1908
d. 1952
Chester DG1932-1933
Simpson, Leigh David Georgeb. 1986Cambridge Univ. G2008-2013
Ancient Society of College Youths2014-2020
Sims, Bryan Fd. 1983Bedfordshire A1955-1958
Sims, John Percyb. 1912
d. 2010
Devonshire G1981-1984
Sinden, Alan JDevonshire G1993-1996
Sinfield, Andrew Charlesb. 1904
d. 1969
Bedfordshire A1946-1953
Sippetts, Oliverb. 1890
d. 1951
Sussex CA1939-1951
Skelton, Neil Ob. 1948Salisbury DG1975-1981
Skidmore, Frankb. 1892
d. 1960
Gloucester & Bristol DA1948-1960
Skilton, TonyGuildford DG1975-1977
Railwaymen’s G1978-1993
Slade, Andrew JYorkshire A2023-
Sladen, AnneSouthwell & Nottingham DG2014-2022
Slarke, Jamesb. 1840
d. 1917
Towcester & District1914-1917
Sloman, DavidEssex A1972-1996
Smale, Frederick Charlesb. 1873
d. 1961
Devonshire G1939-1951
Small, William Rockb. 1839
d. 1925
Dudley & District G1913-1923
Smallwood, John Frankb. 1884
d. 1979
Ancient Society of College Youths1951-1965
Smart, Peter GGuildford DG1970-1975
Smith, Alan Johnb. 1936
d. 2024
Guildford DG1981-1984
Smith, Alan Rd. 2013Suffolk G1984-2008
Smith, Andrew GDorset CA1994-2002
Smith, Anthony Hb. 1945Bedfordshire A1981-1999
Smith, Anthony Pb. 1948Winchester & Portsmouth DG1981-2017
Smith, Dr Arnold Jb. 1931Yorkshire A2002-2007
Smith, Clive Mb. 1935Stafford Archd. Society1966-1982
Lichfield Archd. Society1982-1993
Lichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2007-2014
Smith, Danielb. 1896
d. 1963
Barnsley & District G1948-1951
Smith, DavidChester DG1951-1953
Smith, David DSussex CA1976-1979
Smith, David JOxford DG1960-1966
Smith, David LAustralian & New Zealand A2016-
Smith, D PaulKent CA1974-1975
Smith, Mrs Elizabeth ALadies’ G2022-
Smith, Frankb. 1872
d. 1938
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1915-1934
Smith, HowardDurham & Newcastle DA2005-
Smith, Ian V Jb. 1945Sussex CA1979-1984
Devonshire G2011-2014
Smith, J Arthurb. 1863
d. 1936
Salisbury DG1897-1904
Smith, James Ab. 1960Australian & New Zealand A1996-2005
Smith, Johnb. 1852
d. 1920
Worcestershire & Districts A1900-1909
Smith, John Keithb.abt. 1944
d. 2017
Midland Counties G1975-1978
Smith, John Rb. 1924
d. 1997
Norwich DA1978-1987
Smith, Mrs LucyLichfield & Walsall Archd. Society1996-2002
Smith, Mrs Margaret Jb. 1973Winchester & Portsmouth DG2024-
Smith, Miss Molly Lb. 2002Lilliputters G2022-2024
Smith, Peter F TNorth Wales A1984-1987
Smith, Richard Ab. 1978Cambridge Univ. G2020-
Smith, Robert Bevisb. 1938
d. 2023
Smith, Miss Susan Eb. 1945Salisbury DG1999-2005
Smith, William Davidb. 1857
d. 1940
Ancient Society of College Youths1891-1900
Snape, Mrs MaryCarlisle DG2002-2008
Snow, Norman Edwardb. 1868
d. 1937
North Lincs A1891-1897
Snowden, Miss Hilda G Mb. 1916
d. 2002
Essex A1945-1972
Snowdon, Miss Margaret Evelynb. 1884
d. 1962
Snowdon, Williamb. 1846
d. 1915
Yorkshire A1891-1912
Sollis, Benjamin Alfredb. 1900
d. 1975
East Derbys & West Notts A1960-1963
