


The first session of the eleventh Council (twenty-ninth meeting) was held in the Upper House of Convocation, in the Church House, Westminster, on Tuesday, May 17th, at 11 a.m. There were present 71 members, including honorary members (representing twenty-eight Guilds and Associations), which was generally deemed a most satisfactory attendance, especially in view of the outstanding difficulties due to the Railway Strike.

After the meeting had been opened with prayer, the Honorary Secretary said the Council would hear with great regret that the President (the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey) was unable to attend the meeting, owing to his suffering from neuritis, and he was sure the Council would share his (Mr. Davies') grief that they would have to proceed to the election of another president. He felt it would be no kindness to Mr. Boughey to re-elect him, and they must proceed to the election of a new president.- On the motion of Mr. W. T. Cockerill, seconded by Canon Baker, Canon Coleridge was unanimously elected president for the ensuing three years.- A vote of sympathy with the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, and of sincere thanks to him for his services, was passed.

The Rev. C. D. P. Davies, the honorary secretary and treasurer, having intimated his intention of resigning, Mr. E. Alexander Young, of the London County Association, who had been nominated, was, on the motion of the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, duly elected to the office.- Mr. Davies, on the motion of the President, was most cordially thanked for his long and valuable services to the Council.

The minutes of the last meeting having been published, were taken as read, and duly confirmed and signed. Arising out of the minutes, Mr. Davies said that he had had a reply (practically an anonymous one) in respect to their recommendation on the subject of the demolition of London churches, and that the towers retaining rings of bells should, wherever possible, be spared. The reply briefly stated that the Bishop's Commission was no longer in existence. Mr. Davies also referred to the very satisfactory interview that he and Mr. Young had had with the authorities at the Victoria and Albert Museum, from which there was every reason to hope for good results.

Apologies for absence were received from Canon Papillon, the Rev. H. Drake, the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, the Rev. F. J. O. Helmore, the Rev. T. Lewis Jones, Miss Gillingham, Messrs. H. Argyle, G. Bolland, John Carter, T. R. Dennis, C. Edwards, H. Haigh, C. H. Howard, E. H. Lewis, T. Metcalfe, J. W. Parker, J. W. Seamer, W. R. Small and R. Warner.

Before further formal business was proceeded with, the Rev. C. D. P. Davies said that it had been arranged to lay a wreath upon the Unknown Warrior's grave that day. This was to be a tribute from the ringers of England to those ringers who fell in the great war. The Council were further informed that the Dean of Westminster had kindly offered to conduct a short service upon the occasion, and to allow handbells to be rung after. The offer was duly and gratefully accepted, as was that of Mr. W. T. Cockerill to arrange a band, and Mr. A. A. Hughes' offer to provide the handbells.

The Hon. Treasurer presented a statement of accounts, of which the following is a summary, viz.: Balance in hand last year, £65 15s. 7d.; affiliated fees received, £12 10s.; interest, £3 8s. 2d., and received from sale of publications, £3 17s. 9d., making with the balance a total of £83 11s. 6d. Against those there had been the expenditure for printing, etc., £9 17s. 3d.: postage, etc., £1 5s. 4d.; stationery, etc., 13s. 5d., leaving a balance in hand for this year of £71 15s. 6d. The statement of accounts having been audited in detail by the Standing Committee, was, on the proposal of Mr. W. Shepherd, seconded by Mr. A. T. King, duly accepted as correct.

The Honorary Librarian, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, read a statement of the sale of publications, showing that the net receipts by sales had been £3 17s. 9d., against £16 13s. 2d. in the previous year. He raised the question of the additional cost this year in respect to posting and advertising, and proposed that the additional charge of £2 12s. 6d. per annum for advertising should be paid and the same was unanimously agreed to. A proposal that the postage should be added to the cost of the publications was lost.- The Hon. Librarian referred to the books on ringing, which are now being collected in the library, and asked for further gifts. Mr. W. Willson and Mr. R. Narborough, and others, kindly offered to give certain volumes which were missing from the collection.

The Hon. Secretary then read a list of those honorary members, whose names came forward for re-election, and, on the motion of Canon Baker, seconded by Mr. George, Messrs. J. Carter, R. A. Daniell, C. D. P. Davies, J. S. Pritchett and J. A. Trollope were re-elected, and Mr. A. T. King and Major J. H. B. Hesse were added; Canon Papillon, whose term also had expired, not being desirous of re-election. New members attending for the first time were then formally introduced to the president.