Sollis, Ernest Jb. 1949East Derbys & West Notts A1971-1974
Sone, Thomas Edwinb. 1895
d. 1969
Kent CA1933-1960
Sorell, Matthew Jb. 1970Australian & New Zealand A2012-2016
Sotheran, Peter DHonorary1983-1986
Southeard, W Henryb. 1893
d. 1965
Truro DG1927-1933
Southerst, Miss Jean Agnes
(latterly Mrs Jean A Darmon)
b. 1925
d. 2008
Southwell DG1949-1951
Sparling, David Lb. 1958Essex A1996-2011
Speed, Mrs Anne Bd. 2003Honorary1961-1970
Ladies’ G1981-1984
Speed, Richard Francis Bentinckb. 1926
d. 2007
Middlesex CA1954-1957
Peterborough DG1978-1981
Worcestershire & Districts A1990-2005
Spence, F TChester DG1900-1903
Sperring, Robertb. 1878
d. 1953
Chester DG1927-1930
Spice, Miss Betty
(latterly Mrs Betty Robbins)
b. 1925
d. 2013
Oxford Univ. Society1948-1950
Spice, George Hb. 1893
d. 1968
Kent CA1939-1954
Spice, Dr John Edgarb. 1922
d. 2006
Oxford Univ. Society1945-1948
Sprackling, Dr Michael Thomasb. 1934
d. 2021
London CA1987-1993
Stainthorpe, Williamb. 1856
d. 1922
Yorkshire A1900-1906
Stalham, Henry Charlesb. 1873
d. 1963
Sussex CA1954-1963
Stanford, EmmaOxford Society2017-2020
Staniforth, Mrs Jill Mb. 1928
d. 2017
Ladies’ G1951-1981
Staniforth, Peter Johnb. 1927
d. 2012
Leicester DG1956-1981
Stanworth, Davidb. 1947North Wales A2001-2011
Steel, Miss Evelyn Mary Millicentb. 1879
d. 1973
Ladies’ G1938-1951
Steeples, Mrs J G
(née Miss Patricia J Ayris)
Steere, George Williamb. 1894
d. 1950
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths1936-1950
Stephens, J Michaelb. 1929Bedfordshire A1954-1955
Stephens, Ms Mary JSociety of Sherwood Youths1999-2002
Southwell DG2002-2008
Southwell & Nottingham DG2008-2014
Sterland, EdwardEast Derbys & West Notts A2017-
Sterland, Eric Johnd. 2020East Derbys & West Notts A1967-1969
Stevens, Daniel Jb. 2002Ely DA2020-
Stevens, Mrs A ElizabethShropshire A1972-1978
Stevenson, Mrs JanetLadies’ G2008-2011
Stewart, Miss Jean
(latterly Mrs Jean Jeffery)
b. 1934
d. 2022
Irish A1953-1960
Stilwell, Leonardb. 1890
d. 1985
Sussex CA1951-1957
Stitch, Ernestb. 1884
d. 1963
Llandaff & Monmouth DA1939-1951
Stockmann, Ms Caroline AKent CA2016-2024
Stoecklin, Ms Tina RHonorary1997-2000
Scottish A2002-2008
Stokes, George Wd. 1937Sussex CA1937
Stone, Bernard Jb. 1943Oxford Society1984-2017
Stone, Michael Jb. 1938Australian & New Zealand A1990-1997
Story, Robert Spencerb. 1858
d. 1911
Durham & Newcastle DA1891-1911
Story, Williamb. 1860
d. 1945
Durham & Newcastle DA1909-1933
Stracey, Fergus M SDevonshire G2014-2020
Strange, Col Edward Fairbrotherb. 1862
d. 1929
Surrey A1891-1895
Stredwick, Richardb. 1871
d. 1950
Sussex CA1915-1918
Streeter, AlanSurrey A1966-1969
Strong, David Alanb. 1953
d. 2013
Gloucester & Bristol DA1993-2002
Winchester & Portsmouth DG2008-2011
Struckett, David WMiddlesex CA & London DG1978-1987
Stubbs, Andrew Nicholasb. 1939
d. 2020
Ancient Society of College Youths1975-2008
Sturton, Revd Charles Jamesb. 1866
d. 1957
Midland Counties1918-1919
Suggett, LouisBirmingham Univ. Society2013-2014
Summerhayes, Mrs Joan
(née Miss Joan Beresford)
b. 1932
d. 2007
Ladies’ G1963-1981
Sweeting, Adrian Pb. 1964Middlesex CA & London DG2024-
Swindley, Jamesb. 1873
d. 1951
Chester DG1939-1948
Swinfield, John Henryb. 1863
d. 1942
Midland Counties A1928-1942
Symonds, George Edwardb. 1875
d. 1974
Suffolk G1948-1957
Symonds, Stedman Harryb. 1889
d. 1966
Suffolk G1929-1946
Taffender, Thomas Wilfredb. 1907
d. 1951
London CA1939-1951
Taffender, Thomas Hb. 1877
d. 1963
Ancient Society of College Youths1900-1909
London CA1909-1912
Ancient Society of College Youths1912-1915
London CA1915-1963
Talbot, Philip MIrish A1990-1993
Tapper, Arthur Reginaldb. 1905
d. 1990
Devon A1961-1970
Taylor, Andrew Cb. 1956Ex-officio2014-2017
Taylor, Bernard Hb. 1956Middlesex CA & London DG1981-1984
Taylor, David Grahamb. 1866
d. 1942
Bath & Wells DA1909-1912
Taylor, E Denisonb. 1864
d. 1947
Midland Counties A1930-1939
Taylor, Geoffrey Ashcroftb. 1854
d. 1985
Chester DG1931-1933
Taylor, James Russellb. 1938
d. 2018
Gloucester & Bristol DA1966-1993
Bath & Wells DA1999-2011
Taylor, John Richardb. 1860
d. 1944
Lancashire A1918-1921
Taylor, John Williamb. 1853
d. 1919
Midland Counties A1891-1900
Midland Counties A1903-1919
Taylor, Paul Leab. 1914
d. 1981
Midland Counties A1939-1945
Taylor, Pryceb. 1891
d. 1927
Midland Counties A1921-1927
Teague, Frederick Dudleyd. 1991Truro DG1948-1950
Tebbutt, Tomb. 1886
d. 1968
Peterborough DG1927-1936
Tembey, Geoffreyd. 1991Cumberland & N Westmorland A1966-1969
Tennant, Christopher WWorcestershire & Districts A2021-
Tennant, Miss Elizabeth MWorcestershire & Districts A2023-
Tester, Colin Alfredb. 1934
d. 2020
Kent CA1969-1972
Thacker, KNorth Staffs A1937-1945
Theobald, William Ab. 1913
d. 1992
North American G1973-1981
Thomas, Euan R Mb. 2005Ancient Society of College Youths2023-
Thomas, Henry Smerdonb. 1851
d. 1909
Thomas, Mrs Jennifer MKent CA2021-2023
Thomas, Neil Mb. 1963Norwich DA1990-1993
Thompson, Andrewd. 1974North Staffs A1936-1948
Thompson, Ms JeanIrish A1994-2005
Thompson, John RLeicester DG1996-2014
Thompson, Paul ALancashire A1993-2002
Thompson, William Henryb. 1840
d. 1934
Thomson, Mrs AnnaVeronese A1999-2008
Thomson, MichaelChester DG1976-1980
Thomson, NicholasChester DG1993-2002
Thomson, Mrs Pamelab. 1955Chester DG2008-2014
Thorley, Ms A Deborah Mb. 1967Yorkshire A2005-2008
Thorley, Katharine Mb. 1956Leeds Univ. Society2017-2019
Thorne, David Gb. 1937Honorary1982-1997
Thorne, Ronald AOxford DG1987-1989
Thornton, Frederick Williamb. 1864
d. 1937
Society of Trinity Youths1891-1894
Kent CA1897-1903
Thorp, Miss Sarahsee Mrs Sarah Andrews
Threlfall, Brian Davidd. 2016Cambridge Univ. G1954-1984
Hereford DG1996-2002
Gloucester & Bristol DA2002-2008
Thurlow, Dean A Gilbert Gb. 1911
d. 1991
Norwich DA1945-1963
Till, Michael Ksee Michael K Hopkins Till
Tilney Bassett, Revd Hugh Eb. 1868