On the proposal of Mr. J. S. Pritchett, seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, the previous Standing Committee were unanimously re-elected, viz., the Rev. A. H. F. Boughey, the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Canon G. F. Coleridge, Canon H. J. Elsee, the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, the Rev. H. Law James, Messrs. W. T. Cockerill, R. A. Daniell, J. Griffin, A. T. King, E. H. Lewis, and A. E. Parsons, and it was further agreed that Mr. E. A. Young, the new honorary secretary should be added to the same.

The Council then passed to the consideration of the reports and work of the various committees.

THE PEAL COLLECTION COMMITTEE.- Mr. H. W. Wilde having reported and spoken as to the work of the committee referred especially to the help given by Miss Parker in typing the collection of Treble Bob Peals, and a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Parker was put from the chair, and carried unanimously. The committee, consisting of the Rev. H. S. T. Richardson, Messrs. J. A. Trollope, H. W. Wilde and J. W. Parker, were then duly re-elected, and on the proposal of Mr. J. Griffin, seconded by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, Miss Edith K. Parker was added to the committee.

THE LITERATURE AND PRESS COMMITTEE.- The Rev. C. E. Matthews having reported as to the work of the committee, the following members were then duly re-elected, viz., the Rev. C. E. Matthews, the Rev. A. T. Beeston and Mr. R. A. Daniell (Canon Papillon having resigned), and on the proposal of the President, seconded by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Mr. G. P. Burton was added to the committee. (See also subsequent addition).

The Council then adjourned at 12.50 p.m. for the purpose of attending at the grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey, where a short service was held by the Dean. The President then, on behalf of the Council, laid a wreath upon the grave, and a course of Stedman Caters was rung by five ex-Service men, as follows: J. Thomas, R.A.F., 1-2; T. H. Taffender, R.N.V.R., 3-4; W. Willson, R.A.F., 5-6; A. H. Pulling, R.G.A., 7-8; W. A. Cave, R.E., 9-10.

On re-assembling in the afternoon, the Council considered the following:-

THE LEGITIMATE METHODS COMMITTEE.- The Rev. H. Law James, and Mr. J. A. Trollope having reported and spoken as to the work of the committee, the committee, consisting of the Rev. H. Law James, Mr. J. A. Trollope and Mr. E. H. Lewis, were then duly re-elected.

PEALS ANALYSIS COMMITTEE.- Mr. King having referred to the report which had been already published, it was proposed by the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, and seconded by the Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, that the report be accepted.- On the motion of the President, it was unanimously agreed that the committee be re-appointed. The committee, consisting of the Rev. A. T. Beeston, the Rev. E. W. Carpenter, Mr. A. T. King and Mr. G. Williams, were then duly re-elected.- It was proposed by the Rev. H. Law James, and seconded by Mr. J. A. Trollope, that after a lapse of six months of the then date, the committee be free to name all unnamed methods of the Minor Methods Collection.

THE TOWERS AND BELFRIES COMMITTEE.- Major J. H. B. Hesse having reported on the work of the committee, the committee, consisting of the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, Mr. E. H. Lewis, Major J. H. B. Hesse and Mr. E. A. Young, were re-elected. The Rev. C. D. P. Davies also referred to a letter received from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. The letter was referred to the committee.

THE BELLS OF BELGIUM COMMITTEE.- The Rev. H. J. Elsee having reported generally and referring also to the altered conditions from the time that the committee was appointed, it was proposed by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, seconded by the Rev. C. E. Matthews, that the committee be allowed to lapse.- This was unanimously agreed to.

THE RECORDS COMMITTEE.- The Rev. A. T. Beeston having referred to the report which, had already been published in "The Ringing World," it was proposed by Mr. C. T. Coles, and seconded by Mr. W. Shepherd, that the same be adopted. The committee, consisting of the Rev. A. T. Beeston, the Rev. H. Law James and Mr. T. H. Beams, were then duly re-elected. Mr. J. A. Trollope and Mr. R. A. Daniell kindly agreed to help the committee occasionally, if desired.

The Rev. A. T. Beeston then gave a statement of some of the committee's difficulties in respect to peals of Minor, and after some discussion, a motion, proposed by Mr. W. A. Cave, and seconded by Mr. T. H. Taffender, that the committee deal, for the time being, with peals of Triples, Major, Caters, Cinques and Maximus only, was carried. By further motions duly carried, the committee were authorised to (1) approach the associations for further information, and (2) to include the figures of both the methods, and peals where possible.

The Council then passed on to the general business shown upon the agenda, as follows, viz.:-

The Rev. H. Drake, the proposer of the first motion (that all peals should be credited to the local association), not being present, it was moved pro forma by the Rev. C. D. P. Davies, and seconded by Mr. J. A. Trollope. After a short discussion the motion was negatived by general consent.

The Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn proposed the following resolution: That in every Diocese there should be a recognised authority to give advice on matters concerning church bells, and that it is hoped that each Guild and Association will take steps to provide such authority.- The Rev. M. Kelly seconded, and the motion, meeting with general support, was carried unanimously.