d. 1950
Salisbury DG1903-1915
Todd, Charlesb. 1880
d. 1964
Durham & Newcastle DA1912-1915
Todd, Revd J Ud. 1913Bath & Wells DA1891-1898
Tomkins, H Wb. 1862Bath & Wells DA1901-1903
Tomlinson, Arthurb. 1883
d. 1972
Lancashire A1930-1936
Tommasi, Giancarlob. 1933
d. 2023
Veronese A1988-1990
Tompkins, Francis Blagdenb. 1860
d. 1947
Sussex CA1906-1915
Towell, DavidLichfield & Walsall Archd. Society2020-
Town, Davidb. 1949Yorkshire A1980-1984
Townsend, Leslie Gb. 1933Lincoln DG1984-2011
Travis, DominicCoventry DG2005-2008
Tremain, Philip Jb. 1954Truro DG1981-1996
Trewhella, Revd William Harold Rosewallb. 1892
d. 1976
Truro DG1932-1936
Trimm, Michael Jb. 1968Univ. London Society2005-2011
Trollope, Jabez Armigerb. 1876
d. 1947
Norwich DA1897-1900
Trotman, Peter Applebyb. 1932
d. 2024
North American G1996-2008
Trowbridge, Brian Normanb. 1947
d. 2025
Derby DA1990-1996
Troyte, Col Charles Ackland Williamb. 1842
d. 1896
Devonshire G1891-1895
Tucker, JoanneDevon A2020-
Tucker, Ms Kathryn Elaineb. 1959
d. 2014
North American G2008-2011
Turk, Revd Richard Ab. 1984Norwich DA2022-2023
Turner, Christopher Pb. 1955Lincoln DG2014-
Turner, Edward Charlesb. 1899
d. 1964
Leicester DG1951-1954
Turner, Ernest Cecil Seymourb. 1910
d. 1957
Middlesex CA1949-1957
Turner, Martin Jb. 1952Guildford DG2002-2011
Turner, Matthew Sb. 1977Llandaff & Monmouth DA2019-
Turney, John F Ib. 1947Hereford DG1969-1972
Twells, Revd R LEly DA1906-1909
Tyler, Charlesb. 1863
d. 1951
Sussex CA1891-1894
Tyler, John Malcolmd. 2010Peterborough DG1972-1984
Tyrwhitt-Drake, Revd Barnard Halseyb. 1882
d. 1936
Hertford CA1919-1929
Ely DA1929-1936
Udal, Adrian Rb. 1960Middlesex CA & London DG1996-2008
Udal, Mrs Helenb. 1973Middlesex CA & London DG2011-2016
Uphill, Michael Jb. 1947London CA1975-1978
Valentine, George Sidneyb. 1893
d. 1973
Peterborough DG1945-1951
Vesey, John Ab. 1963Llandaff & Monmouth DA2019-2022
Viggers, William Hb. 1911
d. 1994
Guildford DG1957-1972
Waghorn, Josephb. 1843
d. 1933
Middlesex CA1897-1909
Waite, F Tb. 1898
d. 1978
Gloucester & Bristol DA1946-1948
Wakley, W Cb. 1879Devonshire G1945-1948
Wakley, Williamb. 1853
d. 1906
Midland Counties A1897-1906
Walker, Edwin George Albertb. 1876
d. 1961
Walker, Duncan Gb. 1966Durham & Newcastle DA1990-1996
Carlisle DG2011-
Walker, Georged. 1932Birmingham & District Amalgamated Society1892-1894
Walker, Haroldb. 1900
d. 1979
Doncaster & District1927-1929
Walker, Philipb. 1913
d. 1997
Oxford DG1960-1975
Walker, Robin Jb. 1954Guildford DG1992-2002
Worcestershire & Districts A2008-2012
Wall, John Goldingb. 1849
d. 1941
Hereford DG1891-1898
Wallater, Christopherb. 1882
d. 1971
Stafford Archd. Society1945-1957
Wallis, David NSurrey A1996-1999
Wallis, Richard JSurrey A1996-2020
Walmsley, Williamb. 1866
d. 1933
Chester DG1893-1900
Walters, S Clarkeb. 1944Cambridge Univ. G1975-2005
Walton, Haroldb. 1891
d. 1927
Ancient Society of College Youths1921-1924
Walton, John Sb. 1921
d. 1994
Bath & Wells DA1972-1984
Warboys, Mrs Stephanie Jb. 1963St Martin’s G2000-2011
Warburton, Richard Cd. 2001St David’s DG1962-1966
Ward, Colin HHereford DG2014-2022
Ward, Lionel Barringtonb. 1937
d. 2009
Ward, Francis Edwardb. 1860
d. 1916
Gloucester & Bristol DA1891-1894
Ward, Richard M GManchester Univ. G1993-1996
Wardle, Mrs Alena JDevonshire G2020-
Warford, Ronald Reginaldb. 1942
d. 2013
Durham & Newcastle DA1993-2013
Warner, RSociety of Royal Cumberland Youths1921-1922
Warren, JeremyHonorary2002-2005
Warren, Paul FSt. David’s DG1988-1990
Warren, Revd William Meade-Kingb. 1875
d. 1964
Bath & Wells DA1937-1946
Warrington, Frankb. 1893
d. 1955
Ely DA1936-1948
Warwick, Brian Gb. 1930
d. 2006
Leicester DG1960-1981
Warwick, Mrs Winifred Mb. 1930Leicester DG1998-2017
Washbrook, James Williamb. 1864
d. 1923
Oxford DG1891-1900
Waterfield, Peter JEly DA2000-2004
Waters, JonEssex A2005-2008
Waters, Joseph E Tb. 1995Society of Royal Cumberland Youths2023-
Watson, Brian Cb. 1942Middlesex CA & London DG1972-1978
Hertford CA1981-2011
Watson, Derek Hb. 1923
d. 2000
Beverley & District Society1996-2000
Watson, Georgeb. 1855
d. 1918
Sussex CA1906-1918
Watson, Mrs PennyLadies’ G1984-1990
Watts, Cyril George Jb. 1910
d. 1986
Ancient Society of College Youths1960-1969
Watts, Miss EmilyLilliputters G2024-
Watts, Philip A GWinchester & Portsmouth DG1999-2008
Waugh, Jack Arnoldb. 1911
d. 1968
London CA1936-1938
Ancient Society of College Youths1939-1948
Way, Mervyn Cb. 1938Devon A1993-2020
Weatherstone, Williamb. 1840
d. 1914
St. James’s Society1897-1906
Weaver, Johnb. 1945
d. 2024
Peterborough DG1990-1997
Webb, Miss HelenLadies’ G2011-2019
Webb, John Jamesb. 1902
d. 1975
Hereford DG1951-1966
Webb, Mrs Junesee Mrs June Howes
Webster, Mrs Jane MSouth African G1995-2011
Webster, Owen Christopher Robertb. 1948
d. 2018
Essex A1978-1990
Webster, Richard FUniv. Bristol Society2014-2017
Weddell, Dr Jean Maryd. 2013London CA1974-1981
Welch, Mrs Susan E
(formerly Miss Susan E Laycock)
b. 1989Yorkshire A2011-2020
Wellen, Robert Jb. 1963Salisbury DG1996-1999
Weller, William Leslieb. 1935
d. 2014
Sussex CA1963-1973
West, William Charlesb. 1894
d. 1969
Salisbury DG1945-1966
Westerman, David Pb. 1967Peterborough DG2012-
Wetenhall, Roger W Db. 1903
d. 1998
Cumberland & North Westmorland A1969-1975
Carlisle DG1975-1977
Wheeler, Mrs Barbara MDurham & Newcastle DA1986-2024
Wheeler, Patrickb. 1969Univ. Bristol Society2017-2024
Wheeler, Poppyb. 1995Welsh Colleges G2022-2023
While, RichardGloucester & Bristol DA2020-
White, Christopher MDorset CA2002-2011
White, Francis Albertb. 1919
d. 2011
White, Henryb. 1857
d. 1918
Winchester DG1891-1918
White, Joseph Henry Wilsonb. 1878
d. 1954
Warwickshire G1932-1936
White, Richard Eb. 1968National Police G2024-
White, Thomas Williamb. 1894
d. 1980
White, William Edwardb. 1865
d. 1942