Mr. W. Willson proposed that a committee for ringing defence be formed of five persons, or more, as may be expedient, whose duty shall be to watch the interests of ringing companies, and reply to any attack in the Press, or otherwise, when required to do so.- The Rev. F. Ll. Edwards seconded, and after discussion, which showed sharp division of opinion, the motion was carried by 28 votes to 27.- It was then proposed by Mr. W. Willson, and seconded by Mr. J. George, that the Press Committee be authorised to undertake this work. Upon this being carried, it was then pointed out that the latter did not consist, of the above number. The position was regularised, on the proposal of Mr. W. A. Cave, seconded by Mr. T. Faulkner, by the appointment of Mr. W. Willson and the Rev. F. Ll. Edwards to the Literature and Press Committee.

The Standing Committee having suggested that next year's meeting be held at Lincoln, Mr. J. Cotterell proposed Bradford, and the Rev. A. T. Beeston, Chester. Each being duly seconded, were voted upon as follows, viz.: Lincoln 31, Chester 19, and Bradford 5. It was accordingly decided to hold the meeting at Lincoln. This ended the business upon the agenda. But as there was an hour to spare, the meeting agreed to discuss two motions which had been received by the secretary, after the prescribed date, viz., from Mr. A. H. Pulling and Alderman R. B. Chambers respectively. These were as follow:

Mr. A. H. Pulling moved, and Mr. W. A. Cave seconded, that the Council recommend that its Associated Guilds and Associations hold their annual meeting within the three months previous to that of the Council.- After some discussion this motion was withdrawn.

In the second case, as Alderman R. B. Chambers was not present to move his resolution, it was agreed that it should remain in abeyance.

On the motion of the Rev. H. Law James, seconded by Canon Baker, a vote of thanks to the president was carried, who briefly replied, and the meeting closed at 5 o'clock.

The Ringing World, December 30th, 1921, pages 798 to 799

The Associations were represented as follows:-

Ancient Society of College Youths: Messrs. W. T. Cockerill, T. Faulkner, A. A. Hughes and H. Walton.
Bedfordshire: Rev. Canon Baker and Mr. A. E. Sharman.
Central Northants: Messrs. E. M. Atkins, T. Law, D. J. Nichols and F. Wilford.
Chester Diocesan: Rev. A. T. Beeston, W. Bibby and S. Cardell.
Devonshire Guild: Rev. M. Kelly.
Durham and Newcastle: Mr. W. Story.
Essex: Messrs. W. J. Nevard and G. R. Pye.
Gloucester and Bristol: Mr. W. A. Cave.
Hertford County: Rev. B. H. Tyrwhitt Drake.
Kent: Messrs. E. Barnett, J. H. Cheesman and T. Groombridge.
Ladies' Guild: Miss E. K. Parker.
Lancashire: Rev. Canon Elsee, Messrs. J. H. Banks, J. Lowe and W. E. Wilson.
Lincoln Diocesan: Rev. H. Law James and Mr. R. Richardson.
Llandaff Diocesan: Mr. J. W. Jones.
London County: Messrs. T. H. Taffender and E. A. Young.
Middlesex County: Messrs. C. T. Coles, W. Lawrence, W. Pye and J. R. Sharman.
Midland Counties: Messrs. J. Griffin, P. Taylor and W. Willson.
Norwich and Ipswich: Messrs. G. P. Burton and A. Coleman.
Oxford Diocesan: Rev. Canon Coleridge, Rev. C. W. O. Jenkyn, Messrs. J. Evans and F. W. Hopgood.
Peterborough and Districts: Mr. R. Narborough.
Royal Cumberland Youths: Messrs. J. Parker and F. Smith.
Salisbury Diocesan: Rev. F. Ll. Edwards, Major C. Hughes D'Aeth and Mr. T. H. Beams.
Stafford Archdeaconry: Mr. H. Knight.
Surrey County: Mr. C. Dean and Mr. C. F. Johnston.
Warwickshire: Mr. A. Roberts.
Winchester Diocesan: Rev. C. E. Matthews, Messrs. A. H. Pulling, W. Shepherd and G. Williams.
Worcestershire: Mr. A. E. Parsons.
Yorkshire: Messrs. J. Cotterell and P. J. Johnson.
Hon. members: Rev. E. W. Carpenter, Messrs. H. Chapman, R. A. Daniell, J. George, J. H. B. Hesse, A. T. King, J. S. Pritchett, J. A. Trollope, H. W. Wilde, and the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer (the Rev. C. D. P. Davies).

The Ringing World, May 20th, 1921, page 289

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