Midland Counties A1906-1912
Whitear, Ian J DSuffolk G1990-1993
Whitehead, PeterAustralian & New Zealand A1996-1999
Whiting, John Williamb. 1852
d. 1917
Winchester DG1895-1917
Whiting, Roland CSuffolk G1978-1984
Whitmore, Ernest Edwardb. 1913
d. 1990
Peterborough DG1948-1950
Whittaker, Clyde RMiddlesex CA & London DG2016-2024
Whittington, Robert Wb. 1868
d. 1957
Guildford DG1928-1930
Wiffen, Lewis Walterb. 1881
d. 1963
Essex A1936-1945
Wigg, Canon Charles Elliottb. 1908
d. 1976
Oxford Univ. Society1935-1952
Wigram, Canon Woolmerb. 1832
d. 1907
Wilby, Andrew W Rb. 1948Ancient Society of College Youths1978-
Wilby, Michael P Ab. 1973St Martin’s G2005-2011
Wilby, Victoria J Mb. 1975Liverpool Univ. Society2008-2011
Wilde, Henry Walterb. 1869
d. 1932
Wilde, Tomb. 1889
d. 1982
Chester DG1933-1936
Wilford, Frederickb. 1870
d. 1937
Central Northants A1904-1924
Peterborough DG1924-1936
Wilkins, Frederick A Hb. 1908
d. 1984
Oxford Society1954-1984
Wilkins, Nicholasb. 1955Kent CA2020-2022
Wilkinson, Mrs M Jane
(née Miss Jane Foster)
Society of Royal Cumberland Youths2018-
Wilkinson, Peterb. 1954Chester DG1999-2004
Wilkinson, Peter MSociety of Royal Cumberland Youths1975-1987
Wilkinson, Canon Reginald Felixb. 1889
d. 1963
North Notts A1930-1936
Wilkinson, Susan JScottish A2016-2017
Willcox, Ernest Frankb. 1934
d. 2008
Shropshire A1966-1972
Willers, Miss Catherine Elizabethb. 1898
d. 1977
Ely DA1933-1939
Willett, Revd William Saltrenb. 1856
d. 1928
Devonshire G1891-1896
Willey, Frank Cb. 1857
d. 1929
Yorkshire A1918-1921
Willgress, Miss Alison Rsee Mrs Alison R Williams
Willgress, Mrs Freda Pb. 1937
d. 2015
Ladies’ G1990-1993
Williams, Mrs Alison R
(née Miss Alison R Willgress,
formerly Mrs Alison R Caton)
b. 1969Ladies’ G1996-2011
Williams, Derek Bb. 1944Australian & New Zealand A2016-2021
Williams, Mrs E Annb. 1944Shropshire A2021-
Williams, Georgeb. 1857
d. 1949
Winchester DG1891-1897
Sussex CA1897-1906
Winchester & Portsmouth DG1919-1949
Williams, George Waltonb. 1922
d. 2022
North American G2011-2014
Williams, Laurence Josephb. 1891
d. 1964
Lancashire A1937-1939
Williams, Michael Ab. 1977Durham Univ. Society2005-2017
Williams, Miss Norah Gladysb. 1897
d. 1974
Bath & Wells DA1939-1963
Williams, Roy KWorcestershire & Districts A1984-1994
Gloucester & Bristol DA2004-2008
Williams, Wilfredb. 1905
d. 1986
Gloucester & Bristol DA1948-1951
Ancient Society of College Youths1957-1975
Willis, David Charlesb. 1947
d. 2019
Devonshire G2017-2019
Willis, Johnb. 1883
d. 1967
Kent CA1951-1957
Wills, Mrs Katherine J
(formerly Ms Katherine J Desbottes)
East Grinstead & District G2011-2023
Wills, Patrick MSussex CA1981-1987
Willshire, Charlesb. 1866
d. 1962
Winchester DG1903-1914
Willson, Williamb. 1868
d. 1941
Midland Counties A1921-1933
Wilmshurst, Simon J TWorcestershire & Districts A1994-1999
Wilson, Rognvald St Cb. 1928
d. 2000
Scottish A1954-1972
Wilson, Wilfrid Gb. 1910
d. 1984
Middlesex CA1936-1949
London CA1952-1973
Wilson, William Edwardb. 1864
d. 1943
Lancashire A1918-1926
Windsor, Harry Mellowsb. 1932
d. 2007
Coventry DG1959-1960
Wingate, Austin Thomas Sb. 1913
d. 1986
Hereford DG1961-1986
Winney, Challis Frederickb. 1858
d. 1940
Ancient Society of College Youths1894-1897
St James’ Society1900-1906
London CA1906-1909
Ancient Society of College Youths1927-1939
Winter, Mrs Beverley Anneb. 1935
d. 2022
Coventry DG1984-2005
Winter, Mrs Marjorie BNorth American G1982-1990
Winter, Thomas Ab. 1988Kent CA2024-
Winterbourne, Michael Jb. 1949Winchester & Portsmouth DG1999-2014
Wollaston, Stanley George BuchananDevonshire G1902-1904
Wood, Matthew Alfredb. 1826
d. 1912
Ancient Society of College Youths1900-1903
Wood, Robert Mb. 1954Univ. Bristol Society1999-2018
Wood, Samuelb. 1850
d. 1932
Lancashire A1909-1912
Wood, Stephen Henryb. 1906
d. 1940
Woodberry, Charles Henryb. 1885
d. 1960
Worcestershire & Districts A1936-1945
Woodcock, Dr E VelmaNorth Wales A1965-1975
Woodley, George Charlesb. 1882
d. 1965
Devonshire G1932-1948
Woodley, Richard Tb. 1859
d. 1943
Ancient Society of College Youths1891-1893
Woodruffe, Brian Jb. 1938Salisbury DG1972-1978
Woods, Lionel Stanleyb. 1935
d. 2022
Essex A1959-1960
Woodward, Davidb. 1948London CA1972-1975
Woof, Simon Db. 1971Manchester Univ. G1999-2002
Lancashire A2002-2011
Woollam, Peter Jb. 1949Shropshire A2015-2020
Woolley, Christopher Weldonb. 1906
d. 1991
Hertford CA1936-1957
Woolley, Mrs Jane ESociety of Sherwood Youths2014-2017
Woolley, Robin E Hb. 1956Society of Sherwood Youths1993-1999
Southwell DG2002-2008
Southwell & Nottingham DG2008-2017
Society of Sherwood Youths2017-2020
Woolley, Michael P R Hb. 1995Birmingham Univ. Society2014-2016
Worrall, Jack Robertsb. 1928
d. 2013
Guildford DG1954-1957
Worsley, Thomas Bellb. 1886
d. 1944
Lancashire A1936-1944
Worth, Johnb. 1910
d. 1967
Chester DG1951-1954
Wotton, Paul Rb. 1952Ex-officio2022-2024
Bath & Wells DA2024-
Wraight, Mrs Diana Rb. 1944Kent CA1990-1999
Wratten, Cyril Alfredb. 1934
d. 2004
Gloucester & Bristol DA1960-1986
Wratten, Mrs Margery Aliceb. 1932
d. 2013
Wreaks, Albert Edwardb. 1861
d. 1937
Lancashire A1895-1897
Wright, Mrs Kate
(née Miss Kate Higgins)
b. 1926
d. 1999
Oxford Univ. Society1954-1957
Wright, Katie Lb. 1989Norwich DA2017-2023
Wright, Ralph Oliverd. 2010Devon A1984-1993
Wright, Revd William Pb. 1864
d. 1944
Cleveland & North Yorks A1904-1932
Wyatt, George Eb. 1996Bath & Wells DA2014-2020
Wyatt, Ms Janet Kb. 1955Ladies’ G2008-2022
Wycherley, Peter J Hb. 1942Hereford DG1969-1972
Yalden, Allan RWinchester & Portsmouth DG2017-2024
Yates, Walter Ernestb. 1873
d. 1961
Oxford DG1900-1903
Yeo, Revd Lester Jb. 1955Devonshire G1984-1993
Young, Edward Alexanderb. 1865
d. 1956
London CA1912-1924
Young, Mrs Hayley Jb. 1981Truro DG2020-
Zientek, Stefan RChester DG2011-2020

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